My 21month DD Potty Trained Herself BUT...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Monika2006Twins, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. Monika2006Twins

    Monika2006Twins Well-Known Member

    I wish I could take credit but she really just did it herself. When we bought a potty a few months ago Sammy's reaction was sort of like, WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG! She's been completely out of diaper for 2 weeks now with no accidents, so I feel pretty confident that she's really PT.

    The thing that I'm confused about it what to do with her sister. Charlie wants to sit on the potty but does nothing. If left naked she will pee all over except in the potty, even if it's right next to her. She is oblivious to poop diapers one minute, then other times she'll take them off herself while hiding and make a huge mess (yes, very gross). I'm sort of at a loss, and would like to keep her in diapers and not make a big deal of it, except that she FIGHTS every single diaper and wants to wear underpants like her sister. I have some cloth diapers, but they don't seem to work for her (I have Fuzzibunz) she leaks with them. I must admit, she pees A LOT.

    Just a little unsure how to proceed. I want to encourage her since she seems interested without pressuring her.
  2. Cindy H

    Cindy H Well-Known Member

    I have 1 trained and the other can't pee in the potty yet. In the beginning week or so the Second son wanted to try to potty was lots of accidents and so I eventually put underwear over his diaper. That was great for a day or 2 then he did not care again. So it is a phase and if she can't use the potty then diapers are the choice....otherwise it is too much work for you.

  3. Monika2006Twins

    Monika2006Twins Well-Known Member

    thank you, I actually needed to hear that. It is way too much work!
  4. mokka16

    mokka16 New Member

    QUOTE(Monika2006Twins @ Aug 13 2008, 02:59 PM) [snapback]928705[/snapback]
    I wish I could take credit but she really just did it herself. When we bought a potty a few months ago Sammy's reaction was sort of like, WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG! She's been completely out of diaper for 2 weeks now with no accidents, so I feel pretty confident that she's really PT.

    The thing that I'm confused about it what to do with her sister. Charlie wants to sit on the potty but does nothing. If left naked she will pee all over except in the potty, even if it's right next to her. She is oblivious to poop diapers one minute, then other times she'll take them off herself while hiding and make a huge mess (yes, very gross). I'm sort of at a loss, and would like to keep her in diapers and not make a big deal of it, except that she FIGHTS every single diaper and wants to wear underpants like her sister. I have some cloth diapers, but they don't seem to work for her (I have Fuzzibunz) she leaks with them. I must admit, she pees A LOT.

    Just a little unsure how to proceed. I want to encourage her since she seems interested without pressuring her.
  5. mokka16

    mokka16 New Member

    QUOTE(Monika2006Twins @ Aug 13 2008, 02:59 PM) [snapback]928705[/snapback]
    I wish I could take credit but she really just did it herself. When we bought a potty a few months ago Sammy's reaction was sort of like, WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG! She's been completely out of diaper for 2 weeks now with no accidents, so I feel pretty confident that she's really PT.

    The thing that I'm confused about it what to do with her sister. Charlie wants to sit on the potty but does nothing. If left naked she will pee all over except in the potty, even if it's right next to her. She is oblivious to poop diapers one minute, then other times she'll take them off herself while hiding and make a huge mess (yes, very gross). I'm sort of at a loss, and would like to keep her in diapers and not make a big deal of it, except that she FIGHTS every single diaper and wants to wear underpants like her sister. I have some cloth diapers, but they don't seem to work for her (I have Fuzzibunz) she leaks with them. I must admit, she pees A LOT.

    Just a little unsure how to proceed. I want to encourage her since she seems interested without pressuring her.

    Not sure how I get this post to work, but maybe one suggestion and I am not sure if you are in the States, is that here in Oz , huggies sell pull ups, which are a diaper like training pant?? They are designed for the in between group, I think. Maybe putting her into something that is not a diaper and more like what her sister is wearing may work?? My twins trained at very different times, but my son is developmental delayed and he was 3 and a half, my daughter at 2, so afraid I may not be much use to you. Maybe just let her set the pace and when she is ready again, try again, otherwise it will be very tiring and frazzling for you.

    good luck,
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