My poor Alivea :(

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by angie7, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    My mom and I decided to go to Factory Card Outlet today. My friend's dd is turing 1 tomorrow and I needed a card and wrapping paper. So my mom gets the bright idea to get the girls some balloons. Not something I usually let them play with for several reasons but I figured what the hey, right? We get home, they are having a great time playing with them. My dh got home from work early so my mom left. He was on the road all day and very tired so I was playing with the girls alone. I was playing with Kaytlin and looked over to find Alivea laying on the balloon, no feet or hands on the floor! I manage to utter "Aliv" and POP!, she lands flat on her face and of course bursts into tears. I felt terrible :( So I rush over to her, pick her up expecting to find blood running down her face. Luckily, no blood. I take her over to the couch and sit with her and she keeps saying "It hurts" and grabbing her leg. I look down and she has a HUGE welp from that darn balloon :( It's about 3 inches long and at least 1.5 inches wide. It even drew a little blood. For the next hour she kept saying "it hurts". It was already bruising by the time we put her to bed. I'm sure she will look really cute in her skirt tomorrow at the bday party with this huge bruise on her leg...poor baby. No more balloons!!!!
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Oh no! My girls were doing something similar last weekend with their balloons. Luckily I caught them in time because I pictured this happening!! Good thing it's only a bruise. I hope she feels better in the morning. :hug:
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Poor girl! I'm betting she won't WANT a balloon in the near future anyhow!
  4. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    I don't know whose bright idea it is to put balloons all over the grocery store. Even worse, someone always runs over to our cart with two balloons gushing about how the babies "have to have the balloons". It drives me nuts. In our house, nothing good has ever come of these balloons.
    I hope her bo bo heals quickly!
  5. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    :hug: Poor baby! I am so sorry she got hurt by it. However, I am all for balloons at our house. They are great entertainment for us! Yes, they lay on them to pop them. We've had enough pops to where now they just look at me and say pop, and then laugh (maybe it's a boy thing?). Plus, with the ones with helium, the boys are really into letting them go and watching how far up they go!
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