My poor baby has a fractured foot

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by kendraplus2, Jul 8, 2007.

  1. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    Connor has 2 fractures in his metatarsals on his left foot. We went by my parents yesterday afternoon, put on their swimming trunks and had a blast playing in the water, and they only got one nap in the morning, so they were just exhausted by 6:00. I started getting their stuff together to leave and my mom had Con in the living room, I took the diaper bag and another bag out to the van and as I was coming back I could hear someone wailing inside, I thought one of them was hurt, I come in and there is my mom on the floor of the kitchen, sobbing, and Connor in my dad's arms, wailing. My parents have a sunken living room and she tripped up the stairs while holding Connor. She has a bad back and a bad knee, so not the best reaction time, and I know she tried to turn her fall so she would land on her bad back and cushion Connor. I didn't see the fall so I don't know what all happened. I just thought Con was really shaken up from the fall, plus he was sooo tired from only the one nap, so I took them home, and I had to work at 930 at the bar. I came home at 230 and Con and Chase were both up a lot, crying. Con was up for me from 330 until 5, and stupid me was so exhausted I didn't think to check for anything, I was just beat from working and the long day ... he leaked through his diaper and I had to change his outfit, he was screaming and I wasn't careful or anything with his foot because I didn't know and I thought he was so overtired ... this morning I noticed he couldn't bear weight on his left foot, looked at it and it was swollen. Took him to the ER and he has 2 fractures. We need to see an orthapedist tomorrow. His foot is in a splint for now.
    I told DH to check on him since he fell, to keep an eye on him, while Con was wailing, not knowing, he was bouncing him around ... all the time he had these two fractures. He doesn't understand how terrible I feel, like if I hadn't picked up that shift, my "mom" instinct would have kicked in and I would have known something was wrong ... or I wouldn't have been so tired I would have checked him over thoroughly at 4am instead of getting upset that I had to carry him out for the 3rd time to try and comfort him back to sleep ... poor little man. My mom is just heartbroken over it. I don't blame her at all, it was an accident pure and simple. My poor little man. Then today he barely napped too, so they were both just screaming ... on top of it, I think allergies kicked in for Con, he has such a runny nose and he sneezes every few minutes and blows snot everywhere, he did that so much I had to change his sheets ... I just feel terrible for him. :(
  2. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    You are not a bad mommy... you just are WAY overworked!! You got him to the ER and now things will be okay. So sorry this had to happen... bummer!
  3. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Oh gosh Kendra, that has to be soooooooo horrible for ALL of you!!! Especially poor little Con but it totally makes sense how you could have not realized. And I hope your mother is ok too. She must just feel sick to her stomach about the whole thing. It is so sad for everyone but it seems that he is going to be just fine and it will be just one of those "remember when Con..." kind of stories to reminisce about. Hope he gets better quickly and I hope you and your mother can find a way to accept that it was an accident and that just because you didn't recognize it right away that you are an awesome mother and Con is lucky to have you all in his life!!!!!
  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Aww Kendra. Accidents happen, and how could you have known? Please don't be so hard on yourself. You are a great mommy. :hug99:
  5. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    oh Kendra!! I am so sorry!! bless his sweet heart! don't beat yourself up about it - you didn't know! you are such a wonderful mommy!!!

    give him an extra hug tonight

    and let us know what the orthopedic dr. says

    :love0028: , Heather
  6. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    Don't beat yourself up, accidents happen! You honestly didn't know he was hurt but as soon as you realized you got him taken care of. :hug99: No more blaming yourself, feeling guilty won't make anything better. :hug99:
  7. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    Oh Kendra!! bless his sweet heart!! please don't beat yourself up about it - you had no idea!!! you are such a wonderful mommy!!!

    give him an extra hug tonight!!!

    please let us know what the orthopedic dr. says!

    :love0028: , Heather
  8. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    I hope your mom and Con start to feel better soon.
  9. piccolo

    piccolo Member

    Wow, I'm so sorry this happened! But like the previous posters said, it was an accident. You're taking care of him now and this is something your little boy understands. Mom is there for him. Keep kissing him and all will be well.
  10. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to make sure my post was here - my computer is acting up and it would not let me post or so I thought -
    now it is !!!

    :hug99: , Heather
  11. JakoBen

    JakoBen Well-Known Member

    Poor little guy!! :( I'm sorry that you all have to go through this. I know you are feeling so awful, but how could you have known?? If only they could tell us what's wrong, KWIM!! :) You can't go put yourself through all the "what ifs", it'll only drive you crazy...I know easier said than done. But what matter is that you did take him as soon as you knew!!! I hope his foot recovers quickly and Grandma's heart isn't completely broken :D . Keep us posted.
  12. LoriK

    LoriK Well-Known Member

    You are so not a bad mommy! It is incredibly hard to tell these things when they can't tell us! When my 2nd was 1 1/2 yo he fell & hurt his wrist. We thought he was ok because he wouldn't scream or yell when we moved his wrist all around...& he would put weight on it (when he went up the stairs), but he continued to complain about it. So on day 3 we took him in & sure enough, he had a green stick fracture. Poor guy!

    So see, you aren't alone! Btw, how's your mom doing too? She's gotta be sore wrenching her body around like that!
  13. takeluck

    takeluck Well-Known Member

    Your poor little sweetheart! Ditto PP. My mom did the same thing with my brother when he was 2. She unknowingly put him to bed with a broken leg. She still tells the story. Your little guy will be okay and some day, when you're in your 50s, you'll still be telling this story. :hug99:
  14. Irish38

    Irish38 Well-Known Member

    Do not blame yourself, you're a wonderful mom! That darn 'mommy guilt'. Anyone who breastfeeds for 6 whole months is a saint....that length of time, for TWINS, and YOU WORK--I wish I had your level of competence and dedication as a mom. You did everything you could and your boys are lucky to have you.
  15. pink and blue mom

    pink and blue mom Well-Known Member

    Poor little guy. If you would have known you would have done something then. You are a great Mommy and you dealt with it as soon as you saw some swelling. I hope he feels better soon. I also hope your mom feels better too. I can't imagine how bad she must feel but accidents do happen. With both of them crying like kinda makes you wonder if they really can feel each others pain...if not physically but emotionally?
  16. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    Oh my God, what a long night ... Con would not stop screaming, from about 5pm until about 230AM. We took him for walks, car rides, dragged out the swing, cuddles, everything ... finally called the doc at 11:00, he said because he is so little he can't have anything for pain except Tylenol or Ibuprophen and he is just in pain. Poor little man. His allergies made it 10 times worse, he would get drowsy and take his nuk but was then too stuffed up to use it, he had to breathe out of his mouth, so he'd get frustrated and bawl. Finally my honey ran to Walgreens at almost 2 in the morning to talk to the pharmacist who said we could use children's Benadryl but 1/2 tsp every 7 hours. Gave that to him and in a bit he fell asleep, I stayed out on the couch with him until 330, when of course Chase decided to wake up ... finally got to sleep about 4AM.
    We see the ortho at 115. My dad is coming to watch Chase and so I can grab a nap.
  17. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry for both of you! Fortunately, you're probably the only one who will remember this event. I still think doctors should have something for parents to make it through when things like this happen, I think we are often more traumatized than the child. Give Connor an extra big hug for all of us here.
  18. Cathmar

    Cathmar Well-Known Member

    Oh how awful! Big hugs to all of you. Connor, you and your mom. The 3 of you really need big hugs and lots of comfort. I'm so so sorry that happened to your little man. And your mother must feel awful. Even though it was purely an accident, her mom instinct is still there and it's just unstoppable to feel terrible when a baby gets hurt. And hugs to're really doiing the best you can and bottom line, you figured it out. Your mom instinct DID kick in and you DID notice something wasn't right. And hugs, of course, to the wee man. I tell ya', until I had babies, I never realized how much it stinks being a baby! My friend says that's why we don't remember any of it! I hope he's better soon. And I hope you and your mother feel better soon too.
  19. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    Poor baby!! Its so hard when they can't tell you what hurts. :hug99:
  20. DanAbimytwomiracles

    DanAbimytwomiracles Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry you both had to go through all this. I would definitely ask for Tylenol with codeine (they can give them that, although some docs balk at giving it in an at-home setting since you have to be careful wtih dosing).

    As for allergies - my son's allergies started around the same time. They are aggravated a LOT by dairy and soy. When we stopped those he was able to breathe through his nose for the first time in ages! So you might want to play with your diet to see if maybe it's something he's getting through breastmilk.
  21. littletwinmom

    littletwinmom Well-Known Member

    Poor lil thing, hope he's all better soon! And I hope you get some rest too! You're a GREAT mommy! These things happen....
  22. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    How's he doing? :hug99:
  23. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Big hugs to all of you! I hope your little guy (and your mom!) start to feel better soon. -Leighann
  24. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    Don't beat yourself up for something you have no control over! Poor baby! I hope he heals fast!
    You are a good mommy!!!
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