My Dd have had a cough with 5 weeks and doc says she's ok..

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by siobhan, Feb 1, 2010.

  1. siobhan

    siobhan Well-Known Member

    she just turned 3!! and now my other dd has a cough arghhhh,, will they ever get better......
  2. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    I have always given mine Delsym for coughs. If it is post nasal drip then you might want to try some Benadryl to help dry her up. :pardon:
  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We didn't give them any meds until they were 4, but I have found Delsym really works (which surprised me, since I never found a cough medicine that worked at all on me). Amy had been coughing for an hour every night for several days, and the first night that I caved and gave her Delsym, she barely coughed at all. I doubt it was coincidence.

    In my experience, if they have a stuffy nose at all, the combo of Delsym and Benadryl (or any children's allergy med) works even better. has the appropriate dosages for age and weight, plus various info about avoiding harmful interactions.

    I wouldn't recommend it for a baby or young toddler, but I think at age 3 it should be OK.
  4. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We have used delsym and benedryl since they were very young, I just use a half teaspoon until they are old enough to get the correct dosage on the bottle. This was advice directly from my pedi.

    I hope your girls feel better soon!!
  5. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    I've heard that a teaspoon of honey is supposed to help ease coughs. It coats and soothes the throat apparently. I've tried it with DS, but never really noticed an impact.
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  6. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    I hate to scare you, but my DS Aiden's cough has FINALLY started to lessen (and almost disappear) after almost TWO MONTHS! It's been awful! His got to the point where he'd cough so hard he'd throw up & could no longer run around & play. Because of that, he was given an inhaler & that helped him tremendously. We haven't had to use it in over a week, so I hope we're FINALLY on the mend! During the time before we got the inhaler, we used Children's Benadryl, a vaporizer in his room, Vick's Vaporub on his feet & chest, a vapor plug in in his room at bedtime, honey (which didn't work at all when the cough was really bad), & Children's Motrin for discomfort from all the coughing. I'm almost afraid to admit that we're healthy b/c I'm sure they'll be sick again soon!!! I REALLY hope your kiddos get healthier faster than mine!
  7. siobhan

    siobhan Well-Known Member

  8. siobhan

    siobhan Well-Known Member

    Oh My gosh 2 months!!! yikes that is a long timwe, but I am glad he is feeling better now poor little guy..I tried the honey didn't do anything also tried the Vicks nothing...I am at my withs end....i just wish maybe the doc would give us something.

    Thanks so much for replying......
  9. siobhan

    siobhan Well-Known Member

    Thank you everyone who answered my post...... you ladies are the best...........
  10. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    My girls had a cough for almost 2 months as well! Addison would cough until she threw up and it was NO FUN!!

    We finally broke down and gave the girls 1/2 a tsp of robitussin which is what my doctor recommended. It was like a miracle drug! Seriously! Sleeping through the night without a cough!
  11. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    Yeah I never noticed it working either. We can't get any cough meds for children here so what I do is raise the head of their mattress, put a humidifier on, put eucalyptus oil on a tissue next to their bed ... and none of it works so so well. Actually, that's probably an exagerration. When the coughing is at it's worst the only thing that seems to help is to bring them into our bed and lay them so they are sleeping on two adult pillows (to reduce the post-nasal drip).

    To add to the 'I don't want to scare you but ...' stories. I'm not sure what the situation is like in the USA, but not all kids are protected by the Whooping cough vaccine here. My friend's kid who coughed until she was sick for a couple of months turned out to have had whooping cough. Which the dr failed to recognise despite several trips. But it wasn't an ordinary sounding cough ...

    OTOH, my kids cough a lot during winter. Our ped says it'll last from oct to march along with the cold/flu season and that coughs almost always sound a lot worse than they actually are. In fact he said that it's a good thing to cough as it's clearing the mucus from the chest (their poor cough response is one of the reasons why older people are more susceptible to pneumonia).

    Hope your little one is better soon.
  12. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    My kids now have the awful cold with a bad cough thing that's been going around. They've both coughed so hard at night that they've puked all over their beds. I asked the pediatrician about Delsym, and he said not until they're 4. :(
  13. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    Go back and get a chest xray. It is NOT okay to have a cough for 5 weeks. It is really NOT. See a different doctor. You need to rule out bronchiolitis and pneumonia. They can give you steroids etc. You need to see what's causing this cough and figure out why it has not cleared up on it's own by now.

    Poor baby and poor YOU!

    Keep us posted!!

    Hope you feel better soon over there. We have had a rough winter as well. But we always get the stuff cleared up w/ meds if it goes longer than 10 days, that's our rule.
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