my dr said no juice

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ****mws****, May 2, 2007.

  1. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

    she said it leads to obisity.. she would rather them have the fruit..

    i wish i had never givin it to them.. they love their juice..

    my kids are skinny.. i was until i had the twins..

    have you heard of such???
  2. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I have heard the same thing. Our ped didn't say none at all but to give it as a treat. And no more than 4oz a day. Several days a week my three youngest get watered down juice with lunch so maybe 3oz but otherwise they get milk with breakfast and dinner and water any other time. My older two get juice occasionally on the weekend with lunch or juice boxes at parties at school, etc. Never consistently. My understanding is that the body treats the naturally occurring sugars in juice the same as sugar in candy and other sweets. If your kids drink alot of it, I would try to start weaning them off it. Water it down a little at a time until you're down to like half and half once a day and water the rest of the time.
  3. heathernd

    heathernd Well-Known Member

    My pedi never said anything about obesity - just how it can damage their teeth. We used to water juice down when they were little, but we don't anymore. I pack them a juice box in their lunch every day.
  4. Dragonfly76

    Dragonfly76 Well-Known Member

    I think all the doctors say the same about the juice. There's really not much good about it - fruit minus fiber, minus natural vitamins after all that evaporation and concentration and than dilution back to the normal concentration... plus calcium, sometimes and synthetic vitamin C. As the result we get very sweet and acidic water, that tastes good, but...
  5. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    When the pediatrician asked how much juice they drink, I told her I'm not giving it because they eat plenty of fruit. She seemed happy with that answer so we didn't really discuss how much juice they could have. We rarely drink juice ourselves but I'm sure they'll have OJ with breakfast when we do once they've mastered the open cup.
  6. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I just started giving juice, and Grace doesn't really care for it. I offer it at their afternoon snack, 1/2 water and 1/2 juice, and Lily drinks the whole sippy full. Grace maybe takes a couple sips, so I have just started giving her milk again at this snack.

    If we go out I'll sometimes take a juice box because it is easier. But I always buy the 100% juice, no sugar added variety of juices.

    And as far as obesity is concerned, my girls are little and I'd like to put some weight on at this point in time. They eat plenty of fruit and veggies, in fact they love fruit and veggies, so I think watered down juice once a day is just fine.
  7. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

    i did the waterd down thing..

    she strait up said no juice.. they dont need it.. its empty calories.. sugar water if you will..

    i was like ok.. my 2 year old said nojuice.. and was very upset..

    im sure everything in moderation.. but just to strait up say no..

    wow.. i was shocked.
  8. **Sandy**

    **Sandy** Well-Known Member

    Here is the American Academy of Pediatrics policy on juice:;107/5/1210

    Juice is not necessary and has too much sugar. Kids these days get plenty of sugar from their diets and we should try to get them to eat whole fruit instead of juice. My girls have had juice less than 10 times in their lives. They have always been given water and that is what they prefer now. It is hard to change things for a two year old, so if I would recommend slowly weaning your DC off the juice. Start by watering it down until you are eventually only giving water.
  9. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    I think moderation for everything is key personally.
    I make my boys their big cups a few times a day, they hold probably 8-10 ozs I'm guessing{?} and I put maybe an ounce of juice each time. They get very little.
  10. mandylouwho

    mandylouwho Well-Known Member

    My kkids get way to much juice and Im in the process of weaning them off it. Im not worried about them gaining weight, Im worried about thier teeth.
  11. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    My niece drank nothing but juice once she started getting it and she's very heavy. I battle weight issues and so does hubby, so we only give it when they are sick and need to rehydrate (they usually like water better though) and they LOVE LOVE LOVE fruit, so I don't for that reason. It's sorta a pandora's box.

    I think you will be fine in moderation!! It's like anything else, right?
  12. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    No juice here either, their Pedi said the same thing.
  13. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    We haven't done it and don't plan to. I can't wait to expand the kind of fruits they can have. I had such a craving for apple juice while I was pregnant that they got enough juice to last a lifetime! I'm scared if they try it they'll remember that and become little apple juice demons!! :diablo:
  14. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    My doctor also said no juice or as little as possible watered down. I try to not give it very often.
  15. marcy874

    marcy874 Well-Known Member

    My pedi said pretty much the same thing. She said if you do give juice, no more than 2-4 oz per day. Mine LOVE fruit though, so I don't feel its necessary to give them juice. They get milk or water. Mine are a little skinny, so the pedi actually said no water too...just milk. They only drink 16-18 oz of milk/day and she thought they should get a little more. I usally give them yogurt or pudding to get them extra calories and calcium.
  16. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    NO juice here- my decision as I assessed that my girls were getting plenty of fresh fruit!
  17. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We were told no more than 4 oz. of juice a day. They usually get probably about 2 oz. each and then I fill the rest with water. I think everything in moderation.
  18. latb611

    latb611 Well-Known Member

    I was never told anything like this! My girls refuse to drink water unless it is flavored water and always have. They get milk in the morning and milk at night b/c you are not supposed to give a toddler over 16 oz of milk per day. During the rest of the day they get sugar free Kool aid and decaffinated and sugar free tea to drink.
  19. cajuntwinmom

    cajuntwinmom Well-Known Member

    I don't see a problem with juice in moderation. I usually buy the guava or passion fruit juice from Whole Foods, which is absolutely natural, no preservatives, no sugar added. Pure fruit juice. But I truly don't see anything wrong with a little bit of juice. I mean butter causes obesity, candy, starchy foods like mashed potatoes and white pastas, you can't take all that you just have to be the judge. I think if you completely isolate your kid from foods that are deemed unhealthy...then when they aren't around you they go crazy.
  20. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    I agree that everything in moderation is fine. The trouble comes when toddlers/preschoolers refuse to moderate their consumption. When your child refuses to drink water and will drink only juice, then moderation is out the window. We hold back juice because our boys will insist on it - and reject water and milk. We went through that at 12 months with Jacob.

    And I remember that while pregnant, my dr advised me to stay away from juice because it had no nutritional value - even 100% juice. She advised me to eat the fruit and skip the juice.

    If your child won't drink straight water, try adding a little squeezed lemon or lime juice (lime is a bit sweeter). It adds just enough flavor to take the "water" taste away.
  21. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(first_second_and_last @ May 2 2007, 09:56 AM) [snapback]241185[/snapback]
    We haven't done it and don't plan to. I can't wait to expand the kind of fruits they can have. I had such a craving for apple juice while I was pregnant that they got enough juice to last a lifetime! I'm scared if they try it they'll remember that and become little apple juice demons!! :diablo:

    I craved orange juice my whole pregnacny!

    Mine get very little juice. We only do juice when constitpated and even then I try fruit first.
  22. betseeee

    betseeee Well-Known Member

    My ped has never said anything about juice, but that might be because when the nurse does the Q&A at the beginning of each visit, she asks if they drink juice and I say "no."
  23. Dragonfly76

    Dragonfly76 Well-Known Member

    If your kids won't drink just plain water, there are much healthier options. Like kid-safe herbal teas - rosehip is very fruity ant tasty and VERY good for the health, aad liitle honey and you have a perfect drink.
  24. kma13

    kma13 Well-Known Member

    I am frankly surprised at the number of people who have replied that juice is inherently evil and we should never let our kids drink it. First there is some nutritional value to juice and while whole fruits and veggies are best that doesn't mean that juice can't and doesn't play a role. This is not a criticism, but it is why I try to take all info on these boards with a grain of salt. Nothing makes me feel as guilty as a bunch of other mommies saying that I am rotting my children from the inside out (not your words just the feeling I get when I read certain things!)

    I agree with the pp who have stated that everything in moderation... I know plenty of kids who, when they aren't allowed to do(eat) something who just do it behind their parents back (like at a friends house). We never had soda in our house when I was a kid so I would drink it like a fiend when I was elsewhere.

    My pedi also said juice is a better choice than water for rehydration and since we have battled stomach flu and various viruses this winter I figure the Vitamin C can't hurt. Just my 2 cents!
  25. cabonnell

    cabonnell Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(****mws**** @ May 2 2007, 11:37 AM) [snapback]240818[/snapback]
    i was until i had the twins..

    have you heard of such???

    Yep I've heard of this because I was too til I had the girls. ;) .....I know what you are really asking.....Everthing is fine in moderation. A little bit of juice (i.e. orange, apple, etc....not Kool-Aid) is just moderation...with afternoon snack or something along those lines. All the time, no, I don't think it's good. I'm sure the doc is giving you educated and researched advice, but I'm sure that there is other research that debates that research. It's an ongoing debate.

    BTW...Although I miss....REALLY miss my figure....and clothes shopping is quite depressing, I wouldn't trade my girls to have my figure back.
  26. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I try not to give my kids juice until they are age 18 months or more... but actually some peds recommend juice b/c it helps with constipation issues.... I think it depends on the kid... If we are talking about OJ and unsweetened apple juice that is a whole different ball game from the sugary juice boxes I've seen some parents give. I think your ped said that b/c sometimes parents who are likely to give their kids sugary juice are also likely to let them eat other junk foods, like chips, cookies, ice cream, hot dogs, pizza day in and day out.... It doesn't make sense to me to totally ban any of these things...but they shouldn't be weekly staples in their diet. The other problem with too much juice is that they fill up on it and don't have room for eating good foods or for drinking milk. My friend's ds who is the same age as my almost 4 year old dd has a diet consisting of juice, juice and more juice....add to that things like pretzles, chips...a healthy meal in his house consists of macaroni and cheese along with corn for a "vegetable."' He's not going to die from this diet and he's not getting obese...but as he is bouncing around the room, and my friend is trying to calm him down you can kind of see the side effects.... It just doesn't make for good body-building food... and I don't mean becoming buff little kids...but think about it our kids are building bones, muscles, growing organs...what we feed them becomes the building blocks for their bodies.... so I try to stick with healthy choices. I'm not a health freak, my kids have had occasional hot dogs and cookies.... we do prefer ice cream as a bit more of a natural treat... and we do like pizza as one of those relatively healthy "junk" foods.... But we don't do fast food joints with them... and they very rarely eat candy or sugary juices.... I don't keep soda or chips in the house on a regular basis at all...and we do whole wheat bread (not the heavy, seedy kinds, but the lightweight kind that the kids like better.) I see these things as little steps toward a healthy diet. But I'm not obsessively worried about the occasional junk the kids eat....
  27. jxnsmama

    jxnsmama Well-Known Member

    I'm a "moderation" mom. My boys get a little bit of everything and not much of anything (except fruit, which they eat a ton of). I personally don't believe in saying "absolutely not" to juice, chocolate, etc. They have a well-rounded, healthy diet, and if they want to have a juice box in the afternoon while they're playing outside, I'd rather see them drink that than kool-aid. At least juice has some vitamins.

    My 9-year-old has been drinking juice in moderation since before he was 1 (watered down at first), and he's skinny as a rail and has no cavities. So I'm not too worried about it.
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