Moving soon and need advice on bed situation

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by NicoleT, Feb 15, 2008.

  1. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    We are moving the first weekend in March to a new house and I need some advice. My kids are currently still in their cribs and being that they are 3, it is time to go to either toddler beds or twin size beds. My plan was to get the new beds and just put them in the new house once we move. However people keep telling me that the change is going to be hard enough on them and that I should wait to make the bed change? So my question is should I just put the cribs back up in the new house and give it a couple of weeks before changing to big beds or do you think I can go ahead and just put the new beds in from the get go?

    Thanks for your suggestions!
  2. AWerner

    AWerner Well-Known Member

    I would think that you could move them to the big beds when you move. I would talk to them about it and let them know ahead of time that that is what is going to happen. Maybe let them help pick out the new bed or bedding. They are old enough to have some grasp of this and kids are resilient, I bet they will be excited to have a big kid bed!
  3. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I agree with pp. I think they are old enough and can totally handle it. Just prep them for it and really get them involved.
  4. Laura in Alaska

    Laura in Alaska Well-Known Member

    I agree with PP. They're already going to be adjusting to a change, so why not do it now? Otherwise, as soon as they get adjusted to one change, you'd be introducing another. I'd think that would be harder. Go for the new beds in the new house and talk it up to them from now until the big move. "We're moving to the big kid house" "Bigger beds, bigger rooms (if applicable), bigger kids" etc etc. I think they'll get excited about it.
  5. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies. This was my thinking all along and we have been pumping up that they are getting their own rooms and new big kid beds, but some of my family started saying that this might be too much change at one time and I started to panick! :) But I think you are right-- we will just do it with the move. Thanks again!
  6. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    I think you are on the right track. I would switch to the beds too. But totally prime them. Heck, whatever Trish did, DO THAT! Her kids converted like little angels!!!!!!!!
  7. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    we just did this at the beginning of 08. girls were in cribs, and i didnt want to move the twin bed frames plus the cribs. so we moved the crib mattresses only and the twin frames. the crib mattresses were on the floor at first. Once we established that they wouldnt slide off onto the floor, we set up the twin frames with some emptied flattened boxes on it and put the crib mattresses up there along with the "safety railings". once the twin mattresses were delivered we started sleeping them on those beds. we didn't have any problems at all with them falling off, climbing out etc. we didnt have any extra "issues" surrounding their adjusting to the new place. I figured new bed, new pillow, new room, -- just get used to it all at once rather than spread it out over time.

    one thing that helped alot was that we had my parents watch the girls while we got our new place set up and unpacked. the big thing they are just now beginning to understand is that we aren't going back to that house.. and that we will eventually live in another house. i also played up "big girl beds" for the whole time we were interviewing, packing, moving etc. the girls were excited to have their new beds, new comforters, everything new.
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