My twins day… what’s yours like?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by CmCi, Mar 6, 2008.

  1. CmCi

    CmCi Active Member

    I all,
    I was wondering what your schedule was like.
    My twin schedule is the following … is it normal????

    6am – change diaper and give a bottle (they sort of wake up, by they are more asleep and awake)
    9am – they wake up, they bounce and talk to each other in their
    10am - breakfast
    11:30 – nap
    1pm -1:30pm – they wake up and have their lunch
    4pm- snack
    4:30pm – sometimes they take a 1/2hr nap, depend on what activities they’ve done
    7:30pm – dinner
    8 pm – start their bedtime routine
    9 pm – sleep until the next day. Sometimes by son wakes up at about 5am and I have to give him a bit of his bottle.
  2. kristy horner

    kristy horner Well-Known Member

    Mine aren't that old, but sounds very normal to me!!
  3. eandelander

    eandelander Well-Known Member

    Your schedule is almost exactly like mine!!! Thanks for posting I was wondering about the same thing, because I know some people get up at like 7 and start their babies day, I just am a SAHM so I didn't see any need to start my day so early......
  4. pink and blue mom

    pink and blue mom Well-Known Member

    I must have the laziest kids on the planet because all they want to do is sleep. For about a month now this has been our schedule
    11am- wake up and eat breakfast and have thier sippys
    11:30am-1:00p- playtime
    1:00-4:30- sleeping
    4:30- eat and have thier sippys
    4:30-6:00- playtime
    6:00- bath time
    6:45- 7:45ish- sleeping
    7:45- eat and have thier sippys
    7:45-9:30- playtime
    9:30-bed time

    I think it is because they are growing a lot and teething and they have had bad colds this month but I swear, my house has never been any cleaner! Oh and just for the record I don't force them to go to sleep...they fall asleep! Everyone asks so I just figured I would put it out there! I try to get them up and they are beyond crabby!
  5. terilynn12116

    terilynn12116 Active Member

    We're up by 6:30 am and sippies right off. Real breakfast around 7:30. Diapers, and changed (0r pull up). Play free

    11:30 am lunch
    12:30 nap until 2
    2-3 educational play
    3-5 free play
    6 dinner,
    7 bath, 7:30 bed

  6. kimj

    kimj Well-Known Member

    okay - I'm VERY jealous with the kids sleeping in! My girls are up 5am - 6am the latest!!

    6:30 - dry cheerios/ nutrigrain bar / sippy (while I'm getting ready for work)

    8-8:30 - breakfast (at daycare)
    9-9:30 nap (hour or two)

    12-12:30 - lunch

    3 3:30 - snack
    4:30 - I pick them up from daycare
    5 5:30 - dinner
    baths - pjs - bottle (the only one they get now)
    bedtime 6:30 pm
    I've tried putting them to bed later so they'll sleep in - doesn't work. they go down without hardly a peep - and as you can see - we are already down to one nap (this happened at daycare - and we don't have meltdowns in the evening s I haven't changed anything)
  7. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    wake 7:30/8am
    breakfast 8/8:30am, sippy
    lunch 12
    nap 1-3pm
    dinner 5pm
    bed 6:30/7pm
  8. Monika2006Twins

    Monika2006Twins Well-Known Member

    Our schedule at just over 16 months:

    Up around 7AM - Change diapers & play if Papa is still home or go straight to breakfast
    7:30 - Breakfast
    8:00 - Take our time getting ready for the day
    9:00 - Leave the house for an activity - Mommy group, Get together with friends, Library, Get Groceries, Park, etc. Usually just 1 or 2 max of these!
    10:00 - Snack while out
    11:30 - 12:00 - Lunch & Depending on the day either straight to nap or play
    Nap starts between 12:30 ish and 1:00 until anywhere from 2:30 till 3:30 or so.
    3:30 Lunch # 2! (or big snack)
    4:00 - Play (usually take a long walk)
    Between 5 & 5:30 - Dinner followed by some play
    6:00 - Bath
    6:30 - Read & sing in bed
    7:00 - Lights out & sleep!

    I'm also a SAHM but I like to get up & out early & then put them down early so DH and I can have alone time at night.
  9. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure how old they are but if it's working, don't change it. The main change you might strive for is eliminating the 6am bottle then they are on a 9am-9pm sched. also I'd try eliminating the 430 nap and shoot for an earlier bedtime say 8 or 830 if you've had a busy day. otherwise, you have the same routine as I do, just adjusted forward a couple of hours.

    our schedule has been the same since 14 months
    7 or 730 wake time, breakfast
    9 or 930 snack
    1130 lunch
    1 or 130 down for nap
    3 snack
    530 dinner
    7pm bath
    8Pm bed
  10. zbartolone

    zbartolone Member

    Hello all!

    I'm new here and I am so glad I found this site.

    Here is our schedule for the day:

    7 a.m.-- 6 oz. milk
    after we go for a 3 mile run in the double jogger
    8:30 a.m.--breakfast (oatmeal mixed w/bananas and blueberries or french toast mixed with sweet potato puree or pancakes with sweet potato puree
    after breakfast free play and reading
    between 10-10:15--morning nap for 2 hours
    12 noon--lunch (peanut butter sandwich with fruit or turkey sandwich with fruit and cut up veggies)
    after lunch we run errands or go the Disneyland, CA Adventure, zoo or the mall. We are usually back about 3 or so for snack time or I'll pack it to go.
    Snack is usually milk and fruit/cheerios/goldfish
    4:00 p.m.--rest time (I put them down in their cribs. I use this time to get dinner ready. Sometimes they fall asleep, sometimes they don't) They are usually only down for an hour
    I'm trying to phase out the morning nap and make it later, but they still want it that early. Any suggestions?

    5:30 p.m.--dinner (protein, pasta or rice, veggies and fruit mixed with yogurt for dessert
    6:30 p.m.--bath/play/read/get jammies on
    7:00 p.m.--last 6 oz of milk----in bed by 7:15 p.m. with no arguments

    We've had pretty much the same routine since they were about 9 months old. Of course, it is flexible. Now we have the time change which we haven't adjusted to yet, so we are delayed and hour which is kind of nice so now they wake up at 8 a.m. They are very happy children and wake up talking and giggling. They don't cry when they wake up and they just wait for use to come and get them in the morning. I'm thinking of going ahead and combining their breakfast with their milk now so if I need to run errands in the morning, I won't have to worry about waiting until after they eat at 8:30 a.m. Oh by the way, they are almost 18 months old.

    Any suggestions?

  11. CmCi

    CmCi Active Member

    Thanks everyone!

    I feel better knowing that our schedule is not strange.

    However, I would love it if my little boy would sleep more!!!!

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