My Twinkies HATE Peas!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by [email protected], Jul 3, 2007.

    We started introducing solids to my little ones and they absolutely loved squash, sweet potatoes and carrots. Then we got to the green veggies. They hate the peas, they clam up like Fort Knox after the first bite. Wish us luck on the green beans!! :p
  1. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    It's funny, because my girls LOVE peas and always have. Jade hates broccoli, neither love green beans. They both like spinach and beets. Go figure, eh.
  2. reeba1976

    reeba1976 Well-Known Member

    my guys will eat peas but they fuss the whole time. This is the same with green beans as well. Now talk carrots?? They get all excited!!
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I haven't found too much that my 2 don't like, but my older 3 refused to eat pureed peas. Can't say that I blame them! They all loved to eat fresh peas though, once the finger foods there is hope for peas!!
  4. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    I read if they don't like a food try to put it in the middle of their tongue where there are less taste buds so they can get used to it. apparently there are more taste buds in the tip of the tongue.
    mine hate yogurt and i've been trying to disguise it with other foods and slowly get them used to more yogurt and less of the disguise.
    we started them on goat yogurt (yet it's as disgusting as it sounds but thats what the pedi suggested) and then went to cow yogurt with a little better luck.
  5. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    My guys LOVED sweet peas. They went nuts over them! Wishing you luck on the green beans!
  6. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine hated peas, too. They also hated green beans. Now that they are on mostly finger foods, they will eat both, no problem. It's just those babyfood ones, can't say I blame them - I wouldn't eat them either!
  7. BreezyDays

    BreezyDays Well-Known Member

    I try this and that then give them a break. Greens are suppose to be last on the list I think but I did try peas. They werent really into eating to begin with so it was hard to tell.

    They do loveeeeeee a night time treat of bananas in their formula before bed.

    I bought them the gerber dha oatmeal with bananas and they threw it up. I put it in their bottle like i did with the reg oatmeal. Guess Ill have to sit on that for awhile.
  8. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    mine do not like carrots !!!!! they make faces and shiver!!!
  9. Mommydee

    Mommydee Well-Known Member

    my DS hated the peas too! it was so funny!!! of course, i tried it while DH was at work, so no video. would have been priceless.otherwise they have been pretty good with most of the fruits and veggies. DS actually does eat the mixed and garden veggies that have the peas mixed in, but wno't eat the straight peas. :rolleyes:
    it is the textures that we are having difficulty with. the first time i put a cherrio in lincoln's mouth, you would have thought i poisoned the kid how much he gagged and curled his tongue to get it out!!! hilarious!!! same with cottage cheese (though DH says he can't blame them for not liking curdled milk!)
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