My baby has a black eye!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by tracymcg, Jan 25, 2008.

  1. tracymcg

    tracymcg Well-Known Member

    Oh, the joy of toddler boys! I'm sure this is just the beginning...

    It's been raining here all week and the boys have been going crazy in the house. The weather cleared a little, so I decided to try for a quickie trip to the park to get them some fresh air. Word to the wise (a group to whom I clearly don't belong!): don't go to the park after a rainstorm. Within minutes of getting there, Ben slips and bonks his eyebrow on the seesaw and is screaming. While I'm trying to calm him, Owen goes and "lays down" in a giant puddle of water and sand :eek: . He is drenched, it's freezing, and poor little Ben is developing a giant goose egg on his eyebrow.

    Ben has a giant purple eye that he can barely see out of today. Has anyone else had this happen? Anything I can do for him, and how long does it last? He doesn't seem too upset about it now and is otherwise fine so I didn't really think it needed a call to the pedi.

    Feeling really silly and irresponsible...

  2. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    No help here, just hope you have a better day and thanks for the tip about the park right after the rain. I'm not sure I would have thought if that being cooped up all week myself.
  3. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug99: Aww, poor baby and momma! I'm not sure what to do about black eyes, but thanks for the tip on NOT going out after rain! I'm not part of "that" club you mentioned either. ;)

    Oh, and you definately are not silly and irresponsible, you were just trying to do some good for your boys! :hug99:
  4. Ellen Barr

    Ellen Barr Well-Known Member

    Ow!! Poor guys. I'm a big believer in getting out no matter what the weather, if just for a little while. I don't think you are irresponsible or silly -- it could just as easily happened in your home!

    When my boys were learning to walk at 8 months they got loads of black eyes and facial bruises. They hadn't yet learned to sit down when they fell, so they'd topple like trees right to the floor without putting out their hands :eek: Many times they fell on to an edge or toy and, voila, big, black eye! It was horrible :( and I felt like the worst mom because of all the looks people gave me.

    There really isn't much you can do to make them go away sooner, alas. Maybe dress them in hockey outfits and take photos? :hug99:
  5. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    I like Ellen's photo op idea.

    If it makes you feel better I gave Joe a black eye when he was 6 months old (bonked on a table he was trying to 'stand up' at). I felt awful. It lasted a good while, but I couldn't do a lot for him b/c he would have none of the ice pack.

    Their self-inflicted bruises seemed to be ever present from 11-18 months. They were/are little dare devils but didn't have any grace and sense to accompany their acrobatics. I just hoped that 'toddler twins' would be considered a decent defense when CPS knocked on my door.

    As for the weather, we live in Seattle and don't let the weather stop us for the most part. My boys actually LOVE it when it's sloppy and rainy outside. I got them some rain suits from REI and some good rubber boots. It's been in the 20s-low 40s here the last few weeks and we still go out. Even if it's just for 15 minutes at a time, the fresh air does us all good. I haven't done the park thing in a while (3 mos?) b/c they would actually prefer to just roam the backyard and help me rake, fill birdfeeders, pick up rocks, etc.

    Hang in there...the wild ride has just begun (and you're NOT being irresponsible)!
  6. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    :hug99: Sorry about the black eye. Makes for a good story though, doesn't it? We used to always go to the park after it rained. I got to the point I always had a towel in the back of the van to wipe off the slides (after them getting soaked the first 10 times).
  7. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    It happens all the time! Don't feel bad! Andrew had double black eyes and a fat lip two weeks ago. The worst part was that I had to get his passport picture taken while he looked like that! He went face first down a slide! They'll probably take him away from me at the border :laughing: :icon_eek: His took about a week to go away. It looks worse before it looks better!
  8. babies@2

    babies@2 Well-Known Member

    Oh, poor little guy! My little guy fell about 2 weeks ago and bonked his eye pretty bad. I was so worried he really hurt himself! His eyelid was purple and swollen but he could still see out. That eye was smaller than the other. It went away after 2 days, like nothing ever happened. I'm sure it hurts you more than him!
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