my friend and singleton mother went on vacation!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by foppa2102, Oct 28, 2009.

  1. foppa2102

    foppa2102 Well-Known Member

    my best friend had her son 5 months before my girls were born, and she and her husband just went to costa rica for 2 weeks on vacation! wow, i wouldn't ever consider such a thing. i mean, i'd LOVE to, but i just cant imagine it being realistic anytime soon. when is life supposed to return to normal? lol, when they start school or when they graduate school? hehe.
  2. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Good for her! LOL! We went to Vegas when the boys were 13 months old. It was 5 days total maybe...and I was newly pregnant with #3 and we knew it wouldn't be happening anytime soon! I'd say-if you have people you trust to watch the babies-get away! Even if it's for one night!

    The first time-will be the hardest. I won't say it gets easier, but you are so refreshed when you return!

    Oh-but I could never do 2 weeks! When dh and I celebrate our 10 yr wedding anniversary-the kids will be 4/5 years old-that's when we'll probably do a two week getaway. I hope!
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Good for her! DH and I went to Florida for a week when the kiddos were 4 months old and we are going again, sans kiddos, in January. I agree with Megan, if you have people you trust watching the babies definitely do get away even if it's for overnight.
  4. caba

    caba Banned

    Start young! We went away for a long weekend when the twins were 5 months old. My parents / sister watched them for us. It was hard, but not THAT hard. Sleep felt so wonderful!

    We actually leave next week for Aruba for the week, without kids!! I can't wait!
  5. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    2 weeks is a long time. I could never follow through with that! Heck I felt bad when we took our oldest out of town for 2 days and didn't take the twins along. I'm weird about when I will leave the twins and when I won't. It has to be something important for me to even let them stay at my parent's house overnight!
  6. Rach1137

    Rach1137 Well-Known Member

    We left the boys with my parents overnight for the first time when they were 5 months old and DH and I went for a long weekend. When the boys were 9 months old we left them with my parents overnight when we went to Florida for a family emergency. We thought we would be gone for about 3 nights and it ended up being 8 total. It was a lot easier leaving them in that situation knowing that they had stayed overnight with my parents before. We try to have them stay there about once a month or every 6 weeks so that they are used to sleeping there and that has helped. We are thinking about going to either Vegas or Florida in the spring for DH's 30th birthday and we would be leaving the boys again for 3 or 4 nights.
    At this point I don't think I would leave them for 2 whole weeks, that still seems long to me at this point. Not so much for us, but for the people watching them. My boys are a handful and the only people close by who really can watch them are my parents and I hate to feel like we are imposing.
  7. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Wow, I can't imagine leaving my boys for that long. Unless you're saying that they brought their son with them! :lol: I've never been away from my sons longer than a day at work and I don't think that's going to change any time soon.

    As far as things "returning to normal"...well, I think that for me, I have a "new normal". My life will never be remotely anything like what it was before, and I not only accept it, I'm happy about it. No, we can't go out with friends in the evening on a whim, and we can't jet off to Europe, but honestly we never did that before kids. :pardon: My life has so much more meaning and purpose now that I don't really feel like I'm sacrificing anything.

    But this is just my perspective. If you need a vacation, then you should definitely find a way to make it happen! :good:
  8. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    My mom started taking the girls overnight when they were babies and then we'd do a weekend away every so often. We did 3 nights away in April and we just did 5 nights away. I trust her 100% with them and am so grateful that someone would be willing to take them at all. It's so much work. I don't know who I'd trust to do it besides her and my best friend. We probably won't be going away by ourselves for a while. We are taking them to Disney in Feb. with the whole family (parents, brother, aunt). It should be fun, although I'm dreading the flight with 21 month olds!

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