My boys' 18 month physical

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Aeliza, Feb 20, 2010.

  1. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Their stats:

    Height - 33" (50%-75%)
    Weight - 26lbs 13oz (50%-75%)
    Head Circ. - 49-1/2" (75%-90%)

    Height - 33-3/4" (75%-90%)
    Weight - 27lbs (50%-75%)
    Head Circ. - 49 (75%-90%)

    They finally had their check-up. Due to vaccines, they were a bit delayed. There had to be a specific time after one of their vaccines so instead of December, they were expected to have their check-up in January. I called to confirm and the persona there didn't put it in their calendar so I had to reschedule and they put me in a soon as they could. But then the snowstorm came and I had to move the appointment again. So, this Wednesday they finally had their physical. They passed their Autism check. No red flags! That was good. They speak a lot of words, though very few of them are clear, it's obvious they are trying and they know what they are trying to say. Kiefer's lack of affection is due to his independence cause he does hug when he wants to and he LOVES to hug his brother. So it's just me! Cameron's plagiocephaly is getting so much better. I still see some flatness to his head. The doctor did too, but she said it has definitely improved and she think it's no longer a problem. Both boys appear healthy and happy. She is not concerned about their eating at this time. Kiefer is picky, but she said until he's 2, just put everything in front of him and let him figure it out. Eventually he may like some things he didn't like before, but instead of spoon feeding him, try to let him do it himself. He may like it more that way. The doctor was impressed that my boys like to brush their own teeth. They are getting good at it, but I still do have to go in there myself and make sure all the teeth were brushed.

    I can't believe how big they are getting!!!! They are so active and getting so mature for their age. They are still toddlers, but I can see a difference with the way they play together and really work together during their play. When Cameron is unhappy, Kiefer will offer him a toy to cheer him up. They will hold each others hands and drag each other to different places to look. They love to just sit on their beds and read books or play Lego's together. They will go look out the window and point things out and wave at people and objects together. It's so much fun to watch them!! I'm so happy they get a long so well!!!

    I also took the plunge and got them their MMR vaccines. The doctor warned me that they could get fevers and a rash in a couple of weeks, but it's not contagious and they don't have the measles. If the fever persists, then I need to call, but they should be just fine. All that makes me nervous, but I trust they will be ok.
  2. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    Sounds like they are doing good. They are about the same height as my guys at that point. Try not to worry yourself about the vaccines; the MMR vaccination was actually a breeze here, so you never know. The only one they had trouble with was one they got at two months.

    I've never even heard of an autism check--that's interesting.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :woo: for a great check up! The MMR vaccine went well here too. Like Rachel, I also never heard of an autism check up and I am glad that your boys are doing fantastic!
  4. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    The autism checks at my pedi's office are done at both 18 months and 24 months. The doctors just have a sheet of paper asking specific questions about your child's activities such as affection, amount of words spoken, if s/he looks at you, does your child point to things, etc. Depending on your answers, it might raise a red flag to the doctor that your child may need some extra monitoring or some intervention. Some doctors might ask the questions in person, but mine just want parents to fill out the form and ask questions about anything that may not seem right to them about the child's behavior. The doctor also asks a lot of basic questions, but more pertaining to your child's normal development, eating habits, and any concerns or questions. Though some of that may be because I'm a first time mom.
  5. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    sounds like a great appointment! :good:
  6. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a great appointment, and that your boys are doing really well! :) You have some big healthy boys there!

    We just had our 18 month WBV as well, but the ped didn't say anything about an autism check. He just made sure they were eating, repeating words, walking well, etc. My guys are much smaller than yours, but they went from not even on the weight chart to 10-25th percentile, so we're very happy campers here!!

    We had some fevers and grumpiness due to MMR, but no other issues. I'm sure your guys will do great, but you can always call your ped if you have any concerns.

    Congrats on a great WBV! :clapping:
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