moving with 14-15 mo olds

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by fuchsiagroan, Apr 15, 2008.

  1. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    If all goes well, we'll be moving from our 1-br condo to a 3-br house in a couple months. (About bloody time!!!) The babies will be about 15 mo old.

    What's it going to be like for them? Are they going to freak out at being in an unfamiliar space? They'll be too young to explain what's happening, right? Any tips on how to ease them into it and make it fun for them and not scary? (I'm a little worried, because Ivy is my Mini-Me, and I was very afraid of change as a child. As in crying for hours when my mom got new draperies in the living room when I was 5, and mourning the loss of an old set of bedsheets at age 8. :rolleyes: )

    TIA :)
  2. K*D*B

    K*D*B Well-Known Member

    We moved from a 2BD townhouse were DS1 had a huge master bedroom to a 4 BD house with smaller bedrooms. He was 16 months at the time. We had a 2-3 week period of having both places. So we would take him over to the new house often. We also made sure his room was ALL done before that first night and that he had all the same things in his room as he did at the old place (minus a few pieces of furniture that would not fit). Moving day was crazy and he was really tired so it really wasn't that big of a change. He was just so happy to finally get a backyard.
    Good luck with your move.
  3. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    We moved when the kids were about that age. We really didn't make a big deal out of it. We set up their room the same way it was at the previous house and they honestly didn't even care that they were in a new house. We moved their cribs right after nap time and made sure that they were set up at the new house in time for their bedtime. We have actually moved several times since the kids were born and we have always taken the same approach and it has always worked out just fine. Good luck and enjoy your new space!
  4. bkimberly

    bkimberly Well-Known Member

    Let's see, we moved when they were 2 months (down the road to a bigger house), 15 months (New York to Kansas), and 25 months old (Kansas to Georgia)! All moves had a totally different set up and they were fine with it. I made sure that their cribs were the last thing taken apart, and the first thing put together. They did well with every move and no period of adjustment!
  5. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    While I haven't moved with mine we travel quite frequently with them and often to FL for 2+ weeks at a time. They actually love going to new places and exploring so that was GREAT. For sleep we make it just like home.
    So I think since they will have the same cribs, etc they will be great with sleep and I bet they will have a blast exploring the new house!!!
  6. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    We moved around 15 months. They were a little confused on moving day. But, they had a blast running arond the empty house and making mischif by climbing in / on boxes, running around the moving truck, ect. They did fine! Good luck and congrats on your new house!
  7. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    We moved from MD to SC when the twins were not quite 13mos and Aaron had just turned two. Their cribs were the last thing to come apart that morning and the first thing put together when we got here. Also, I kept the sheets, blankets and loveys from the other house without washing them to put in the cribs. That way everything still smelled like they were used to. We had a box of their toys to open first as well. They all handled it fine. Good luck with your move!
  8. 8isgreat

    8isgreat Well-Known Member

    Being military, we have moved several times. I think the one constant is the parents!! Focus on that....they have their same stuff, just in a different place. We tend not to make a big deal out of moving. It is just a part of life. Also, the same with visiting family, my kids have always been good about falling asleep on the part of the floor that I tell them is theirs. No big production.
  9. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    We moved from the US to Europe when they were almost 13 months and we'll be moving from Europe to Hong Kong when they're a little over 20 months ... gosh, that sounds as bad as I think it is?!

    I always make sure that the baby rooms are done first, help is lined up to entertain the kids, and try to unpack the necessities first and the least important things last. Make sure you label everything accordingly. Their cribs, toys and other small stuff goes back in their rooms like before and honestly I think it went very very smooth. It was harder for me, and also my almost 4 yo with schools and friends because she really knows what's happening.

    I bought a book about moving, showed pics from their new house, city, etc. I just came back from a super fast trip to HK and bought a book, made pics and showed it to my oldest. But she seemed fine knowing we'll have a pool in our building and the beach in walking distance ;)!

    Try to keep things as normal as possible.
  10. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    I think I mentioned this a long time ago, but don't move the cats just before bedtime! We made that mistake, and then they freaked out and yowled all night long. Nadia slept through it, thankfully, but WE didn't. (She was 13 months.)

    Otherwise, like everyone mentioned, just try to have the cribs moved and reassembled so they can sleep in them right away -- and, plan ahead for blackout shades, white noise, whatever else you normally use to get them to sleep. I think if those things are familiar, then they'll be just fine.

    Will you put Ivy and Andrew in the same room? They don't sleep in the same room right now, right? If so, be prepared for some talking and playing instead of sleeping, LOL. Especially if you have one that takes awhile to fall asleep.....Karina is out within seconds, and Kevan sits in his crib and "calls" her until she gets annoyed. :rolleyes:

    Good luck! It will be SO nice to have more space!
  11. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Whew, what a relief! Thank you all for putting my mind at ease. Cribs are definitely going to be priority #1! I'm going to try to take them over to explore before the move too. It's going to be so much fun to see them explore a new place.
  12. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    I don't have any tips on moving, but congrats on your new space! Yeah!
  13. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    This isn't at all the same situation, but in case it sets your mind at ease at all... We went on vacation when the girls were 22 months. They had never slept away from home before. I was worried that they'd be totally freaked out, but they weren't at all! We brought the PNP for Amy to sleep in, and brought all their loveys, blankies, etc. We got that all set up before showing them "their room," and they were simply tickled to see all their stuff set up in this new place!
  14. *Lori*

    *Lori* Well-Known Member

    Didnt read other posts but my big tip is make sure the beds come first. We made that mistake and were not able to finish up in the time we thought an ended up with no cribs.
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