Moshe doesn't 'get it'

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by TwinsItIs, Mar 6, 2008.

  1. TwinsItIs

    TwinsItIs Well-Known Member

    Hi, I'm glad to have this forum for my questions that will sure be coming.

    Moshe has begged me to use the potty since he was just over 2. But I felt that even though he likes the idea of using the potty, he doesn't 'get it' yet. So I held off. He's been asking me sometimes, and against my better judgement, because everyone urged me to train him, I tried. He was excited about it, but never even realized when he needed to use the potty. I know that with his diapers on, he's not aware when he poops, which I think is unusual for a child his age. He has sensory issues and I wonder if it's connected to that?

    I want to train him now, before the nice spring weathers hit us, but how do I get him to realize BEFORE he needs to use the potty?
  2. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    In the beginning you may have to take him every 45 mins and sat him on the potty and tell him to go... that way he can get use to it, and realizes that is where he needs to go potty. I did that with Jackie, because in the beginning he wasn't as good at it as Zack was. He would look up at me and tell me it was stuck! LOL
  3. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    He may just not be ready. Sofia is PTd, but Ryan is not. He just doesn't get it yet.
  4. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I do think sensory stuff plays into it...on of my DDs has sensory issues (is in OT) and does not 'get' PT at all- she does not notice if she is wet or dirty & she will wear underwear and go in the potty (if she sits long enough), but does not at all recognize if she has an accident, has to go, or needs clean clothes.

    OT suggested a lot of descriptive phrases (look you are wet, smell- are you poopy?? THat is a poopy smell. It mean you need to use/used the potty) and that she will train later than average- she may have a hard time.

    So we are taking it slow, my other DD is getting it slowly and recognizes all the 'signs' that she needsto go- she just has to get to the potty faster!!!

    PM if you have any ?s. I truly think the sensory issues may make it harder to PT.

  5. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Sensory issues definately play into it. Many of the kids I know with any type of issues trained very late--in fact among that group, Jon was the earliest at 3 years 9 months--one friend of mine is still working on being accident free, and her son is 5 this month. Not trying to scare you, just showing that there is a huge range among these kids. I found that trying to force it makes it worse. You can't make him feel an internal sensation of having to go. Underware may help him feel when he is wet or dirty, but it won't necessarly get him to understand the feeling of having to go. For me, going at timed intervals was a disaster, and just set us up for fights.
  6. TwinsItIs

    TwinsItIs Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your input. I went back to pampers the morning after our attempt. He cried and asked for his pamper. There is no reason to rush him before he is ready and I always believed that you can go by your child's cues when it comes to feeding, toilet and sleep habits. I have mothered him this way since he was born and wasn't going to change that now. Every child is ready at their own pace and I respect his need to still hold off.
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