My poor girls' little feetsies!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by double-or-nothing, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    So, I've been meaning to buy my girls new shoes for a couple of weeks now but just haven't had the chance and then Lorien has been sick since last Thursday and today is just getting better. We wen't to ped office yesterday and the girls were running around the play area. We get home and I take off their shoes and Arwen has a ripped blister/sore on her big toe that wasn't there before we went to the peds office. So today, we go back to peds office and I take her to a children's shoe store that's in the same shopping center as the peds office. Now mind you, the last shoes I bought them (in the beginning of the summer) were size 5.5 (Lorien) and 5.5W (Arwen). They were Striderite shoes that I bought at a local Striderite outlet center and I purchased them based on a measurement given to me by a girl at the Striderite in the mall. I actually had to put some large size Robeez type shoes from Target today on them that I've been meaning to return for 6 months because I was afraid to put the sneakers back on them and had NO other shoes for them to wear. Well, I get them measured today and Arwen is a size 6.5 and Lorien is a size 7!!! I felt aweful. The man at the shoe store was an older gentleman who has been in the business for 30 years. He says that when I got their feet measured (in stridrite in the mall) for their last shoes that he thinks they measure their feet wrong at that time. I always thought that Lorien's feet looked a little bigger than Arwens but figured that the girl measured it with a tool that must be accurate. I feel so ignorant. The salesman also said that a good shoe is extremely important for their growing feet so it's worth it to spend good money on shoes. He said go cheap on clothes if you have to but don't be cheap when it comes to footwear. Makes sense to me. He also told me that they should be measured about ever 3 months or so. I had no idea. Their poor feetsies!!!!
  2. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    Odds are when you bought the last set of shoes, the sales person just didn't give you any growing room in them. He was right about getting their feet measured regularly. If you go in and find out they don't need a size change, then you need to go once a month until you get a new size. Good news, any good shoe store should be willing to size without pressure to purchase. Don't feel bad it happens to a lot of parents.
  3. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Uh, my boys' feet grew from a 6 to a 7 over the Summer. I take the measurements myself and I do it several times to be sure I've gotten it right before I order them. It's entirely possible the measurement was correct and they had a big growth spurt. You can go to the Stride Rite website and print off a measuring device so you can measure when they have a growth spurt or monthly or whatever works for you.
  4. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Same here. We started the summer in size 2/3 crocs. By mid-July we were cramming Nick's feet into his and his poor little toenails were all jacked up. He ended up in a size 5. :icon_eek: If they keep going at this rate we'll go broke keeping them in shoes.
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