My boys dont drink there bottle anymore 9.5 mts?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by twoboys3, Jan 28, 2007.

  1. twoboys3

    twoboys3 Well-Known Member

    My boys just started doing this.. they use to drink 6 oz 4 times a day and now theyll drink there morning bottle full and thats about the only one.. the rest theyll drink like 3 or 4 oz..out of the bottle Arent they to young to start weaning like this??
    I think Iam going to try to give them there formula when they eat three times a day with there food.. Because when they have left overs in there bottle soemtimes theyll drink the rest with there food.. Does this sound good? Any other suggestions ?

    Thanks Alot
    My boys are gowing up.....! [​IMG]
  2. twoboys3

    twoboys3 Well-Known Member

    My boys just started doing this.. they use to drink 6 oz 4 times a day and now theyll drink there morning bottle full and thats about the only one.. the rest theyll drink like 3 or 4 oz..out of the bottle Arent they to young to start weaning like this??
    I think Iam going to try to give them there formula when they eat three times a day with there food.. Because when they have left overs in there bottle soemtimes theyll drink the rest with there food.. Does this sound good? Any other suggestions ?

    Thanks Alot
    My boys are gowing up.....! [​IMG]
  3. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    My pedi told us 9 months is when you want to start reducing so that at 1 year they are down to two cups a day. Do they drink from a sippy? Maybe they just aren't into bottles anymore?

    I think trying it at meal time is a great idea since as they get older you will probably want to give it to them at meals (K&K just milk at breakfast and dinner).
  4. Gilbert_Mommy

    Gilbert_Mommy Well-Known Member

    My DD does this - I also posted about this earlier tonight. I'm Interested to see future replies. My DD is only 7.5 months. I wasn't sure if it had something to do with teething? She is still sleeping fine and acts like she's getting enough food.
  5. mommy2btwins

    mommy2btwins Well-Known Member

    my girls used to drink very much all of a sudden they now drink 4 bottles a day b/w 20 and 24 oz.. if u give them a bottle with a meal they may become too full toeat..rule of thumb is give the bottle wait an hr or two then the food etc.. unless if u have a little left... then try it with food..but dont worry as long as they are getting 18-24 oz ur fine.. and no i dont think they are young b/c if they are hungry ull know it at this point.. any other questions let me know b/c i went through it..good luck !!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Aurie

    Aurie Well-Known Member

    My oldest did the same thing at around 9 months. He went straight to a sippy. But he was still mostly formula until closer to 12 months.
  7. BoysInTheHouse

    BoysInTheHouse Well-Known Member

    My boys are going through this now too. It is so frustrating to have all this leftover formula (and, of course, if I make a smaller bottle, they want more). [​IMG] My guys sometimes don't even finish the morning bottle. Sometimes they'll eat solids to almost compensate and sometimes they really don't eat much solids either. I kinda think it could be related to teething but who really knows. I was going to call my Pedi to ask her opinion.
  8. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    My ds did the same thing. we switched to sippy cups. he didn't really like those either. he LOVED we got him some cups with built in straws and it did the trick.

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