My 2 YO is still in dipes and...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 3under2!, Oct 2, 2012.

  1. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    My 2 yr old is still in diapers and lately she's developed a strange and irrational fear of diaper cream. Not kidding. She asks me every time we do a diaper change if she is going to need cream and she has a screaming fit every time I put it on. Of course, she also has a stubborn diaper rash at the moment, so every diaper change is a huge drama. Anyone else have experience with this?? I have NO idea what she is afraid of. I've tried asking her, but I don't think even she knows. I've tried changing creams, showing her how her sisters also get cream, etc etc, but nothing is helping. It's very strange.
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Have you let her put it on? Just put a little on her finger and let her do it herself?
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  3. swilhite25

    swilhite25 Well-Known Member

    My youngest DD has had issues with diaper rash cream and it made diaper changing time a big, fussy, dramatic production. Of course, it was always when she had a rash so I know why she didn't want to drag out the process and pitched a fit. Sometimes when mine had a rash, I would tell them to go stand over a floor fan so their little bottom could cool off/dry out a bit before I put on the cream and new diaper. It was just enough to calm them down (and usually make them laugh!) and it helped their bottoms. If you don't have a floor fan, maybe use a hair dryer on the cool setting. Also, lanolin makes a great diaper rash treatment - it's so thick and really stays on there. I've used it several times on my kiddos for diaper rash. I can't remember any of them crying when I would put that on.
  4. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    Maybe she's associating the cream with the pain from the rash, and she thinks it's going to hurt? My daughter used to fight me and cry through it sometimes, but I just tried to get it on quickly because I knew it was the only thing that would help it get better.
  5. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Does she have rash so often? Maybe her button skin starts getting sensitive with the cream. Michelle used to have diaper rash a lot. She hates it. I have to wash her off every time she does #2. Then her doc recommended rasinol cream. It's not prescription. But you have to ask the pharmacy for it. It costs like 8 bucks for a big jar. But it works wonderful. Usually 1-2 times an the rash is gone. And she doesn't have as many rash as she used to. It's the only cream she agrees to put on when she has rash. She even asks me to put it on for her. It's just my thoughts. Gl!
  6. Mom2VLS

    Mom2VLS Well-Known Member

    Does she only have problems with the diaper rash cream or does she have trouble with other things with a similar texture, like lotion?

    Edited for sleep-deprived grammar errors
  7. TwinsInOkinawa

    TwinsInOkinawa Well-Known Member

    Can you put the cream on the diaper instead of right on her skin?
  8. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    Ok so I'm glad to hear that some other people have gone through this. I use coconut oil as diaper cream usually, but even other more conventional thicker creams freak her out. I asked her today if she wanted to put it on herself and she refused. I guess we will have to live through this?? I dunno. Thanks everyone!
  9. two.heartbeats

    two.heartbeats Well-Known Member

    DD went through this when she was 2-early 3 (overnight dipes at that point only). I had no clue what the heck was going on! It took her about 3 months to get over it. What helped was for her to mess with some in her hands...very messy and gross (and a PAIN to get off since I had to use the extra thick overnight stuff or Triple Paste). Over time, she was fine with me applying it. She's 5 now and still in Goodnights underpants and she never needs cream because she barely wets anymore (on her way out of them very soon, finally). At the same time she went though that, she also hated certain lotions/creams on her skin too. Thank god all of this only lasted a few months :) Good Luck!
  10. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    So my husband (my daughter is a total daddy's girl) renamed it 'diaper goop' a couple of days ago and somehow that has seemed to solve the problem. Don't know if it's because he renamed it and not me, or because she likes the word goop, or whatever, but it's working so I am happy! Just it case it helps anyone else out there.
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