Morning snack

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 4boysandme, Jun 21, 2007.

  1. 4boysandme

    4boysandme Well-Known Member

    I have read a lot of you talking about morning snack recently and I was wondering when you started giving this to your kiddos? My boys wake up between 6:30 and 7AM and then take a nap between 9 and 9:30, or whenever they get fussy. They usually go right to sleep so I am thinking that it is a tired fuss and not a hungry fuss but am wondering if I should try the snack and see if that tides them over for a little bit longer. Their morning nap is usually only about an hour ( our and a half max)anymore also. I guess I am just hesitant because the play room and the kitchen are upstairs and downstairs, respectively and I am not crazy about taking them back downstairs for a morning snack right after (or what seems like right after :)) I get them upstairs.

    Should I try the morning snack or just keep going with what we are doing until they stay up a little bit later?

  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't give mine a morning snack because they still take a morning nap at this point. But when they go down to one nap, by the end of the summer, I will give them a morning snack.
  3. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I was doing a morning snack, but I stopped it because they never ate lunch well.

    We were doing:
    7am wakeup
    7:30am breakfast
    9:00am nap
    11:00am snack
    1:00pm lunch

    Now we are doing:
    7am wakeup
    7:30am breakfast
    9:30am nap, this seems to be going away (getting ready for 1 nap a day)
    11:30am lunch

    So far the no morning snack is working great. After lunch they go down to the park/beach and play and swim, then come back home, get cleaned up, and take a nice afternoon nap. Only loophole in that is one of them is not gaining any weight, so I'll see if the pedi wants to add back in a snack...all that really does is cause her to eat less lunch, so I'll challenge the pedi on it anyways.
  4. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    We've never really instituted a morning snack, but sometimes I bring something along if we're out and they seem hungry. In your case, it might make sense, given the morning nap, so long as it doesn't affect their lunch. Our girls were down to one nap at 11 months... <_<
  5. steph-andy

    steph-andy Well-Known Member

    We started snacks as we dropped bottles. I do the am snack after the nap if it is at least an hour and a half until lunch, or if we are going to go out for an errand before lunch.
  6. blessedwith3

    blessedwith3 Well-Known Member

    I started snacks around 15months. They were so cranky around 10am and come to find out they were just hungry
  7. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    I don't do a morning snack either. This is our schedule (more or less)

    6am wake up/8oz bottle

    7:30-8:00 bfast

    9:30ish-11-11:30 nap

    11:30-12 lunch

    2:30 snack

    4:30 dinner

    7:15 8oz bottle

    Currently, we are toying with the idea of switching their dinner and evening bottle times around. We did it yesterday and it went ok. We gave them an 8oz bottle at 4:30 and dinner at 6. We did give them another 4oz of milk right before bedtime but I eventually want to break the bedtime bottle routine and switch it out for just cuddle time and a story.

    Don't worry so much about what everyone else is doing. You just have to go by your kids cues. If you have a big gap between bfast and lunch (say like 4-5hours) then I would give them a little snack in between if they seem like they can't make it until lunch without it. If they seem fine without it then there's no need for it.
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