My emotional rollercoaster

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by, Mar 12, 2010.

    After more than 18 months of TTC and 1 MC, I got pregnant through IVF/ICSI. Last Friday I had my second ultrasound and my doctor didn't think this pregnancy would be viable because the image was fuzzy compared to the first ultrasound. I was so upset, I can't even being to explain (...but I'm sure many of you understand).

    Fast forward 5 days and I've got an increased beta HCG and a new ultrasound. Conclusion? Twins! Apparently last week the two embryos were sort of on top of each other so they looked fuzzy. This time I saw 2 distinct embryos and I knew what it meant even before my doctor opened his mouth!

    Very happy, much relieved and sooooo tired. I slept 10 hours last night and I'm still having trouble keeping my eyes open.

  1. Sunny

    Sunny Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on your twins!! What an up-and-down experience that must have been. I hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy!
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Congratulations Nichole!!! :Clap: :Clap: Welcome to twinstuff. :wub:
  3. Kaffeetee

    Kaffeetee Well-Known Member

  4. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member


    And I remember being that tired. Exhaustion was my worst symptom. I never threw up, but I swear those first weeks I could have slept 16 hours a day!
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :welcome: to Twinstuff Nichole! Congrats on your twins. :Clap:
  6. chatongris

    chatongris Well-Known Member

  7. WaterGuzzler

    WaterGuzzler Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! I hope the rest of your pg is less like a rollercoaster :)
  8. Just back from a business trip so I'm catching up now.

    Thanks to all of you for your best wishes. It's so nice to have found a community of people who understand how special twins are.

    I'm super happy to be having twins and can't wait to tell everyone (just starting week 9 today). So far, so nausea at all! Just tired and lots of trips to the bathroom.

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