My Fabulous DH

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Jordari, Jan 8, 2007.

  1. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    I just had to share....we had a rough start to this pregnancy because I had hyperemesis and was totally exhausted all the time; it was rough for DH to pick up all the slack, working full time, travelling and doing almost everything in the house (I could barely do dishes and could't get to the basement to do laundry)

    Well, I finally stopped being sick all the time, and now that I'm REALLY pregnant (almost 24 weeks), he's been so great: bringing me snacks, water, telling me how beautiful I am all the time (which is really nice to hear!).

    Last night - well, I've often been pretty frustrated with how he 'cleans' the kitchen, meaning he can't seem to WIPE THE COUNTERS or clean out the sink!!! I know, in the scheme of things it's not a big deal, but - we moved into a house which has black granite counters, and although they look gorgeous in all the magazines and design shows, as soon as you go near them with water or anything they streak like crazy. And I hate going into a kitchen and starting to cook when it's not clean - it makes so much more work!

    Yesterday he had cooked lunch, and then 'cleaned up', and i spent about half an hour cleaning up after him (but didn't say anything). Well, last night when I came upstairs last night from the basement, he had cleaned the entire kitchen - changed the cat boxes, cleared and actually washed and dried the counters - everything was clear and clean and sparkling - it was like waking up to a gift! When I told him how much I appreciated it, he said "well, that's how my wife does it, so I can too."

    Is he a sweetie pie, or WHAT? That doesn't mean that he's not going to do something later that I will react (or over=react)to, but - he sure deserves to have his praises sung now!
  2. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    I just had to share....we had a rough start to this pregnancy because I had hyperemesis and was totally exhausted all the time; it was rough for DH to pick up all the slack, working full time, travelling and doing almost everything in the house (I could barely do dishes and could't get to the basement to do laundry)

    Well, I finally stopped being sick all the time, and now that I'm REALLY pregnant (almost 24 weeks), he's been so great: bringing me snacks, water, telling me how beautiful I am all the time (which is really nice to hear!).

    Last night - well, I've often been pretty frustrated with how he 'cleans' the kitchen, meaning he can't seem to WIPE THE COUNTERS or clean out the sink!!! I know, in the scheme of things it's not a big deal, but - we moved into a house which has black granite counters, and although they look gorgeous in all the magazines and design shows, as soon as you go near them with water or anything they streak like crazy. And I hate going into a kitchen and starting to cook when it's not clean - it makes so much more work!

    Yesterday he had cooked lunch, and then 'cleaned up', and i spent about half an hour cleaning up after him (but didn't say anything). Well, last night when I came upstairs last night from the basement, he had cleaned the entire kitchen - changed the cat boxes, cleared and actually washed and dried the counters - everything was clear and clean and sparkling - it was like waking up to a gift! When I told him how much I appreciated it, he said "well, that's how my wife does it, so I can too."

    Is he a sweetie pie, or WHAT? That doesn't mean that he's not going to do something later that I will react (or over=react)to, but - he sure deserves to have his praises sung now!
  3. Babygus0

    Babygus0 Well-Known Member

    Ahh that's so sweet!
  4. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Awww - how sweet! He's a keeper [​IMG]
  5. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    I love that story!! I'm sure just thinking about it will keep you smiling through the next few weeks! What a thoughtful guy.

  6. Twin-kle Twin-kle little stars

    Twin-kle Twin-kle little stars Well-Known Member

    Thats awesome, is he going to give any seminars to other future twin daddies on house work?hahaha, lol. No, I think thats husband seems to always think my jobs around the house are easy...but when he has to do them, the story is different, although he is trying more as I expand.

  7. threetobe

    threetobe Well-Known Member

    Awww, what a sweetheart! Sounds like he'll be a great Daddy, too!
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