My poor baby...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mommycandi, Apr 22, 2008.

  1. mommycandi

    mommycandi Well-Known Member

    For over two months now, Brayden has had a lot of difficulty with poop. He strains not to go, several times a day, usually when sitting in his high chair. So, needless to say, he manages to hold it in for a few days, it becomes incredibly hard and i have to give him a suppository to make him go. He screams bloody murder b/c it hurts so badly. And it usually is huge and incredibly hard. No wonder it hurts. My pedi office only gives me a nurse to talk to when i call and all i get is "up the fruit, up the water, give a suppository if needed", etc. But this has been going on too long. He shouldn't be in this much pain. He does not like fruit so i don't get much in him. I do try, constantly. So, i am making an appointment with a doctor this week and demanding some help. But, in the meantime, i know i have seen some posts about benefiber, miralax (sp?) and mineral oil. If you use any of these things, exactly how much did you give, and how often?
  2. AliPaige717

    AliPaige717 Well-Known Member

    I have had problems with DD on and off for over a year now. Currently she gets 4oz of Apple Prune juice a day. I breakit down and she gets 2oz watered down with morning snack and 2oz watered down with her evening snack. She usually drinks all of her cup so she is probably getting about 10-12oz of water/juice a day.

    I have also been giving her miralax to help, this was at the suggestion of my ped to start using it. When I first started I was giving half a capful maybe a little less in her morning juice. I didn't want to make her totally loose just soften it a little so that it wouldn't hurt and she would be willing to go instead of holding it. As she got better I started skipping Tues and Thurs when she went to school. Currently she only gets the Miralax when she gets really backed up and then for a few more days so that she knows it is ok to go and it won't hurt. I have also reduced how much I give her now.
  3. Mommyto3preciousboys

    Mommyto3preciousboys Well-Known Member

    Myralax is now over the counter. My oldest had this issue, holding bowels b/c of some painful constipation in the past. If you use the myralax it will help soften the stool but WiLL Not make them go, they have to go but if they get enough soft, easy stools it will give their bum time to heal. Your child may have a tiny fissure from the hard stools. Once that heals, and she has some success hopefully you won't have this issue. Myralax is not a long term solution though.
  4. SharonH

    SharonH Well-Known Member

    I have this trouble with DD #2. I make a fruit puree called Fruit Lax that the BC Cancer agency uses with their patients. She gets about 3 tsps/day and since putting her on it things have improved greatly! If we stop for a couple days I definately know the difference. You can keep it in the fridge for a couple weeks. The link is below but if it doesn't work google "fruit lax'. Good luck! :)
  5. AliPaige717

    AliPaige717 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(SharonH @ Apr 23 2008, 01:18 PM) [snapback]735414[/snapback]
    I have this trouble with DD #2. I make a fruit puree called Fruit Lax that the BC Cancer agency uses with their patients. She gets about 3 tsps/day and since putting her on it things have improved greatly! If we stop for a couple days I definately know the difference. You can keep it in the fridge for a couple weeks. The link is below but if it doesn't work google "fruit lax'. Good luck! :)

    Thanks for that link. I think I will try that instead of the Miralax I have been using.
  6. benderboys

    benderboys Well-Known Member

    My brother did this when he was little and my mom mixed Metamucil into Jello and he ate that every day, maybe 3x/day. It seemed to help. She also gave him mineral oil. That kid could hold it for DAYS!!!!
  7. SharonH

    SharonH Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(SharonH @ Apr 23 2008, 10:18 AM) [snapback]735414[/snapback]
    I have this trouble with DD #2. I make a fruit puree called Fruit Lax that the BC Cancer agency uses with their patients. She gets about 3 tsps/day and since putting her on it things have improved greatly! If we stop for a couple days I definately know the difference. You can keep it in the fridge for a couple weeks. The link is below but if it doesn't work google "fruit lax'. Good luck! :)

    I forgot to add that I throw all the fruit in the pot to simmer and then into the food processor - seems to come out better that way in consistency.
  8. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    Kira had this problem for years and she is finally good now. I gave her benefiber in her drinks and tried myralax (dr gave us a prescription) and we used prune juice. She didn't really like the prune juice in the beginning but we told her it would help her to go poopy and wouldn't hurt as much (she was about 2 1/2). The Dr should really be helping you on this and not suggest the suppository since he will get used to that and then won't be able to go on his own without the help of that (atleast that's what my dr told me that they can get depend on it).
  9. LB

    LB Well-Known Member

    we are still dealing with that...our pedi also suggested miralax..the reco'd dosage was for 2-3 days give half the adult dose..then after 3 days give half of that dosage..we've been on the half dosage for a while now..when I see him straining not to go I go back to the original dosage for 2 days then back off again. He seems so much better.
  10. mommycandi

    mommycandi Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone for your help. I have an appointment tomorrow and i hope i can get some relief for this poor little boy. He rarely eats enough fruit (i do try), and he won't touch prune juice, so i really need to count on some Rx type of method. I really want to try the miralax with him. It has gotten so bad that he is now holding for three or four days or until i give him the suppository, which neither of us enjoy! i just feel so bad for him. He is obviously uncomfortable. The worst part is that he always seems to get the "urge" about half way through a meal, so he hasn't been eating much lately either. He just starts crying and clenching until i take him out of his high chair and try to get him calmed down. I just hope i can get this worked out soon!

    Thanks again!
  11. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    we used the miralux with becca for a few weeks - we put in 1/2 tsp i think, once a day...and would go up or down a bit as needed (it sometimes made it too loose). We put in her milk. like others said, it's not good for them to be dependent on it, so we switched to giving her prunes (mixed w/yogurt usually, still baby food prunes, just easier) and apple juice. We used to make the apple juice very watery, but the pedi said the juice will help and it has. i think she generally poops once a day, but it's not awful and she generally eats (but she was doing the same thing as Brayden where she wouldn't eat because she didn't want to poop).

    good luck!
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