my 2 yo needs glasses!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by axpan, Oct 4, 2008.

  1. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    My girl needs glasses real quick. We looked at some frames today and they will order some more for us to see. Any and all advise is most appreciated!
    How do I get her to wear them? she was ok trying them on and i'm hoping she'll feel relieved to see better and will want to wear them but is that how it usually is? how do i get her sister not to take them for herself? she like to take her things usually. any advise on choosing a frame or the lenses?
    i'm shocked i didn't catch this earlier but glad i did now.
    please share your wisdom with me
  2. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    My daughter was 4 when we realized she needed them! We had no idea her eyes were that bad! I would recommend plastic frames instead of wire- as they don't need to be adjusted. My dd would always pull off the wire ones in such a way as to bend the frames- sometimes even having the lenses pop out!
    I don't have any suggestions as to her keeping them on... just keep telling her how pretty she looks and that she can take them off at bedtime only....
    I think they soon realize they can see better with them- but it takes a little while to adjust! I am sure the eye dr. will offer advice.
    Best of luck
  3. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    I have no advice, as I haven't had to experience this. However, I just want to say that I have two friends with one and two year olds in glasses. They got the little hold them on their heads thing for the back of the glasses. And, with both of them, they prefer to see better. It was an adjustment phase, but they made it through. One of the friends went through 2 frames before he figured out leaving them I would start with the cheapest frames and once your daughter is used to it, get something cute. I hope it all goes well for you!
  4. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    They make a type frame that is bendable wire. A lot of my kids at school have them because they are light weight but do not break. Maybe check that out if you have a chance. :hug: to you daughter. Make sure you tell we said girls with glasses are the coolest. ;)
  5. dawnmj

    dawnmj Well-Known Member

    Hi! As you can see in my Av, Haley wears glasses. We actually had to get them in April about 3 months before she turned two and I will admit I dreaded it. It was horrible, I am just being honest, she didn't want to wear them. The opthomolgist told us to be persistant and try to get her to put them on when she was busy doing other things, so she wouldn't realize it. In the end we actually had to put eye drops in 1x per day to dialate her eyes. We did the drops 1x a day for 3 days and it forced her to have to wear the glasses in order to see. I was against it at first but within a day she was wearing them nonstop and there has been no turning back since.

    As far as her sister taking them, Megan sounds just like yours always taking what her sister had and I was nervous. To be honest though we had very little problems with it. We got Megan a new gift and I actually got her a pair of frames from Wal-Mart when I got H's glasses so she didn't feel left out. When she takes them now, she gets put in time out and knows this is punishment that H needs the glasses to see.

    Not sure what the problem is with your daughter that she requires them, but we just ended up getting bifocals for Haley. Also, we went with cheap frames at first for Haley and Wal-Mart has an amazing policy they will replace the frames if broken for one year no matter how many times. Haley broke at least 3 pairs of glasses in as many weeks.

    Please feel free to email me should you need any information or if you have any questions. I am no expert but we are dealing with it first hand here. Oh and now Haley hates to not have them on, she actually gets made if we have to take them (ie for adjustments, etc).
  6. DebDai

    DebDai Well-Known Member

    We too went to wal mart and got jordan his glasses. A little more expensive but he got the bendable ones that are almost unbreakable. In our house we need that. He broke 4 pair last year and the insurance company said they would cover it all just so they would not have to replace them again for 3 years lol. His little sis has learned that his glasses are off limits. She threw a fit for aboout a week an then got over it.
  7. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for your advise and understanding.
    Actually I'm sort of relieved that she needs glasses and it's not anything more difficult to fix. she's been indiferent to some of the activities that are appropriate for her age like drawing and reading and I'm sure that will change when she can actually see what it's all about. The dr said it will take her about a month toget used to her new vision but i'm hoping that isn't too difficult a time for her.
  8. dawnmj

    dawnmj Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(axpan @ Oct 5 2008, 02:58 PM) [snapback]1012580[/snapback]
    Thanks so much for your advise and understanding.
    Actually I'm sort of relieved that she needs glasses and it's not anything more difficult to fix. she's been indiferent to some of the activities that are appropriate for her age like drawing and reading and I'm sure that will change when she can actually see what it's all about. The dr said it will take her about a month toget used to her new vision but i'm hoping that isn't too difficult a time for her.

    That is great that the glasses will fix the issue. We are actually possibly (most likely) facing surgery for Haley due to her condition. Good luck!!!
  9. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    My two are in glasses and we haven't had any issues with them with wearing them. The theory is that they will see better, realize it and want to wear them. It probably helps that they both needed them. GOod luck! Talk them up big time! We have one bendable wire (tend to loosen up it seems) and one wire, but not bendable. They both seem to work great! :)
  10. Aurie

    Aurie Well-Known Member

    My oldest had glasses at this age. Both DH and I both wear glasses, so to him, he was being like us. Also, he really needed them. Within a couple of days, he wouldn't get out of bed until he had his glasses on. He finally could see! I knew when his vision changed, as he wouldn't wear the glasses any more. Thus time for another appointment :)
  11. t_and_j_mom

    t_and_j_mom Active Member

    My DD got glasses at 13 months! It was a rough few weeks. If she wasn't pulling them off, her twin brother was. If pulling the glasses off became a game, I took them away for a few hours. I would say within 2 weeks she realized they made her see better. Within a few months, she would ask for them in the morning. Best of luck!

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