My 2 year old is trying to kill me!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mollyjm, Dec 12, 2009.

  1. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    OK, so not really, but I need help solving this one.

    Milo is in the terrible twos. He dove head first and is having the time of his life! Lots of time outs, patience, gentle reminders. However, this current battle is turning into a real struggle and safety issue.

    Jessi (10) can have a lock on her bedroom and still get into her room. Ella (4) doesn't have a lock on her door and Im not sure at 4 she could really work one? She is SO good about knowing what is a choking hazard for the baby twins (11 mo) and keeps all that stuff in her room.

    Milo has learned recently how to open doors (crap!) and is ALWAYS going into Ella's room. It's a fun room. The annoying part is catching him, time out and then cleaning up the tornado he let loose in there. The SCARY part is he lets the babies in there too (they are both crawling and follow him around)! I can't block off the hole hallway. I can't put a lock on her door (or she'll never get in on her own). Unless.... do you know of a lock that would keep him out but would work for a 4 year old?

    ANY ideas would be welcome! He really is a PIA (love him to death of course) right now and I just don't see him learning to stay out on his own anytime soon. And Im so afraid of the babies choking on something (the silent killer).

  2. berebunch31

    berebunch31 Well-Known Member

    What about putting a baby gate on the door jam outside her door? Then she could step over it to get out but it would slow him down?
  3. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    Ive thought about that, but Ella is only 4. She can't climb over them yet...
  4. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    how about a door knob cover on her knob. She might be able to learn to operate it and he wouldn.t be able to. Or maybe a hook and eye where she could reach it but her couldn't? I think at this age he might just climb over the baby gate
  5. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    I can see if I can teach her how to use the knob covers.

    I thought about a hook lock! However, he's not much shorter then Ella and he has also learned the joy of using things to stand on to get what he wants. I did take away stools and such, but he just goes and gets the toy boxes!

    4 kids in 3 years, Ive gotten really good at problem solving things and staying one step ahead of them. But I just can't see the answer to this one....
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