Moving to one please!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Lougood, Jul 25, 2007.

  1. Lougood

    Lougood Well-Known Member

    So the girls are ready to go to just one nap. In fact, today is our first day trying it out...wish us luck. They've showed me they were ready and I couldn't put it off any longer. My question is...what time's your nap? Today we woke up at 8, had bfast at 8:30 then played and tried small snack at 10 (they don't like snacks). Then lunch was at 12 and they went down at about 12:30. Does this seem about right? What do you guys do for snacks in the morning and after nap? Mine don't like to eat anyway but I'll def offer them stuff. Can I see some schedules?! I always feel lost when we have to make a transition. ;)
  2. AliPaige717

    AliPaige717 Well-Known Member

    Here is my schedule for when I first switched to one nap:

    8:00-8:30 Wake-up
    8:30-9:30 Breakfast
    9:30-12:00 We usually go out for errands and I give snacks (raisens, puffs, goldfish, cereal) then along with a sippy of water
    12:00-1:30 Lunch and in their cribs by 1:30 the latest
    4:30-5:00 They wake up
    5:00-6:30 Play till dinner is ready
    6:30-7:30 Dinner
    7:30-8:30 Play and/or get baths and get ready for bed
    8:30-9:00 Bed time which depends on what time they wake up.

    The schedule is mostly the same now but I make sure my DH wakes us all up in the morning no later than 8:30. we had a period that they would sleep till 9:30 if we weren't waking them and that would throw off the schedule a bit. They are also up till 2 in the afternoon now but I think I am going to bring naptime back to 1:30 because they are acting a little tired.

    Hope this helps.

    ETA: We didn't switch to one nap till they were about 18/19 months
  3. kt7776

    kt7776 Well-Known Member

    Here's what we do:

    7:30am (they wake up closer to 7am) Wake up
    8am Breakfast

    Go running errands/go to YMCA/Go play outside until lunchtime. Leaving the house in the morning helps us so much!

    12pm Lunchtime
    1-3:30pm (give or take) Naptime
    4pm (give or take) Small snack
    5:30pm Dinner
    6:15pm Bathtime
    7pm (might be earlier depending on nap length) Bedtime

    Sometimes they also get a small morning snack at the YMCA. Their afternoon snack is simply water and goldfish crackers while they sit in the floor and watch a little TV to "reacclimate" once they wake from their nap. We try to limit snacks to small amounts so they eat better meals.

    For what it's worth, my boys weren't really ready to go down to one nap until they were close to 18 months. Before then, we would try and try to do one nap, and they just weren't completely ready. It took awhile for them to get the idea of one long nap instead of two shorter ones..... so don't be suprised if they "regress" at some point and need that AM nap for a while again.
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We are in the process now too. Here is roughly our schedule, since I can let them sleep in the morning it varies on when they wake, although when my oldest DD's school starts again at the end of Aug. that will change. But for now it is:

    7:30-9am-wake and breakfast
    10 ish-snack (again depends on wake time)
    after nap-snack
    7:30-cup of milk and bed

    It's a work in progress right now. Although next week will change a bit with my DD's swimming lessons at 10am. But that is what we are doing right now. They do get a bit fussy from 10-11:15 so I really have to entertain them during that time.
  5. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Our typical schedule looks like this, although depending on the morning, nap time might be pushed out a little further if there is stuff going on... like errands or story time, etc..

    7:00 - 7:30 Wake up
    8:00 Breakfast, play time, story time, etc...
    11:30 Lunch
    12:00 -3:00 Nap time
    3:00 Snack, Playtime
    6:00 Dinner time
    8:00 Bed time
  6. swiertel

    swiertel Well-Known Member

    We are also just transitioning here too!

    6:30-7:00 wake
    7:30 Breakfast
    Play, play and play (maybe small snack)
    11:30 Lunch
    12:30-2:30 Nap (I know people say it will get longer as they get used to one nap)
    Snack (crackers, goldfish, yogurt, raisins, cheese...)
    5:30-6:00 Dinner, bath
    7:00-7:30 Bedtime

    Even at 19 months, many mornings I am still putting them in for an AM nap (I work part-time and have to leave by 12:00, so I like the break in the AM.) I figure if they refuse it, that's fine, but if they'll sleep, why not? When they have been napping in the AM (could be 9:30-11:00), they have been taking much longer to go down in the afternoon. I guess that's my sign that they're ready to switch to 1 nap. I'm just hate change in any way and this has been working for so long. On the days when it's more convenient for us to give them 1 nap, it seems like they need to make up for it the next day with a definate 2. It's such a juggling act!
  7. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    wow, i'm on a bit of a different schedule but it works for us. This schedule just finally fell into a consistant pattern for us about a week ago. So far so good.

    6am wake up (unfortunately <_< )

    7:30 bfast

    9:00 snack (not much usually they will eat half of my banana from my bfast)

    10/10:30-11:30/12:30 nap (the times still vary a bit of exactly when they go down and wake up)

    12/12:30 lunch

    4:30 bottle

    5:30/6 dinner

    6:30-7:00 bed
  8. MSB1203

    MSB1203 Well-Known Member

    Our schedule may vary from day to day a bit...lately anyways b/c we are cutting eye teeth...all four eye teeth.

    7-7:30- wake and eat bkfst almost as soon as they wake
    10-a small snack...maybe 2 graham crackers each and a cup of juice (my kids would drink all day long, especially Gracie)
    11:30- nap
    1:00- wake and lunch
    4:00- snack...pretzels or triscuits
    7:30 bedtime

    We do baths every other day and I do them at gets bathed in the kitchen sink while the other eats in the works :)
  9. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    This is our schedule, but it still allows for a 2nd nap if need be.

    7:30 or 8:00 wake up and snuggles in the big bed with mommy and daddy

    8:30 Breakfast

    9:00 Sesame Street

    9:30 or 9:45 Outside play on swings, slides and car cars.

    10:30 Story time, or computer time with mommy

    11:15 or 11:30 Down for our nap

    1:30 Wake up and lunch

    2:00 Outside time on the enclosed wrap around porch. Coloring on our picnic table, bubbles etc.

    3:00 Puzzle time

    3:30/4:00 Afternoon snack (bananas, raisins, gold fish crackers)

    4:30 music and singing time

    5:00 playing by ourselves while mommy makes dinner *If we are fussy, mommy might put us down for a short 2nd nap or we have quiet time in our rooms or cribs while she is busy.

    6:00 dinner

    7:00 Bath time

    8:00 Story time

    8:30 Time for night nights!

    HTH Bridget :)
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