My LO hasn't slept in over a week

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by ilovemykids, Aug 22, 2012.

  1. ilovemykids

    ilovemykids Well-Known Member

    my LO has an ear infection but has been on antibiotics for about a week. she had a cold which manifested into an ear infection, etc. no cough; slight runny nose but no stuffiness really.
    i have tried tylenol....teething tablets....teething creams/gels, etc....

    my LO has been getting up on the hour ALL NIGHT for the past week/two weeks.
    i chalked it up to her cold or maybe teething??
    then i thought it might be a growth spurt. she becomes inconsolable after re-inserting the pacifier for hours and then i feed her. she goes back to sleep.

    what is going on?!
    please help!

    To add - she just turned 6 months old.
  2. Mom2VLS

    Mom2VLS Well-Known Member

    You mentioned the ear infection - could there still be fluid in her ears? My oldest got fluid in her ears (no infection) last November and her ears hurt for a week or more. Unfortunately, I don't know that I have a fix but the source may be in the ears. Fluid buildup causes a lot pressure and pain that can be extremely disruptive. Is there any way that you could safely make it so that she is sleeping on an incline (such as propping up the mattress)? That might help.
  3. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I was going to suggest incline too or laying them in a boppy. That is the only way we made it thru rsv season.
  4. ilovemykids

    ilovemykids Well-Known Member

    there was no fluid when i first went to the doc
    she sleeps in a boppy. i am at a loss. the eating at night I'm fearing is going to be a bad habit. she also hasn't had any solids in over a week too. she refuses to eat them.
  5. Amycplus

    Amycplus Well-Known Member

    Just an idea, what about probiotics? The antibiotics may have thrown her system off and probiotics might help.
  6. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    There could be fluid now. Ear infections are so painful. I would try having her sleep with the boppy or throw a couple towels under her mattress to prop up the one end. It's worth a shot.

    ETA: Sorry I just saw where you said she is already sleeping in a boppy. Maybe it's time to call the doc again and discuss with him/her. Or even just the nurses line and see what they have to say.
  7. aquickworld

    aquickworld Well-Known Member

    Are you just giving her Tylenol or have you tried Motrin or even Advil yet? Those two are a longer lasting anti inflamitory that might just do the trick. If its fluid backed up in her ear there isn't much you can do for it other than some pain relieving drops. Also all 3 of my kids have gone through a sleep disruption at the 6-7 month mark and after we established the nothing physically was wrong with them we had to just let them CIO. I know some people just can't use that method but it does work. Hope something helps soon and you can get some much needed rest!!! Hang in there Mama!!!!
  8. mama_dragon

    mama_dragon Well-Known Member

    I would get the ears rechecked. Both of my boys ended up on two rounds of antibiotics due to ear infections. If your LO has fluid or still has an ear infection and the ear drum is intact a drop of olive oil in each ear can help with pain. You can ask your doctor about it. They can also prescribe and oil based ear drop for pain as well.

    When one of my boys had ear infections he would start screaming the moment he was laid down. He was up all night. He would wake every hour and the only thing that was soothing was feeding.
  9. ilovemykids

    ilovemykids Well-Known Member

    thanks for this info/advice.
    her antibiotic seems to be upsetting her belly i think. i took her off of it for 2 days and she's been much better. however - she is NOT on schedule like she usually is.
    I'm going to bring her in for a re-check to the walk in tomorrow....

    she has NO desire to eat solids?
    is this normal?

    OH!! and i've used probiotics, daily. and i have tried tylenol as well.
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