My little boy . . .

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by threebecamefive, Jan 5, 2010.

  1. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    I'm a teacher and initiated contact with our school district's speech pathologist. I was concerned that Nathan's speech was not what it should be for your average-joe three (almost four) year old. She tested him and observed him and he qualifies for SpEd services. We just had the CST/IEP meeting and it was hard to be on the other side of the meeting. I'm not ashamed for him/of him, I'm not embarassed, I'm not really sure what I am. Sad maybe? The SP was recounting her observation of him this morning in his pre-school class and how the other kids and teacher couldn't understand anything he said and how it does affect him socially. That makes me sad.

    I already knew this; it's why I talked to her in the first place. I guess now that it's all on paper and "official", I feel sad. I hate that any kid has to struggle, and really, in the scheme of life, he has it good.

    On the plus side (really though, there's not a negative), I initiated this because I wanted to know if there was really a problem, and if there was, I wanted him to get help now rather than waiting until he started Kindergarten in two years. So, I'm glad to see my Mommy instincts were correct and that he is starting speech therapy next week.

    He'll go to speech on a non-school day as well, so he won't have to miss any class/play time. That also makes me happy.
  2. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    :grouphug: I'm glad you were able to get him evaluated. It's hard when we know something is up and just hope we're wrong.
    My ds is in EI and it has worked wonders for him! Nathan will catch up in no time!!
  3. FourKiddos

    FourKiddos Well-Known Member

    Don't be sad. My now five year old was placed into speech at 2.5 after I literally dragged my feet all they way until I finally agreed to get the eval. done. She was only saying one word phrases at 2.5. By the time she started pre-school at 3 - she was at age level!!!! They said since she had come so far in only 4 months - they take summers off - we could continue with the therapy for another year. I agreed and by the time she turned four - she was above the curve and has had no problems since. She is in kindergarten and everyone understands her. It was the best decision we made.

    BTW - my oldest brother had speech therapy when we were kids for SEVEN years. He has since graduated from hs valedictorian, and he is now a partner of a cardiologist medical group. Early intervention is the key to correcting a problem we see now.
  4. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    Good for you for getting him the help he needs right now. I understand what you're saying... it's not sad, but then again, it's not something you ever hope your child needs either. My son is in EI now and we're starting the orientation/evaluation/transfer process to the school district this month already! They do it 6 months in advance here.
  5. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the positive replies. I wrote my original post just minutes after returning to my classroom (after the meeting). Since I initiated the evaluation and all, I suprised myself with the range of emotions I experienced both during and after the meeting.

    I have perspective again and am very happy about the referral. I am also hoping that because of his young age and eagerness to learn, that he'll be a mini sponge and make solid progress.

    Thanks again for being so encouraging!
  6. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    :hug: I'm sure it is a very hard thing to deal with, but you should be very proud of yourself for taking the initiative and getting your son early help. He will benefit tremendously from starting it now rather than later. You are a huge asset to him - he's lucky to have you. I really hope that he thrives with the additional support services!
  7. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    My baby sister(9 years younger) had to have speech because of hearing loss due to recurring ear infections. It got to the point where only me and mom could understand her. She went to speech for 2 or 3 years and now is a well adjusted teenager. She still can't her some tones but can compensate better with it now. We had Jess tested at 2.5 for speech and development delays but she was only a bit behind in physical and barely behind in speech. We got tubes not long after and her speech really got better. Sometimes it's still hard to understand her but usually it's due to her not talking loudly enough
  8. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    I totally understand, believe me. No one wants to hear that their child needs extra help, even though EI can only be a good thing. I think it's because we tend to justify/rationalize our children's challenges, and come to terms with them....but seeing it on paper or hearing it from someone else just makes it raw again.

    I hope your kiddo thrives with therapy!
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