My son is "getting ready" to climb out of crib -- need advice

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Sabrina Fischer, Mar 8, 2007.

  1. Sabrina Fischer

    Sabrina Fischer Well-Known Member

    My son can now get his leg over the rail of the crib. He is 20 months. He is a climber and gets into everything, so any day now I think he'll figure it out. I always hear stories about people either buying crib tents or switching to toddler beds when they do climb out . . .BUT don't they get hurt first? Do you just wait for them to do it and then make a change, or do you make a change when you think they will do it? I'm afraid that he'll fall right over and hit his head or break a bone. Is this common?

    I am NOT interested in crib tents. I would rather switch to toddler beds because we were going to do this within the next 4 months anyway. So do we do it now or do we wait?

  2. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Mine are not climbers...yet. I doubt they will be. But if I had even an inkling that they were going to climb out, then I would get the crib tents now to prevent injury. Sounds like you have an active tike on your hands. I personally would be hesitant, at that age, to switch to toddler beds, considering his curious personality. Just my thoughts.
  3. XTY

    XTY Well-Known Member

    Hi [​IMG]
    One of mine started doing this about two months ago. I bought the crib tent and tried but it just did not fit right on our sleigh cribs so I returned it. Luckily it is winter...I ended up buying the HALO BIG KID sleep sacks (wearable blankets for toddlers). So far, he cannot climb out because he can't get his leg high enough in the sack. Good luck!
  4. Jennie-OH

    Jennie-OH Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by twoin2005:
    But if I had even an inkling that they were going to climb out, then I would get the crib tents now to prevent injury. Sounds like you have an active tike on your hands. I personally would be hesitant, at that age, to switch to toddler beds, considering his curious personality. Just my thoughts.

    I completely agree! You should definitely take action BEFORE he climbs out if he's showing the possibility. I'm not sure why you would wait for him to possibly climb out and get hurt? May I ask why you are having to switch to toddler beds in 4mos? If at all possible, I would wait as long as you can - especially with a curious climber! He'll be running around the room/house scaling the windows, dressers, etc. I hope they are already tethered to the walls. [​IMG]
  5. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I think A&Js Mama just saved me a bit of money! I woke up this morning to my ds banging on their bedroom door. I thought for sure it was the almost 3yr old who is now in a toddler bed. NOPE. It was the 21monther! He was walking around the room as happy as could be! I will be on a hunt for the sleep sack before I resort to the crib tent. I hate to spend that much even though I can resell it. In response to the OP, I'd get the crib tent and leave them in cribs as long as possible. I'm shooting for 3 with the twins. Even if you need the cribs for new babies, the new baby/ies can sleep in a bassinett for a bit until your twins are older. GL!
  6. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    I did the crib tent thing the day the first climb happened. I didn't have any prewarnings so yes, I had to do wait until the first climb. Kayla did the climbing but I tented both as a precaution. If you see it coming then I would definitely make some kind of change now and not wait. We have several TS members whose children have broken bones from crib falls. Whatever you are planning on doing to keep them safe, I would do it now not wait!
  7. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Well, one of mine climbed out the first day I caught him putting a foot on the rail. There was no advanced warning. So, if you've seen that, it's TIME. We tented because I felt they were too young at 15 months to "get it" with toddler beds but my brother switched his to beds at 25 months when one climbed out and they're doing fine with it. You know best whether they are able to make the switch to beds. If they aren't, then you really do need to tent them. The cost of the tents is nothing compared to a broken arm at 3AM.
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