my baby has a fever :-(

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by axpan, Nov 28, 2006.

  1. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    Iris has had a high fever on and off since Sunday night. She responds to the paracetamol but the fever keeps coming back when the medicine wears off. Nothing seems to hurt just when the fever goes up she whines. She woke up often (and so did I) the past couple of nights and wanted to be held.
    Went to the pedi and she perscribed antibiotics fearing an virus infection that might spread but not finding out what is wrong. She freaked me out saying if we had taken her to the hospital they would keep her! Since we are in close phone contact though she feels that isn't necessary.
    I feel so bad for my baby. She's still so small. I hate that she is having a hard time. Hope her sister doesn't get sick too.
    Any advise on dealing with fevers and preventing her sister getting sick?
  2. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    Iris has had a high fever on and off since Sunday night. She responds to the paracetamol but the fever keeps coming back when the medicine wears off. Nothing seems to hurt just when the fever goes up she whines. She woke up often (and so did I) the past couple of nights and wanted to be held.
    Went to the pedi and she perscribed antibiotics fearing an virus infection that might spread but not finding out what is wrong. She freaked me out saying if we had taken her to the hospital they would keep her! Since we are in close phone contact though she feels that isn't necessary.
    I feel so bad for my baby. She's still so small. I hate that she is having a hard time. Hope her sister doesn't get sick too.
    Any advise on dealing with fevers and preventing her sister getting sick?
  3. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    How high is the fever? Did they do a finger or toe stick, to check the blood count that would indicate an infection?

    My Ped recommends doing the tylenol/motrin cocktail around the clock for a couple of days when a fever comes on. Every 3 hours a dose of one or the other, so that they never actually wear off.

    If it's virul, there isn't much they can do or you can do, other than keep an eye on her, keep her hydrated, and wait for it to pass. I don't know that there is any real preventative way to keep her sister from getting sick, other than you being diligent with handwashing and not allowing them to share paci/bottles and keeping their toys sanitized.

    Sorry, I'm not much help. it's miserable to have puny babies. I hope your little one feels better really quick!
  4. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    The fever goes up to 104 but falls very quickly after she takes the paracetamol. The dr. didn't order a blood test but wanted us to do a urine culture to rule out UTI which was indeed ruled out.
    I breastfeed her and dr. sais that is enough hydration. Was wondering if I should add liquid (additional formula or chamomile) using a bottle. Dr. said it's not necessary since her appetite is not affected by her being sick.
    Last night was better. She slept more peacefully and dh and I split the night in shifts so we both got some sleep. Her sister is still ok, I hope she doesn't get sick.
  5. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    One more question: would you insist on a blood test? The dr. figured it's a waste of time since she is sure it would show a high white blood cell count. Is there any other reason to do it?
  6. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    I don't have any other advice to add, but I just hope your little girl is feeling better and that her sister continues to be healthy! [​IMG]
  7. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    From my experience, the blood test showing a high white cell count indicates infection, not a virus. I could be wrong in my thinking. Since your Ped gave the antibiotic anyway, that base is covered. I wouldn't insist on the test at this point.

    How's she doing today?
  8. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    Thank you for your replies and well wishes.
    Iris is fine today. No fever since yesterday. I'm so relieved!! So far Nefeli doesn't seem like she's caught the fever.
    Now that things have quieted down I realize how scared I was. They're so small and defenceless...
    Thanks for your support ladies :)
  9. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    That is scary!! I am glad she's better!!
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