My twins nearly gave me a heart attack!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by monie rose, May 7, 2009.

  1. monie rose

    monie rose Well-Known Member

    I took them to the park just a little bit ago to let them run around because of being at school this morning, going to the dr and running errands with me. i thought I would put them in the stroller and let them play at the park for a while. Well first off Peyton tried to slide down a pole and instead fell over 5 and a half feet to the sand. I had been sitting down and wasn't able to stop him from even trying to reach the pole. He fell so gracefully. He didn't bang his head or get scraped. That was a great thing.

    Then I said lets get in the stroller to sit and drink some water because of all the running and jumping and the temp being near 80 today they were getting red in the face. Well Eli came by me and got in the stroller, but Peyton took off running and he would stop to smile and laugh and see if I was chasing him. I did my best! Well I lost him when I went to get him from behind a house and he went darting between the houses. I then made it to the front and couldn't see him. Eli was still in the stroller at that time. Peyton however was across the street. I ran by him and he then darted across the street to the park he tripped a little and I was able to grab his shirt collar. Then I get to the stroller with him and....

    Eli has disappeared! So I started screaming at the top of my lungs even louder than I did with Peyton and he came from behind the house Peyton first went to. I then was pushing the stroller to get Eli. I was not going to give Peyton a chance to open the belt on the stroller like Eli did. I didn't even know he knew how to open it. Anyway Eli came to me and I put him in the stroller and scolded both of them! I told them they are not going to the park any more because of that and Eli Started crying. He really loves the park!

    I had to stop quite a bit on the way home because I was out of breath, my throat hurt, I was dizzy and I needed to drink something. I also wanted to make sure I didn't over do it and cause myself to start contracting. I'm so happy I go to the OB tomorrow!
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug:'s Simone, what a scary situation. :hug: I would have had to pull over too. :cry: I'm glad they are both okay and I hope you are, as well.
  3. sv2001302

    sv2001302 Well-Known Member

    Omgoodness, just reading that frightened me for you! Then being pregnant on top of that.... i don't blame you for not wanting to take them to the park again. I get that panicked feeling when my children disappear out of my sight for a second at the park so i could only imagine.... i really hope your day gets better.
  4. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    oh my goodness very traumatic, and can't imagine and being pregnant
  5. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    simone that is so scary! :hug: glad everyone is okay. I hope you find time to get your feet up!!!
  6. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    OMG Simone, I am so glad he is ok and that everything turned out alright! :hug: I would have freaked out too! Kevin has done that to me before and it was really scary for about 1 minute.
  7. avd1995

    avd1995 Well-Known Member

    :hug: i would be so upset too!
  8. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    That's terrifying!! :faint: I hope you can figure out a way to wrangle them a bit before the next addition!
  9. monie rose

    monie rose Well-Known Member

    My dh was not happy and he told me not to take the twins by myself to the park without him or my son Trent to run after them.
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