My twins are at that awkard age..

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by PumpkinPies, Jun 4, 2007.

  1. PumpkinPies

    PumpkinPies Well-Known Member

    They were terrible in the grocery store today. Terrible. Actually, Ella was awful the whole time. Rosalie only lost it when she realized I'd be carrying Ella out of the store -- which meant the bag boy would have to push the cart, not me.

    Ella kept trying to climb onto the top of the car attached to the cart. She swears Daddy lets her do it. I let them get out & walk so I could distract them with picking out fruit. Then the lady in the bakery offered them a cookie and Ella wanted to sit on top of the cart to eat it. Let the tantrums begin. She did get inside the car, after stomping and crying. I told her if she raised her voice at me again, she could not have the cookie at all. Never dare a 4 year old! I had to take the cookie away and she got out and lay down on the floor in the checkout line.

    Rosalie is meanwhile asking me one by one if she can have each kind of candy on display.

    All the way to the car and out of the parking lot, Ella kept saying she had to have her treat and she wouldn't stop crying til she got her treat. Rosalie said, "Sister, I'll give you a treat. I'll give you my candy at home." I think her ears hurt.

    Well, all I can say is the teen-age cashier and bag boy are probably now very serious about that whole safe-sex thing! :D =
  2. cwinslow7

    cwinslow7 Well-Known Member

  3. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    aww!! LMBO!
    I think we've all been there! :D

    How old are they {no ticker or DOB}?
  4. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    If only they'd realize that they are in a prime position to just STEAL the candy while they are in the car -- that's what my girls have done... :rolleyes: I now give them a body search before we leave the register area. B)

    How old are they, Marcia?
  5. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    I have had those days. There was one day it was so bad all morning long that I wasn't even willing to take Nathan around the store. My mom happened to be checking out as I walked in and I pawned him off on her (where he was an angel for grandma the whole time she was running her errands). I just couldn't take it anymore. What started the whole temper tantrum... I told him we needed to go buy milk and he didn't want us to buy milk. Sorry you had such a bad day at the store. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
  6. BJAMs

    BJAMs Well-Known Member

    LMBO!!! I know your pain. Ours are almost 3 and I have decided that we are not eating out as a family until they are at least 10! :lol:

    Thanks for the laugh!
  7. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    How old are they {no ticker or DOB}?

    Never dare a 4 year old!

    Sorry to hear about the grocery trip, stick to your guns though. Follow through on the threats and they will learn. Don't ya just love when one comforts the other. This morning Kayla asked if we could surprise Kyle by making cinnamon rolls for breakfast. We got them in the oven without him knowing (Dragon Tales was on) but then I think he smelled them so he went to look in the oven (turn on the light). Kayla begged him and begged him not to look and that it was a surprise, well he looked and she was absolutely crushed!!!! She fell down in a ball of tears like I have rarely heard. Kyle tried to make her feel better by offering her his blanket for a month, you bet she remembered that tonight at bedtime!!! I think the next month is going to be a little rough on Kyle!

    We have had a couple issues at the grocery store, I go over the rules every time in the parking lot and they seem to do ok. Of course I feel like I am micromanaging their every move, I am sure I am quite a scenario to listen to through out the store but so far we haven't had any tantrums or broken groceries so I think we are going ok!

    I hope the next trip goes better for you, never fall for the Daddy lets me!!!!!
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