My sons will be 20 months on Jan 1st...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by BBCanadianTwins, Dec 20, 2007.

  1. BBCanadianTwins

    BBCanadianTwins Well-Known Member

    Hi Gals,

    I haven't been here in a while because things have really been quite smooth. :) I have a friend who's daughter is 6 months older than our sons and is potty trained. My sons watch her go and so we brought home a chair to see what would happen. They really don;t speak that much yet but have started to grab their diaper and say "pee pee" and go to the bathroom door. Last couple of days one son makes like he is trying to pull himself onto the toilet just like Mommy.

    I have to admit I AM NOT READY for the mess of accidents etc... I really do not believe that 20 months could possibly be old enough, especially when they still wake with such wet diapers. Also, how could I even dream of no poopy diapers when they very rarely have solid poops?

    My friend says to potty train, I have the two potties here... not sure what to do??? Isn't 20 months to early???


    Boys born 38 weeks on May 1st 2006
  2. Song

    Song Active Member

    I would say you could try it out. Let them take the lead and just don't expect much if anything. They may just be curious at this point. I have B/G twins. I started training my DD at 25 months because she showed an interest. She didn't seem to like a dirty diaper and was curious about getting on the potty. I went with it, but I think I expected too much out of her. I had these hopes of getting her potty trained by 2-2 1/2 years old. She started screaming at the sight of the potty after about a week, and I started to feel frustrated. So, I waited about 4-5 months and tried again. Same thing over. <_< . I got on the message boards asking for help. One poster told me to quit trying so hard and wait until she is at least three years old. So I did. Things seem to be progressing better this round. She still has accidents, but she doesn't have full blown meltdown when I mention sitting on the potty. I can't seem to get her too poop in the bowl, but I am sure it will happen. ;) .

    That was just DD and the potty training experience. I never attempted any potty training with DS. I was always told that boys train later than girls; so my focus was all on her not him. When I was putting DD on the potty, DS would cry to get on to. So, I put him on after her just to make him feel included. Well, lo and behold, he is in underwear already. Hasn't had an accident in weeks, and he pooped in the potty for the first time last night. He was so proud of himself that he kept pointing at it and showing me and DH.

    I guess my point of all this is that it really depends a lot on the child; so you never know what to expect. I would say try it out, and don't expect too much. If it's just a passing curiosity than so be it, and if they one or both happen to get potty trained before they reach two, you will be off to a great start for 2008. :)
  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    My mom claims that all her kids (2 girls, 2 boys) were trained at 18 months. :shock: If they are showing interest, go for it!
  4. skymcc

    skymcc Well-Known Member

    go for it! DD trained at 21 months and was fully trained by 22. I honestly think if I would've waited until she showed signs she was ready or had the vocab for peeing, potty, etc, I would've missed "the window" with her. I had her ptd before her defiant streak started. If I had waited til now, she wouldn't do it just b/c I was pushing her to... a control thing.

    I think earlier is better to avoid the power struggle, but I know I was lucky she was trained so early. Just now starting DS at 26 months.
  5. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    If they are showing signs, go for it. All my 3 older kids were done before 2 yrs old. Don't expect naps and nighttime to neccessarily go with day time potty training. It always took them longer to tackle that. But, I'd do pull-ups for sleeping and loved that they were completely accident free before age 2! My boys both like to go running in to the bathroom and sit on the potty, and Nicky has peed in front of the toilet 3 times, but not in it yet. Hopefully they will be ready to train in another month or two.
  6. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    I was fully trained by age 2, even overnight. The people we bought our first house from trained their son at 18 months. Some kids really are ready that early. None of mine... but it's worth a low-key try, as a PP mentioned. I also would go ahead and have pull-ups for naps and overnights, at least at first.

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