Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by hot2trottt4u, Jun 10, 2008.

  1. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    My DS is ALWAYS taking off all of his clothes, not so much during the day but every morning, and after every nap.
    and of course that means that i have to strip his bedding, blanket and lovie.
    scrub everything :rolleyes:
    he was wearing footed zippered pjs at night that were inside out and that was working great but its to hot for those now.
    and he just figured out how to unsnap the two piece pjs that snap together. ;)
    i put his onsies on backwards so he cant see the snaps and he just climbs out the head hole.
    overalls dont work. he puts his hands in them and will undo his diaper. so he may have clothes on but diaper is in the leg hole of his pants :angry:
    i even duck taped the diaper on and he just pulled it down like underware.

    Anyone else have this problem. would love to know what you did
    TIA :blink:
  2. deniseandtwins

    deniseandtwins Well-Known Member

    Your post gave me a good laugh!

    No advice, but it kind of makes me nervous for what's to come... :eek: :p

    Dd loves to get to Ds's diapers & if she can she'll undo them...she actually undid hers a few days ago!!!
  3. MissyEby

    MissyEby Well-Known Member

    Nope...No answers here...maybe go ahead and Potty train him??? That would be my suggestion!
  4. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    He sounds like one very smart little boy!!! LOL
  5. HeidiO68

    HeidiO68 Well-Known Member

    I was going to suggest duct tape because that is what I have to use. But I see that you have already tried that and he outsmarted that. Sorry can't think of anything else. Duct tape is still working for us. (knock on wood) I guess the only thing left is to potty he ready?
  6. somebunniesmom

    somebunniesmom Well-Known Member

    LOL I thought I was smart and was putting the diapers on backwards so they couldn't reach the tabs, but then they started undoing each other's. One morning I walked into their room and was assaulted by the sight of poop murals. The good news is that it's a passing phase and they eventually stop. But you have my sympathies while you weather it out. I think the magic formula for us was diapers on backward, and then tape over the tabs. You could always try making "suspenders" with first aid tape if it doesn't bother his skin, just a thought. I never tried it and don't know how successful it would be, or even if it would be safe to do. You would have to judge it yourself.

    What's funny is that these same kids who can magically escape from their clothing, can't figure out how to get their pants down in time during real potty training. Go figure that one!
  7. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    OMG! I don't have a lot of advice Lori, but the duct tape made me giggle! :laughing: What an image!
  8. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    :laughing: I too, was going to suggest taping them on since that is what eventually worked for one of my boys. I was lucky though, my son didn't start doing all the things you mentioned until he a few months past his second birthday. I think your boy is going to keep you busy! :)

    I know my son is older than yours, but he did eventually stop taking off his diaper. Just today I needed the tape and actually took it out of their room and didn't put it back in there. I hope that doesn't jinx me! I never thought packing tape (can you believe it, we didn't have duct tape!) and scissors would be a staple at my changing table!

    If you find something that works, please post it on here because some of us ( maybe me if he starts up again!) will need to know what's next once the tape doesn't work!
  9. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    :icon_eek: I hope it's just a short short phase!!! :( I'm sorry, this is NOT funny (inspite of my chuckling :blush: ) when you are living it!! :hug99:
  10. Monika2006Twins

    Monika2006Twins Well-Known Member

    Here is what I do for my DD who does the same thing. I took an some old PJs that had seen better days (the zip up kind with feet) and cut off the arms and feet. She looks utterly ridiculous but I cut them so they wouldn't be so hot. I even considered cutting one leg shorter than the other to maximize comfort but couldn't bring myself to make her look that silly (even though no one sees her except dh & me(and her sister is too young to laugh at her...). I cut the arms off at the seam, so it's like a tank top on top. My plan is to put this on her backward (cut out the neck a bit if needed) if she figures out how to unzip herself.

    I have to admit one time I let her sleep naked because she was fighting so hard to get her clothes off & no accidents, but I'm not brave enough to try that again!

    BTW, I do this for naps & at night...
  11. Zabeta

    Zabeta Well-Known Member

    This thread is giving me a good laugh, but also scaring me. Yet another reason why I'd like them to stay 1 forever.
  12. Cindy H

    Cindy H Well-Known Member

    My oldest was a stripper. She did potty train at 26 months! It is a phase. See if you can do dress up during the day and maybe it won't be as fun at the aother times.

  13. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    The good news is that he won't need much help when he's ready for the potty. The bad news is that you can't stop it with clothes, only training. I have a pair of Houdinis and I can vouch for the fact that unless you've experienced it, you have no concept of the depth of their determination. I tried designing a toddler straight jacket (only half joking) but couldn't figure out how to make it secure without being dangerous. When I finally got a multi-layer combination that slowed them enough that they'd be discovered before the mess, Trent went up the leg hole with his hand to retrieve poop and Trevor made himself vomit instead. Seriously. So, I kept the monitor volume up high and when I heard them begin to stir, it was a race to get there before the mess. When I got there in time, I praised them for clean beds. When I didn't, I told them that they'd made a mess, I didn't like it, made them stay there not doing fun stuff while I cleaned, etc. I promise, that 5 minutes of leisurely wakeup time will eventually return but for now, forget about it. Talk about your expectations, try not to let them see you get frustrated, and repeat, repeat, repeat. The phase will taper eventually... I'm not convinced it goes away completely since I'm now a hardcore veteran with 20+ months of stripper-baby experience :wacko:

    ETA: We potty trained easily at 28.5 months

    E(again)TA: The magical combination mentioned above when I thought I had them beaten was a onesie, short overalls without a snap crotch, and a button-up shirt over the top of everything and buttoned all of the way up (a non-stretch woven fabric). They looked ridiculous but you do what you have to do.

    QUOTE(hot2trottt4u @ Jun 10 2008, 04:08 PM) [snapback]820024[/snapback]
    My DS is ALWAYS taking off all of his clothes, not so much during the day but every morning, and after every nap.
    and of course that means that i have to strip his bedding, blanket and lovie.
    scrub everything :rolleyes:
    he was wearing footed zippered pjs at night that were inside out and that was working great but its to hot for those now.
    and he just figured out how to unsnap the two piece pjs that snap together. ;)
    i put his onsies on backwards so he cant see the snaps and he just climbs out the head hole.
    overalls dont work. he puts his hands in them and will undo his diaper. so he may have clothes on but diaper is in the leg hole of his pants :angry:
    i even duck taped the diaper on and he just pulled it down like underware.

    Anyone else have this problem. would love to know what you did
    TIA :blink:
  14. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    This was very funny to read. I am sorry that you are going through it because it must be very frustrating. I think I am laughing because I have a feeling I will here with my kids in the coming months. They love to run around in their diapers and we typically let them do this in the evening for 15-20 minutes before bedtime. We have started to observe that they are either trying to pull their diaper off (haven't discovered the tabs yet thankfully) or they are trying to pull the other ones diaper off. I figure it is a matter of time till they figure out how to take diapers off. Needless to say, we are trying to limit diaper only time to see if we can head this phase off.

    I hope that you find something that works for you!
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