My child hates milk!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by jen8675309, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. jen8675309

    jen8675309 Well-Known Member

    My DD, Madison, doesn't like milk. She doesn't even like it mixed with Ovaltine. I am so worried about her not getting enough calcium, fat, etc. She does eat cheese and yogurt, but absolutely does not like milk. Do you have experience with this? This so stresses me out. She didn't gain as much weight at her 12 month WBV- she went from being 70th % for weight down to 45th %. My pedi didn't seem concerned with her weight or general health, but it makes me worried. I guess I worry even more so because her twin, Morgan, drinks about 16-24 oz a day.

    So if your child didn't like milk, what did you do? TIA!
  2. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    Neither one of mine like milk. They will drink a couple ounces in the morning and some in the evening. Lactose free. I just make sure they get enough calcium through yogurt and cheese. My little one has always been small, in the 5th-20th %tile. Her pedi isn't concerned at all and neither am I . I'm sure your LO will be just fine without a bunch of milk. I HATE milk so I don't blame my kids one bit!
  3. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    My kids dont like plain milk.
    Although we do cheese/yogurt to I like when they drink at least 12oz a day so I doctor it up :)
    I usually mix it with carnation instant breakfast or Strawberry nesquik! I sometimes give them Vanilla SILK too. they like that.
    Just try different things.

    You could also try making smoothies :)
  4. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    first off, hi, hon! we have to catch up one of these days.....;).

    as for getting to take milk/milk products, i agree that you just have to try a lot of stuff. one of mine hates milk as well, but he still nurses so i don't worry as much. i just try to get other dairy products into him each day. smoothies are a big hit in house! not sure if m n m's can drink from staws yet, but i would definitely get them started soon! you can sneak soo much stuff into a smoothie;). (btw, a great way to get them started is w/straw cups--i totally recommend the rubbermaid "litterless" ones!). also, have you tried soy milk? maybe she'd take a bit of that? they have flavored ones, so maybe she could find something less offensive..... as w/everything, you just keep on trying until you find somethign that works! and, don't worry about it too much. there are other ways to get the calcium into them, and they don't need as much as we're sometimes led to believe.


    hugs, jl
  5. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    When we first introduced milk, they did not like it either. Now at 22 months they love it.

    But there are days when they want nothing to do with it.

    As long as she's eating other dairy I think she'll be fine.

    BTW: Their pedi told me that a slice of american cheese has 6oz of calcium.
  6. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    I've done a few things to make milk more appetizing. One thing is adding flavored creamers from the dairy case. I've added syrups (choc/strawberry). I've put carnation instant breakfast in it. We've also done a lot of drinkable yogurts. Mine also really like the Horizon organic brand vanilla or choc. milks that come in a carton with a straw. Costco now makes these also. As long as they are eating calcium rich foods and getting other fluids, I wouldn't be too worried.
  7. cheesehead4girl

    cheesehead4girl Well-Known Member

    i started adding in Minute Maid Kids Plus OJ. it has calcium in it and they seem to drink more milk this way.

  8. jen8675309

    jen8675309 Well-Known Member

    Thank you all so much for your great ideas! I have been so worried about this- I probably needed reassurance more than anything! I am going to the store tomorrow anyway so I will be putting these items you've suggested on my list!

    (Jeri Lynn! Hope you're doing well!! Take care!)

    Thanks again everyone!
  9. Brizzy_Twins

    Brizzy_Twins Well-Known Member

    My little cousin hates Milk and will only drink it will nesquick. she was like this ever since little. maybe you can try that.
  10. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I also second Carnation Instant Breakfast added to milk and a little smidge of strawberry syrup. That always helped mine to take milk much easier.
  11. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    I read that for this age range 500 mg a day for kids who are 1 to 3 years old is recommended. Below is a list of things that are just as rich in calcium as dairy products (I'm sure most kids don't like these but there are a few below that might help). But better yet is the list of Calcium fortified foods. BTW, cheese and yogurt still are huge sources of calcium!

    * Salmon
    * Tofu
    * Rhubarb
    * Sardines
    * Collard greens
    * Spinach
    * Turnip greens
    * Okra
    * White beans
    * Baked beans
    * Broccoli
    * Peas
    * Brussel sprouts
    * Sesame seeds
    * Bok choy
    * Almonds

    * Calcium-fortified breakfast cereal, including General Mills Whole Grain Total, Total Raisin Bran, Total Cranberry Crunch, and Total Honey Clusters, all of which have 100% DV of calcium per serving!
    * Calcium-fortified orange juice
    * Calcium-fortified soy milk
    * SunnyD with Calcium (most SunnyD products don't have calcium, so look for the one that does if your child needs extra calcium in his diet)
    * Instant oatmeal
    * Calcium-fortified bread or English muffins
    * Calcium-fortified drink mixes such as Pediasure or Carnation Instant Breakfast
    * Other calcium-fortified breakfast cereals, including General Mills Golden Grahams (350 mg)

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