My toddler asking questions...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mrsfussypants, Jan 17, 2007.

  1. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    I'm hoping you'll be able to help me out with this puzzling new thing my almost 2 year old is doing. He'll ask a question (one he already knows the answer to) like, "what's this?" while holding an object like a train, or a banana, or anything else he's familiar with and then wait for me to respond. The first time I say, "a train" he will pause for maybe 2 seconds before immediately asking again, "what's this?" while holding the same thing. I swear to you he will ask me 25 times in a row if I let him! I start out calm, and answer a few times. Then I try to say things like, "what do YOU think it is?" or just ignore him....but it has gone from slightly charming to super-annoying! Why does he ask me the same things a million times, and how should I respond?? I don't want to just ignore him, or get mad, but seriously--this is annoying!

    BTW--I love this board. I've been hanging out in the Expecting forum, but it's nice to talk about the kids we already have too! thanks.

  2. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    I'm hoping you'll be able to help me out with this puzzling new thing my almost 2 year old is doing. He'll ask a question (one he already knows the answer to) like, "what's this?" while holding an object like a train, or a banana, or anything else he's familiar with and then wait for me to respond. The first time I say, "a train" he will pause for maybe 2 seconds before immediately asking again, "what's this?" while holding the same thing. I swear to you he will ask me 25 times in a row if I let him! I start out calm, and answer a few times. Then I try to say things like, "what do YOU think it is?" or just ignore him....but it has gone from slightly charming to super-annoying! Why does he ask me the same things a million times, and how should I respond?? I don't want to just ignore him, or get mad, but seriously--this is annoying!

    BTW--I love this board. I've been hanging out in the Expecting forum, but it's nice to talk about the kids we already have too! thanks.

  3. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    Yeah that is definatly annoying. No advice though, my 3 yo still does this every day, except now he has developed an attitude to go along with it [​IMG]
  4. missmomoftwins02

    missmomoftwins02 Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] [​IMG] Oh the joys of toddlerhood! My almost 3 yr old does this too! And it drives me BONKERS!! [​IMG] Sometimes you just have to stop answering and ignore them...and they eventually go and find something else to play with. [​IMG]
  5. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    YES!! I mentioned this recently in the thread titled something like, "Words you wished you never taught them." And mine was "WHAT'S THIS???!!" They both do it! So annoying...

    Welcome to TS, Reyna! [​IMG]
  6. cwinslow7

    cwinslow7 Well-Known Member

    After the first 500 times or so I tell him I don't remember
  7. jwozy

    jwozy Well-Known Member

    Both of mine also do the same thing. They will go on and on. I've started to turn it around and say you know what it is, and then sometimes they'll give me the answer. Yes the fun of having toddlers [​IMG]
  8. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    SO glad it's not just my weird kid! I feel much much better. I might be able to laugh about it again. Thanks for the perspective!!

  9. Monika

    Monika Well-Known Member

    I might be able to laugh about it again.

    You need to! It's a toddler thing! [​IMG]
  10. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    If it is something I know they know what it is then I answer with "you tell me!".
  11. Renald99

    Renald99 Well-Known Member

    After the first 500 times or so I tell him I don't remember

  12. Laura56

    Laura56 Well-Known Member

    If it is something I know they know what it is then I answer with "you tell me!".

    I do the same thing! But then they are asking me the same question over and over and I keep answering with you tell me! And they tell me and then ask again! I always feel like I'm stuck in deja vu!
  13. MellysLittleBoos

    MellysLittleBoos Well-Known Member

    My 5 year old still does this. She also rewords her questions so she can keep asking!

    My 3 year olds do it too.
  14. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Naomi and Luke love to do this too, they often ask "What colour?" as well. Sometimes I turn it around and ask them and sometimes I give the answer. If I answer them they will reply with "Yes. That's right! Well done Zoë!" [​IMG]

    I think the reason they ask is simply because they are always being asked. Learned behaviour.
  15. ~*CHELS*~

    ~*CHELS*~ Well-Known Member

    my 2 year old is the same. she will say "whats that" and you answer here and she says "HUH?" so I correct her and tell her is "pardon" then she continues "PARDON" "PARDON" "PARDON" could drive a person crazy! or if I ask her something she says "HUH" PARDON... I just stop repeating the ? after a while then she goes away and bugs someone else!!
  16. abbymarie

    abbymarie Well-Known Member

    Here's something to think on. My girls ask questions when they want me to ask them that questions. For example: They will ask me "What color is this?" because they want me to ask them "what color is this?" so they can tell me. So often, when they ask me something, I will just repeat what they say. You might try it. [​IMG]
  17. renandmariesmom

    renandmariesmom Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Twin nanny:
    I think the reason they ask is simply because they are always being asked. Learned behaviour.

    My vote is this! How many times in their short lives have YOU asked them 'What's this?'. They're just returning the favor. [​IMG]

    Seriously, they're processing language and how you react to them and control over their environment. It's a good problem to have!
  18. crazybabies

    crazybabies Well-Known Member

    My 2 1/2 year old twins do the same thing...... I answer once and then ask them to tell me what it is, or "I don't know, you tell me" Sometimes it works. I was watching TV with my daughter and decided she will probably talk as much as my 8 year old son. Does nayone know if they make that privacy glass like limos have for Suburbans!!??
  19. Sweetbabylovex2

    Sweetbabylovex2 Active Member

    Mine as well do the same thing and it can get pretty annoying!! But I'll tell them what it is the first time, and then the second time I'll say "You know what that is". [​IMG] Then they'll say "Yeah" and then they'll tell me what their holding.

    I don't know why they do it maybe to see if we're paying attention or not. [​IMG]

  20. JeninSF

    JeninSF Well-Known Member

    I think it is their way of engageing us in conversation. My daughter will sometimes now say to me "mama, say whats this sofia" She just wants to talk or tell me something she knows.
  21. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    We have a rule, you ask once. If you get an answer, then thats it. If you keep asking, you go to your room and ask the wall. The same thong with telling people things, like "look at this" or whatever! I have too many kids to let them all ask 5000 silly repeated questions a day!
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