Moving to toddler bed questions?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by NatalieK, May 16, 2007.

  1. NatalieK

    NatalieK Well-Known Member

    We've decided to make the switch in two weeks. It works out when family is visiting so we will have help in case we are up all hours of the night. My main question is, what did you do if they were running around not sleeping? Their room is very small and does not have any toys or extra things in it, not even a bureau. They do have some shelves that are bolted to the wall. We will remove the bottom shelves so they cannot climb it. Theoretically they won't be able to hurt themselves, so I am thinking, can't I just shut the door and let them work it out. They already sleep with the door shut so that shoulden't be an issue. They cannot open doorknobs yet. So unless I hear a cry like someone is hurt, I am not planning on going in. They really don't scream for us, so I don't anticipate that at all. I just see them playing out of pure excitement. Can anyone tell me if this is a reasonable plan? Did they eventually just "get it" and go to bed normally without having to go in and remind them to sleep 100 times? Can you tell I am really freaking out about the switch? ;) We've been reading them "Elmo moves to a Bed" nightly. I wish we could get crib tents, but we bought the cribs with uneven sides without realizing they won't accept the tents. :angry:
  2. rosie19

    rosie19 Well-Known Member

    That's what we did. We moved N & G into a room with just the beds, a small rug and some soft books. We've since added some stuffed animals, but that's it. The first couple of nights, I don't think they realized that they could get out. Then during naptime one day, they discovered their freedom. They played for an hour and then eventually went to sleep. That's pretty much how it goes now (we've been in toddler beds for about 6 weeks)... at naptime they play an hour, sleep for two. At night, they play for 15-30 minutes and then sleep the night. We only go in if we hear a scream of pain. Sometimes Gabe will crawl in Natalie's bed with her and she wants him out, so she screams really loudly and then I go up and move him back to his own bed. A few times, Gabe has stolen Natalie's favorite stuffed animal and I've had to go referee the situation. Do you sense a trend here?? :) Gabe is usually the instigator. But he's also the one that decides when it's time to sleep. When he settles down, Natalie does too and then fall asleep.

    Good luck with the transition. I was very, very hesitant, but DH took the lead and it has worked out wonderfully.
  3. **Sandy**

    **Sandy** Well-Known Member

    We made the transition a few weeks ago and it has gone pretty well. At first, I would lay on the floor in their room until they went to sleep. This was not really a good plan because they would wake up when I tried to leave or keep playing. Then, we changed to reading a couple of books in bed. We do our normal bedtime routing (bath, books and milk, then brush teeth). Then they get in bed and I read a couple more books to them. I tell them goodnight and turn out the light and they go to sleep. Before reading the books in their room, they would get up several times. Sometimes they would cry, sometimes play, and sometimes open the door and come down the hall. We would tell them to go back to bed and close their eyes. It would usually only take one or two times before they would go to sleep. We do the same thing at nap time -- read a couple of books in bed then tell them to go to sleep. They play more at naptime than bedtime. If they are being quiet, we usually do not do anything and eventually they will go to sleep. If we hear much noise or giggling, we go to the door and tell them to lay down and close their eyes. They usually go to sleep pretty easily but have spent as much as an hour playing before nap.

    Good luck! I was so nervous about the change and worried that I was doing it too soon because my girls are not even 2 yet, but it has been great for us. My girls nap better, sleep later in the morning, and do not wake up crying. They love their new beds.
  4. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    You sound like you have a great plan. I would just make sure you start at night in a dark room. If they haven't been trying to escape their cribs at night, the transition shouldn't be hard. Naps are another story. Expect a few trying days with those and you may need to go in every so often and tell them it is time to go night night.
  5. mandylouwho

    mandylouwho Well-Known Member

    You do have a good plan!! When we moved in December, we did room for big boys, thus big boys beds...etc.

    It took about 2 weeks to get REALLY comfortable...I had to soothe mine a lot...since they would wake up confused...

    You just have to be patient...

    I also send mine to bed with some toys, that eases the stress. Good luck!
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