My OB Visit and General LOST BLAH's (LONG)

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by annlubbers, Sep 10, 2007.

  1. annlubbers

    annlubbers Well-Known Member

    Hi Everyone!
    So I had my glucose test today and my general 29 week appointment.

    Till this appointment, I've still just been going every month, but I am now starting every two weeks.

    My DH is out of town this week for business and won't be back till Wednesday, so I knew I'd be going to this appointment alone since it was scheduled last month. Normally when he goes out of town I can carry on as business as usual but not this trip, I blame being pregnant. The last couple of nights I haven't been sleeping very well, I keep getting up about every 30-40 minutes to either go to the bathroom, toss and turn, or wake up from just pregnancy pain in general.

    SO...I did my glucose test (no biggie, since it was just getting blood drawn) and got my stuff for the cord blood pickup. While I was was waiting for the doctor (first time meeting her, they make me rotate through all the dr's in the practice so I get to know all of them), I fell asleep. When she came in and woke me up (I was DEAD asleep) she introduced herself and listened to the heartbeats (good) and measured me (i'm measuring a month and 1/2 bigger then where I am).

    She then asked me how I was feeling, and I broke down crying. NO reason just starting crying. The more I tried to stop the harder I cried. She gave me some baby aspirin and tried to calm me down but it just made me cry even harder. I told her nothing was wrong and that I was just very tired and just very sleepy.

    a: asked me if we had a delivery plan... and I told her I didn't know
    b: she asked if I prefered natural or c-section... and I told her I didn't know
    c: she looked through my records and asked if I had a schedule c-section date just in case... and I told her I didn't know.

    As she asked me more question the harder I started crying. She started comforting me like my mom would just make me cry even more. I just felt so overwhelmed and very under prepared all of a sudden. I told her i have no clue what I'm suppose to be doing... and I felt lost.

    She asked me then about work and when I planned on stopping...and I told her I don't know... which made me cry even more. (Work has been a MAJOR stress factor in my life right now). I told her my manager has been asking me same thing (out of concern) and I just said I feel like all I ever say is 'I don't know'. She asked if I can cut my hours back and I told her no, because of what I do I can't. She said she can't write me a "bed rest" note because I'm 29 weeks and more then likely my insurance would deny my claim and I would not get short term disability for bed rest because I don't have a medical justification to be on bed rest.

    After all of this, I FINALLY calmed down. This is my first time being pregnant and I guess the office just assumes I know what I'm doing as well as everyone else. To be honest after this last appointment I feel like I'm just flying off the cuff and guessing as I go along. Delivery wise I didn't know i was suppose to have all these things planned, I honestly thought they would tell me depending on how my babies were positioned. I thought they would tell me when I was suppose to do stuff and when I was suppose to prepare for things...

    Am I wrong and silly for being so overwhelmed, I called my DH after my appointment (and had another melt down) and told him what happen and he feels the same way to ... LOST.
  2. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Awe, you poor thing. I feel horrible for you. I know that feeling and things can just get SO overwhelming and sometimes the fact that someone is trying to comfort you is just NO good b/c you do'nt even know what you need. i've been there, trust me. Hang in there. Hopefully tomorrow is better! No one expects you to have all the answers right now. BIG HUGS to you!
  3. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    Awww, sweetie, sending you hugs.

    It piles up and just hits you at once. At least they asked you about your birthing plan, they brush mine off and just say we'll see.

    I am glad the dr was consoling and nice. DH will be home in a couple of days and he can be there for you and make you feel better.
  4. Kimkessenich

    Kimkessenich Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry! Don't feel bad about crying at your OB's office...I myself started crying at my last OB appointment, but it was because I had my two year old with me and she was driving me crazy. I also started crying, shaking and having a panic attack at my 8 week ultrasound because I had convinced myself that the first ultrasound when they told me it was twins was wrong.

    Since this is my second pregnancy, I can only imagine how overwhelming it must be having twins for your first pregnancy. I didn't know anything when I was pregnant with my first either...the only thing I knew was that I wanted pain medication because I was so afraid of labor and delivery. Feeling exhausted all the time and not sleeping will definitely cause you to feel emotional and make you just want to cry.

    One thing that surprises me is that they told you they could not give you bedrest. I am going on modified bedrest due to "High Risk Pregnancy" at 28 weeks and the short term disability company for my work had no problem approving it. The pregnancy is high risk because it is twins and the company said that is a perfectly acceptable diagnosis for bedrest.

    I hope you feel better!
  5. Joanna Smolko

    Joanna Smolko Well-Known Member

    Awww, this is my first pregnancy as well, and I know things can get overwhelming. We moved to another state at the end of my first trimester, and I realized that including U/S visits, etc., I saw 8 different doctors before I finally saw an OB two times in a row.

    It seems almost like they should have asked some of those questions earlier in the pregnancy, but now you can figure out your preferences for next time. Maybe a good twin pregnancy book might help? I just feel less overwhelmed when I have a lot of information (but that's just me).

    Plus the glucose test--not eating and then drinking that sugar stuff--can make you feel really awful. I know it did for me. I brought some peanuts in to eat as soon as they were finished testing me because I felt so yucky afterwards.

    Hang in there, and vent away in twinstuff whenever you need to! It's really helped me to hear the advice of veterans along the way.
  6. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

  7. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    :hug99: Yes, all of this CAN be overwhelming at times. I'm sorry work is a major stress. Work has always been stressful for me so I can totally understand that. I'm glad the doctor was patient and comforting :).
  8. belinda07

    belinda07 Well-Known Member

    This is my first pregnancy as well and it does get overwhelming!!! It would be hard if you usually have your DH with you, and hadn't had any sleep!! I hate being woken up when I am finally sleeping.
    I find the more I read and prepare the better I feel. I dont have a birth plan because I figure if I have no specific expectations - other than ending up with two beautiful babies - then I wont be disappointed!!!

    I would be a mess if I was still working!
    Hugs for you.
  9. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Hang in there. You aren't supposed to know all the answers; you've never done this before. Don't be afraid to ask your doctors or the people here. And if you still don't know, let your doctors make the final call. And like a pp said, take some time to read some books. If you like lighthearted, try Ready or Not Here We Come. If you like the more scientific, factual approach, try Dr. Luke's book (Expecting Twins, Triplets... or something like that). But just know, that you are not alone in this journey. It can be daunting at times, but it doesn't have to be so overwhelming. BIG hugs to you.
  10. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    :hugs: to you! Being pregnant with twins can be extremely overwhelming! Hang in there!
  11. ladybenz

    ladybenz Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry you have had a stressful, rough time. I think its perfectly normal and natural with any pregnancy, especially a first--and twins!

    My husband and I have had our overwhelmed moments too. We jsut do what we can to get by and encourage each other.

    Hang in there!
  12. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    You're're allowed to cry!! Believe me I know those days... I'm a SAHM, and lately I've been in a marathon of days where dh just isn't around or if he is he's working on a house I feel like I've been trapped with the kids 24-7 for weeks... and too exhausted to get was one of my "I just want to meltdown and cry" days... Sometimes you just feel like you have to get it out... Every FTM feels like they are flying at the cuff... I know that I was clueless with my first dd and pretty much just wanted the docs to tell me everything. As far as birthing options...

    Well, you need to ask your docs what they recommend... if both your babies are vertex then most docs will say it's fine to go for a vaginal delivery. If baby A is vertex and baby B is not, then you might get varying opinions... if baby A is not vertex then it will have to be a c/s... If you are having growth scans now then you can keep up with your babies' positions just by asking the tech what the positions are. (Don't rely on manual checks by the doc was dead wrong on my baby A...he said she was vertex when it was really her butt/hip he was feeling!! LOL!)... As far as what YOU want to do if your babies are both vertex...well, start doing some may feel ambivalent about it now...but after doing research you might feel strongly one way or another.

    One point to consider is whether or not you will have more children. If you aren't sure or if you know for sure that you will then I would lean in favor of doing a vaginal delivery if possible. VBACs aren't always encouraged and obviously carry more risk than some women are comfortable with...the best solution is to just avoid the c/s if possible. You might not care now, but lots of women realize later that they would like to experience vaginal delivery. And some women couldn't care less...

    As I considered my birthing options, even as an "experienced" mom the first thing I did was to interview all my docs and get their opinions. I found out quickly which docs I would NOT be comfortable with delivering my twins... and I also gained good information to help me decide if it was worth risking the "double whammy".... in the end my baby A went transverse, and I didn't have to struggle to decide anymore... that may happen with you too... but if it doesn't you have to be prepared to know what you want...

    As far as falling asleep in the room..ha... I almost did the same thing today at my doctor's appt!! Why do they make us wait so long sometimes...with nothing but diagrams of the reproductive organs to stare at!! Some of these exam rooms need to get some serious decor help!!
  13. DGehring

    DGehring Member

    My doctor hasn't even asked me most of these things, thanks for warning me. I think some days we just need to cry, cry, cry. Your allowed. Don't feel bad about it, I bet she was probably asking so many questions to get your on something else too.
  14. Gumberly

    Gumberly Well-Known Member

    Oh honey don’t feel bad at all. Everyone has these moments. Don’t worry to much about not having the answers you will and everything will work out fine. ! *hugs*
  15. annlubbers

    annlubbers Well-Known Member

    THANK YOU EVERYONE!! I really needed all of y'alls support yesterday! :D I really appreciate it!

    Funny thing is, today I have been having CRAMPS in my lower back and on my pelvic line like CRAZY! I think it's my body destressing from yesterday (I was so tense all day!)

    I think they are BH contractions but I go back in to see the doctor tomorrow for my sonogram (they forgot to do it yesterday, while I was having my melt down, I think I frazzled my doctor too!) and I'll ask her about it then!!

    THanks again everyone I'm so glad you guys are out there for me and everyone else!!!
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