My little stripper

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by hikerkira, Dec 8, 2008.

  1. hikerkira

    hikerkira Well-Known Member

    Kate is just starting to take her clothes off, and finally managed to do so at the sitters last week. Unfortunately she managed to get her diaper off too. More unfortunately it was during nap time and she didn't make any sound while she stripped. To make matters even worse she fell asleep like that, totally nekkie. You can see where this is going, right? The sitter found her in a lovely puddle of pee. Thankfully she had thrown all her clothes out of the crib so they were not wet. And lucky for me it was bath day and that was one more child I didn't have to wash! (the sitter did)

    I now keep her in onsies and if that doesn't work I will go to duct tape!
  2. schlengermom

    schlengermom Well-Known Member

    We had the same problem with out twinkies....both of them. Abbi more so than Reese, but they LOVED being nekkie...diapers and all....we finally had to put their diapers on backwards for naps and wonders!!! It has been a little over a month and now they don't even try to get them off.LOL.
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Love your little fairies in your avatar!! :wub:

    Yes, onsies are the way to go at this point. Then you move to PJ's on backwards and a safety pin at the top on the back so they can't get them off. There are kids that this won't stop, so you'll have to keep working till you find the solution for you!!

    I'm sure if you get desperate, search this forum or even the First Year, you'll find tons of creative solutions!! :hug:
  4. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    Oh, I remember that stage so well! You've gotten some great suggestions from the PP, but while those suggestons have worked for many others, none of those worked for my son. We had to use packing tape to wrap around his diaper. This worked great for awhile, but it didn't take long for him to figure out he could just pull his diaper down like underwear. I was ready to try to invent some type of suspenders with the tape (over a t-shirt of course!). Fortunately, stripping lost its appeal around that same time and we haven't dealt with it in awhile!

    Just be glad she pee'd and it wasn't the other! We dealt with the poo all over the crib (and the crib tent) twice before we figured out how to keep his diaper on! Yuck!

    Enjoy! :D
  5. hikerkira

    hikerkira Well-Known Member

    Thanks Diane, they love to walk in the leaves!

    Hopefully it wont go any farther, she hasn't tried the zipper on her footie jammies yet, but if you put her in pants, watch out!

    And my sitter is glad it wasn't poop either!!!!! :eek:
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