Morning wake times

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by silver_stardust, Mar 3, 2010.

  1. silver_stardust

    silver_stardust Well-Known Member

    First of all I just have to say ... AAAHHHHHHHHH! I just don't get it!

    They used to sleep until 8 and then 7:30 and now as of late it's been 7am but this week both boys (not necessarily on the same day) have been getting up at like 6am ... today it's 5:30am :woah: What I have been doing is just leaving them up there until 7 and by then they've usually waken the other. I should clarify that today it was an on and off again wake at 530 ... couple whines here and there until 6 something and then fully awake.

    It just seems like it's getting earlier and earlier and I don't know why or what to do. Should I go in there at 6 am and try and rock the one back to sleep??? What if he falls asleep and then when I put him back in the crib he wakes up type of thing? Or am I doing the right thing by not going in there at all?? Is this an okay age to do that?? I have to get this figured out before DST or I'm really in trouble! :blink: Any thoughts?? Thanks!

    ETA: To add another question! and clarify a statement! Woo it's early in the morning!! :laughing:
  2. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    What time do they go to bed? You could try a later bedtime (start with 15 mins later and work up) and see what happens. Also, its fine to leave them for a little in the morning if they arent crying (this could mean they are hungry). If they are waking early and are playing happily, leave them to it. If they know you will go to them when they cry, they will do it even more - they are clever little things! :)

    Ours go to bed at 9pm and wake 12 hours later. Occasionally one will wake at 7.30am or 8.30am but they know that they wont be getting up then and they go back to sleep no problem. I will go to them at that time if they are crying as they´ve usually lost their paci or want a drink of water.

  3. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    :hug: ugh all of mine have done this and it drives me crazy!
    I wouldn't go in there, mine wake up at 7am and sometimes the little one wakes at 6 or 6:30 and we leave them till 8am.

    I would not put them to bed later, if anything I would put them to bed earlier. GL!
  4. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    On the (thankfully rare) occasions that my guys wake early, we usually don't go in unless someone is in distress. Sometimes they will wake and chatter, or give a few fitful cries, but go back to sleep.

    I'm wondering if anything is waking them. :pardon: I know that my guys wake at night when they get cold. Do you guys have a programmable thermostat? Maybe the heat kicking on is waking them up. I'm just throwing out ideas here. It may be that this is a developmental stage they need to get through, but it never hurts to look at external factors as well. :good:
  5. bmatlock

    bmatlock Well-Known Member

    it's so frustrating, but oh so comforting to know other people are having the same issues! mine have typically woken up at 7/7:30 but the last 2 weeks, logan has been up at 6...and that's AFTER being up for 2 or 3 hours in the middle of the night screaming until daddy rocks him to sleep. we've tried to keep them up a bit later, but it hasn't helped. and to add to the confusion, logan hasn't been sleeping at nap time either! the boy should be exhausted!

    so, no help from me, but i'm hoping it ends soon..for both of us! :D
  6. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    Just a thought...our DS was waking early for a few weeks after sleeping well for several months. All it took was moving to the next size diaper and he was back to sleeping better! He wasn't really leaking, but that diaper was REALLY heavy in the morning.

    And we LOVE the Huggies Overnight diapers!
  7. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    another idea is teething... are they ?

    I will say that about that age, ours were leaking diapers too...

    so many things it could be. hope it gets fixed soon.
  8. jenanne

    jenanne Well-Known Member

    The good news is it is probably a phase, but I know it's not a fun one! Mine have been waking between 6:45 and 7 since they were about 19 months old. Before that they woke between 6 and 6:30. They go to bed at 6:45ish, so they were getting 11-12 hours. Gradually they've just started waking later. I didn't go in and get them until 6:30 (I read somewhere that was a "reasonable" hour==maybe in HSHHC?). Are they still tired and cranky when they wake that early? That would be the best indicator about whether they need more sleep. It's counter-intuitive, but another thing I read in HSHHC was that an earlier bedtime can actually improve wake-up time, making it later...worth a try?? I personally think it's an okay age to leave them in there but if they're hysterical they probably need you. One thing we started doing around that age was putting a couple books or soft toys in their crib, so if they woke up early they would sometimes entertain themselves.
  9. silver_stardust

    silver_stardust Well-Known Member

    They are still waking up earlier than normal... Teething could definitely be a culprit. Izak is getting his top two canines and he's been doing it more than Aaden. I'll have to check into the overnight diapers ... maybe that's what's causing it. They do have really big diapers in the a.m. Crossing my fingers that I get to "sleep in" in the morning!!! :rotflmbo:
  10. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    If it's they are cutting teeth, I would try some Motrin before bed and see if that helps. I would also go to the Huggies Overnites if you havent already since that will only help your cause. I would also just leave them if they are just talking. Mine did early wake ups from the FY into the SY and we gradually were able to leave them until 6am. Then they just matured and started sleeping longer. I never kept them up later. I just kept with the same routine and they finally got it. But we do still go through the occasional phase of getting up earlier than normal.
  11. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    Ok, I'm jealous of many of you guys. :) Sleeping in in this house is 6:30, and that happens once a month. Eli wakes between 5 and 6 and we leave him there until after 6--crying or not. Mark is usually awakened by Eli's cries by the time we go in. We even have a fan on for white noise to tune out the crying.
  12. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Another you have room darkening shades or blinds in their bedroom??

    Mine were progressively getting up earlier and earlier about 2 weeks ago. Finally one morning when they woke up almost 2 hrs early (yelling the whole time), I got up, tape tin foil over their entire window and then taped poster board over top of that. The next morning they slept in until their normal time again! :lol: The sun coming up earlier was waking them earlier and earlier every day!
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