MY mother has started a BAD habit

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by KYsweetheart, Mar 28, 2007.

  1. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    The boys spent the night with her this past weekend, and she ran out of juice/milk so she gave them some Dr. Pepper in their sippies... well, now they are going on a juice/milk strike and only want 'Pepper' as they call it. I of course put milk and juice in their cups and tell them NO Pepper, drink your milk/juice... which has created one heck of a scream fest! I am at my wits end!
  2. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] OMG Jamie! Stick to your guns, eventually they will stop asking. Tell your mom next time to just give them water. LOL
  3. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I would have been so angry with my mom!!! Mine only get milk and water and the occasional juice at a playdate or party. I would stick to your guns and ONLY give them the milk and juice Jamie. They will forget about the soda soon enough. I would just tell them that it's not for babies. I think it would be a VERY bad idea to let them have it...
  4. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    They have had it on occassion, when we go out to eat, they get sprite/pepsi in a cup with a funky looking straw, and they had never refused their milk/juice when we did that. BUT that was at a restaurant, not home that is probably the difference.

    A few minutes ago I refilled his cup and said "Mmmm pepper", while pouring his juice, and I think he thinks I gave him his 'pepper'. He drank it, so maybe that will work?

    I wish she wouldn't have done this!
  5. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    OMG, I would FLIP if my mother did that! [​IMG] She couldn't just give them water?? My mom thinks I'm too strict because I won't give them juice. I would just tell the boys no, that was a one-time only thing and we're not having "Pepper" again. They will forget about it soon enough.
  6. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    OH NO!!!! One more thing to deal with huh?? I hope they forget "pepper" soon and move back into their better habit [​IMG]
  7. crazybabies

    crazybabies Well-Known Member

    My sister pulled a similar one on us last year. She took all my kids to Sonic and bought them each their own Coke. Not only had they never had coke before, but I don't let them have anything except a sippie!! And to top it off, she let them have it in their carseats & in my car!
    My daughter now thinks she gets her own coke anytime she sees a Sonic!
    I have a hard time coming down too hard on my sister & parents for stuff like this though, because they live across the country & don't get to see our kids that often. I also know, from my older son, he quickly figured out there are things that fly w/ grandparents/aunts etc that don't fly w/ Mommy.
  8. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    aren't grandparents just GRAND? it's even worse if they do something like that and you are right there! my mom did that with coffee!
  9. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh no! [​IMG] I would be furious if my mom did that. Like PP said stick to your guns about it. You'll have them back to just milk and juice in no time.

    originally posted by KYsweetheart
    A few minutes ago I refilled his cup and said "Mmmm pepper", while pouring his juice, and I think he thinks I gave him his 'pepper'. He drank it, so maybe that will work?

    [​IMG] I'm sorry this just made me laugh, him saying "Mmmm pepper".
  10. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Jamie, I would be livid with my Mom!! My kids get a little juice in a sippy (1/2 water 1/2 juice) when they are dehydrated from diarrhea or sick and I want extra liquid in them, but they don't usually finish it and ask for water instead (Ali at least). They are milk and water kids and I hope to keep it that way for YEARS!! Soda is a big time pandora's box!!

    Way to go with the tricking of the child!! [​IMG] Tee hee! GOOD WORK MOM!
  11. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    I agree... I would be FURIOUS with my mom as well. Don't give in Jamie!! [​IMG]
  12. Lilpark

    Lilpark Well-Known Member

    Just stick to your guns'll eventually win out! I would tell your mom no more soda....too much of a hassle.
  13. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    They have had it on occassion, when we go out to eat, they get sprite/pepsi in a cup with a funky looking straw, and they had never refused their milk/juice when we did that. BUT that was at a restaurant, not home that is probably the difference.

    I'm not trying to be critical Jamie, but I wouldn't even give it to them in the restaurant. If you don't want them to have it/expect it, I wouldn't give it to them at all. It's really not good for them for so many reasons - caffeine, sugar, no hydrating quality, carbonation (leaches calcium from their bones),acidity, etc. I would just ask for milk/water/juice at the restaurant as well. I would tell you mom that if she doesn't have milk that you would like her to just give them water.
  14. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I'm of the same feeling as you Melissa. But, I am a big hypocrite and I drink two diet sodas a day, occasionally a regular soda as a treat. I figure I have a few more months before I'm going to have to give it up entirely. Right now I can say "It's Mommy's drink" and they are OK with that.
  15. twindependent

    twindependent Well-Known Member

    I would be mad, but if you just let them refuse their milk or water or juice for long enough, they'll stop asking for their pepper.

    I think I heard that Dr. Pepper has the most caffeine of any of the regular sodas, next to Mountain Dew. I'm surprised they slept that night (did they?)!
  16. candctwinfactory

    candctwinfactory Well-Known Member

    Add me to the "I would be SOOO mad!!!" list. I get mad enough at DH for giving chocolate cookies when they are so happy with gramcrackers!! They will get thursty and give in to the water/milk/juice.
  17. jxnsmama

    jxnsmama Well-Known Member

    I also know, from my older son, he quickly figured out there are things that fly w/ grandparents/aunts etc that don't fly w/ Mommy.

    This is how I feel about it. Grandparents have limited time with the kids, and they can't possibly know every rule. Your mom might not have made the best choice, but it was a one-time thing, and it didn't hurt them. Personally, I don't think it's anything to be furious over. I'm of the "everything in moderation" mentality. If you're OK with a little soda now and then, let that be the special treat they get when they see Grandma, and let her know you want them only to have a few sips, not a whole cup full. It will be fun for them to look back on that as a special thing when they're older ("I remember how fun it was to go to Grandma's and get a taste of Dr. Pepper, because Mom and Dad never let us have it at home.") [​IMG]
  18. Mommy2ATeam

    Mommy2ATeam Well-Known Member

    I don't think I would be TOO mad about that. (DH would hit the roof, but he gets much more upset about things his mom does than me.) I know that part of a grandparent's "job" is to spoil the grandkids. My kids haven't been introduced to soda yet but MIL and SIL used to let them drink some of their tea anytime we went out to eat. It drove me crazy, b/c everytime we went out, they thought they needed some of our drinks. Then I figured out that the novelty was simply drinking out of the straw, so now I always order them some water in a kids cup so they can drink that. Sometimes you have to trick them to keep the peace! [​IMG]
  19. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by jxnsmama:
    I also know, from my older son, he quickly figured out there are things that fly w/ grandparents/aunts etc that don't fly w/ Mommy.

    This is how I feel about it. Grandparents have limited time with the kids, and they can't possibly know every rule. Your mom might not have made the best choice, but it was a one-time thing, and it didn't hurt them. Personally, I don't think it's anything to be furious over. I'm of the "everything in moderation" mentality. If you're OK with a little soda now and then, let that be the special treat they get when they see Grandma, and let her know you want them only to have a few sips, not a whole cup full. It will be fun for them to look back on that as a special thing when they're older ("I remember how fun it was to go to Grandma's and get a taste of Dr. Pepper, because Mom and Dad never let us have it at home.") [​IMG]

    I am kind of with Amy on this one. I too am of the mentality that there are "special" rules when they are with Grandma and Grandpa. We have long joked (before I even had kids) that the kids would sit in bed late at night, watch movies, and eat ice cream together when spending the night at Grandma and Grandpas. Well, they haven't done that, but they have had sips of soda with my parents. I guess the important thing out of this Jamie, is that the kids learn/understand that the rules are different with mommy. And that "Pepper" is something special you get only when you are with Grandma.
  20. JoyX2

    JoyX2 Well-Known Member

    My mom does that to us too. They'll have their milk sippies right there in their hands and she'll offer them some Dr. Pepper and down go the sippies! We've told her to stop but she doesn't listen, so we just don't go over there any more until she's ready to follow our rules about giving them so much sugar. She would feed them candy all day long too if we'd let her! No wonder I have struggled with my weight all these years...Dr. Pepper and candy was probably all I got as a toddler! LOL

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