My baby can't eat?! :-(

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by ambernruby, May 4, 2009.

  1. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    My little girl is really suffering this morning and i don't know what to do!

    She is always a fussy eater I think because of her reflux (now under control) This morning she got up and had 3oz, usually more like 6oz. I expected her to make it up at the next feed but she has just took even less, just over 2oz. I let her alone abit and went back to her and she SCREAMED her heart out. The upsetting thing is she is acting hungry and puts the nipple in her mouth but wont suck.

    There is so much going on with her i'm not sure how to help? She is teething so i have given dentinol gel and a dose of calpol which she more or less spat out, oh and some herbal powder. Last wednesday they had there jabs and they haven't been right since.

    I am grief stricken at the minute as it is so very important that she eats, she is my IUGR girly. I know that she is caught up (weightwise) but i really want it to stay that way. Food is very important to her and i just don't know what to do.

    Any suggestions PLEASE
  2. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    :grouphug: I'm so sorry! I don't have any advice other than to let her drink on demand today. Maybe she is getting a cold and it's hard to breath and eat at the same time. Good luck and big hugs!
  3. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    :hug: thanx for the hug, i could do with it today!

    That's another thing, since the jabs they are both abit sneezy and have been coughing a little bit. Really hard to pin point with so much going on. Just got her up from a nap and she seems hungry so wish us luck please.
  4. rebekahj

    rebekahj Well-Known Member

    Sorry she's having trouble! My boys had a cold last week and would be hungry but not want to eat more than a tiny bit - I think because their throats hurt. What we ended up doing was lots of small feedings throughout the day.
  5. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    :grouphug: If she is sneezing and coughing, that alone can effect her appetite. Having a cold also aggravates the reflux. What kind of meds is she on for the reflux? How long since the last dose change? Hope the last feeding went well.
  6. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    Thanx for your support!

    Well she has just had 4 oz, not exactly caught up what she has missed but a step in the right direction. She drinks a load then breaks off to burp and refuses point blank to have anymore.

    I didn't realise that colds aggravate reflux? Poor baby!! It's not full blown by anymeans but it seems like one may be on the way. Only her 4th cold in 4mths...
    It looks like we won't be sleeping through tonight lol

    She is on infant gaviscon and the dose was upped a few wks back but, we haven't had her weighed in aaaaages so maybe it needs upping somemore. Thankyou i will look into it. I hope that is the problem.

    Again thanx everyone, can always rely on this place for wise words! Rang DF in tears about it and got told "not to worry" and that "he is sooo tired" grrrrr MEN he has no idea!
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I hope your little one feels better :hug:
  8. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Also going up a nipple size might be worth a try. I know that when mine were getting frustrated, if I went up a nipple size that helped too. :hug:
  9. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    :grouphug: thankyou!

    Will definately try her on a bigger nipple, her sister is on the 3mths+ but Ruby couldn't handle the flow so we kept her on 0-3mths. That was some time since so it is definately worth a go.
  10. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    as a reflux mommy the first thing i would question is whether her reflux is REALLY under control. when was the last time you adjusted her dosage? if she's grown a lot since her last adjustment her body weight might be outpacing the medicine's effect. additionally there are all kinds of lifestyle factors that can worsen reflux. if she's stuffy and has a cold that can make acid reflux worse temporarily. if you've been introducing solids, one or more of the new foods could be causing an acid flare-up.

    crying with hunger and then refusing to latch or eat is always our first sign that something related to acid is going on. maybe try a little mylanta (after talking to your doctor about correct dosage) before her next meal and see if that helps.
  11. NicoleMarieLG

    NicoleMarieLG Well-Known Member

    that is how my Libbey acts when her reflux is hurting her ((hug))
  12. lorig6

    lorig6 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(piccologirl @ May 4 2009, 10:39 AM) [snapback]1299461[/snapback]
    as a reflux mommy the first thing i would question is whether her reflux is REALLY under control. when was the last time you adjusted her dosage? if she's grown a lot since her last adjustment her body weight might be outpacing the medicine's effect. additionally there are all kinds of lifestyle factors that can worsen reflux. if she's stuffy and has a cold that can make acid reflux worse temporarily. if you've been introducing solids, one or more of the new foods could be causing an acid flare-up.

    crying with hunger and then refusing to latch or eat is always our first sign that something related to acid is going on. maybe try a little mylanta (after talking to your doctor about correct dosage) before her next meal and see if that helps.

    I was thinking the same thing! Reflux actually was the worse for us at 5 months. We had to switch meds and then it wasn't that great either. Good luck and definitely have the reflux checked out again.
  13. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    Thanx everyone.

    It looks like she is on the only dose available to her. It's 1/2 sachet under 10lb and 1 sachet if over, she is already on the 1. The only other dose is for young children. If this carries on i will get her back to the DR in the am, although i'm not sure they can help because we were told when she was prescribed it that if the gaviscon didn't do the trick she'd have to grow out of it as there weren't any other options (in the UK) It's always the same here, you have to fight your Dr for help. I know there are other Meds available here but unless weight is being lost they are reluctant to prescribe it. I'm hoping this settles down as it has been amazing for her.
  14. kdanielleflowers

    kdanielleflowers Well-Known Member

    My DD did this when she had an ear infection. She was starving, but sucking hurt her ears. She would cry because she was so hugry, but couldn't take the pain of the suck/swallow. Might be worth checking out with the pedi.

    Good luck! :hug:
  15. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    Thankyou Danielle, I will mention it if we need to go in. Are there any other tell tale signs ea infections? x
  16. kdanielleflowers

    kdanielleflowers Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mummy2ambernruby @ May 4 2009, 12:23 PM) [snapback]1299760[/snapback]
    Thankyou Danielle, I will mention it if we need to go in. Are there any other tell tale signs ea infections? x

    The crying fits during feeds were the big sign for me. I even told the nurse when we made the appt that I thought she had an ear infection. The pedi read the chart and questioned how I thought I knew that (she was 3 mos at the time). Sure enough, she looked in both ears and they were both red. She started on Amoxycillin but turns out the infection was viral. She was able to give us some pain relieving drops to help make it through the feeds and we gave her Tylenol through the night. It took about a week to totally clear up. It was also very stormy during that time so the barometric pressure was (low/high...not sure, but wasn't normal) so the fluid behind her ear drum was what really hurt her. How's the weather there?
  17. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    Oh bless your her. Sounds like they are easily treated, good to know. It has been hot up until now, it's raining today (the great British weather for you) I've read up on ear infections and she does seem to be showing signs of one. She hasn't been tugging at her ears but whenever i rock her, she turns her head in toward me as if rubbing her ear on my arm... I don't know she needs a dr.

    I haven't been able to get her in at the Drs, i am reliant upon Df to get us there and as he is working nights tonight and tommorow then off for 4days, he wants to leave it till then :angry: I am so angry with him!!!! Ruby, Amber and me have been/are going through hell at the minute and he doesn't get it at all. He is out for 16hrs a day so doesn't have to deal with it. His reasoning being.. that her totals for the day aren't way off BUT that is because i am feeding her every hr or 2 if were lucky. It is like she is taking just enough to cure her hunger pain and not a drop more.

    I have tried her on a bigger nipple and she is managing fine but still has issues. She wont sleep for more than half an hr and wakes up screaming. Obviously this is all having a knock on effect on her sister, she is also on smaller but frequent feeds and has lost alot of sleep as they share a room. Bedtime today was complete chaos, had both of them screaming. I am hoping she gets a good rest and feels better but i can't see it, i was up alot with her last night and she shows no sign of improvement today, how we are going to get to Thursday is beyond me. It is so upsetting, i want her fixed now!!! I look and feel like crap because i haven't been changed in 3days now, we have all spent the day in tears while DF is upstairs in bed getting some sleep for work tonight, which i know is shouldn't resent.. but i do! iIm annoyed that he isn't taking this seriously and that he gets some sleep!

    Sorry for going off topic, just having a VERY bad day, trying to be strong for my little girl but i'm a wreck and it's hard.
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