morning sickness more with girls or boys

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by AWerner, Jan 25, 2007.

  1. AWerner

    AWerner Well-Known Member

    Just curious to see if boys tend to cause more morning sickness or girls,I am bored on bedrest and was wondering what others experiences were like.
    I had bad morning sickness with my singleton girl pregnancy, and worse with this B/G twin pregnancy. My sister barely had any m/s with her boy, but is having alot of m/s this time.

  2. AWerner

    AWerner Well-Known Member

    Just curious to see if boys tend to cause more morning sickness or girls,I am bored on bedrest and was wondering what others experiences were like.
    I had bad morning sickness with my singleton girl pregnancy, and worse with this B/G twin pregnancy. My sister barely had any m/s with her boy, but is having alot of m/s this time.

  3. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    I was super sick with my ds, and threw up all nine months of my pregnancy. I thought for sure it couldn't get any worse this time around...but lo and behold I was even sicker. Then I found out I was having twins, and that explained a little bit of it. I am 25 weeks and still throw up everyday. I think that's just my luck though, and nothing to do with boys or girls.

  4. ~*CHELS*~

    ~*CHELS*~ Well-Known Member

    I think I was sick maybe 3 times with my DD. With these girls the first 3 months I couln't keep anything down at all. I have no experience with boys. My sister just had a boy and she was never sick at all. My other sister had a girl in may and she was also never sick ( MUST BE NICE!!!) Thats why they all thought I was "milking it" when I became prego with the twins and was sick all the time. I think it really just depends on the person. everyone is different
  5. I had 6-8 weeks of sickness with DD then double that for the twin girls. I even had an episode of food poisoning at 18 weeks that caused rebound ms for 3 weeks. Girls are trouble [​IMG] [​IMG]
  6. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    I threw up all the time with ds but with all the girls I just had severe the end Id rather throw up and feel better than be nauseas all day long [​IMG]
  7. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    "I threw up all the time with ds but with all the girls I just had severe the end Id rather throw up and feel better than be nauseas all day long..."

    I feel the same way. better to just get the puking overwith!

  8. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I had two girls and never got sick, just I wonder if I ever have a boy if I would get sick??

  9. witmuch

    witmuch Well-Known Member

    i have not been sick with either of my 2 boys but i was plenty sick with my daughter. now that i am having twins i don't know what they are yet but i haven't been sick at all with pregnancy (14weeks). my mom and my grandmother were the same way. so i guess it runs in my family like that i don't know.
    good question!
    lots of love!
  10. AimeeS

    AimeeS Well-Known Member

    Well, these are my first so I have nothing to compare it to - but we're having 2 girls and was sick for 15 straight weeks. Not sure why it's called morning sickness - it was all day (some relief when I slept). People kept saying oh, you forget how sick you were. Well, I'll never forget. Good luck on your last 38 days!!! Do you have names picked out yet?
  11. kimber074

    kimber074 Well-Known Member

    haven't been pregnant with girls so I don't have anything to compare to but with my DS I had some nausea but was really only sick a handful of times. with the twins (boys) i again had some nausea but only actually got sick 3 times. I have always heard girls are worse.
  12. Aurie

    Aurie Well-Known Member

    I wasn't sick at all with my boys. I had some smell sensitivity, but nothing else. With my daughter, I had bad nausea, but I do not throw up unless something is seriously wrong with me [​IMG]

    I have had nothing with this pregnancy except horrible hunger. I am thinking probably boys for me.
  13. pam2baby

    pam2baby Well-Known Member

    Well I was super sick for my entire twin pregnancy, starting @ 6 weeks ( had ID girls) and just as sick with my little boy, also starting @ 6 weeks ( thought it was either twins or a girl again) and by sick I mean throwing up every day at least 2x, even though I was on a med called Dicletin. ( I felt slightly better between 5-7 months) and then back to puking.
    I thought with a singleton things would have been different...NOT
    Ole well look what I have to show for it, and I'd do it all over again.
    I was told by my Doctor that it's just how your body handles pregnancy hormone. I didn't do good when I had to take 2 birth control pills at the same time either...p
  14. Evanly

    Evanly Well-Known Member

    I had morning, noon, and night sickness until around 18 weeks. I could keep food down until about 2pm - then everything I ate after that came right up.... but the boys are my first - so don't know if it was boys, twins or just being pregnant [​IMG]
  15. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I was SO sick with all 3 of my boys - but had NO morning sickness with my twin girls!!!
  16. Zabeta

    Zabeta Well-Known Member

    I had been told girls were worse, so assumed the twins must BOTH be girls when the 'morning' sickness knocked me flat -- walking from the bed to the couch was more motion than I could handle most days. So DH and I ended up stunned to find out they were both boys (what I get for listening to old wives tales!).

    So far, except for the degree, my pattern is following my mom's patterns (two singleton girls) pretty closely, but I think even that is coincidence.
  17. anglinstork

    anglinstork Well-Known Member

    I was MUCH sicker with my boys than I ever was with my girls - including these twins which are girls!!

    I mean it was so bad that I was stopping on the side of the toll road on the way to work to puke when I was pg with my boys!!! Both times!
  18. momoften

    momoften Well-Known Member

    I have seven girls. I was more sick with my girls by far. With the three boys I had more nausea than anything else. With the twins it was constant vomiting morning, noon, and night (even in the middle of the night.) I know there was a study done about this issue and most women do have more morning sickness with girls. They never said why though.

    Hope your bed rest goes by quickly.

  19. stbmo4

    stbmo4 Well-Known Member

    I had much more ms with my dd. With son, never sick as long as I ate as soon as I started feeling hungry.

    I am 14 weeks tomorrow with my twin preg and I haven't really been sick at all, just super hungry! So I'm betting on boys! Let you know in a few weeks!

  20. momoften

    momoften Well-Known Member

    My sister lives in Europe, (Italy), and morning sickness is rare over there. She had a friend who was very sick with it and she called me for advice. This woman had a girl as well. I found this interesting and so unfair! LOL

  21. AWerner

    AWerner Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by anglinstork:
    I mean it was so bad that I was stopping on the side of the toll road on the way to work to puke when I was pg with my boys!!! Both times!

    This made me laugh and curious you are in NWI, were you throwing up on the Skyway?
    My husband is from Hobart, but we live in Lafayette [​IMG]

  22. txtwinmom2b

    txtwinmom2b Well-Known Member

    I was pg with twin boys and didn't have very much m/s at all. I was more hungry than anything!
  23. boogerkw

    boogerkw Well-Known Member

    My doctor told me I was carrying twin girl's about 4 months before I found out because I was so sick. She told me that the hormones from them and myself were too much for my body to handle so it was making me very sick. Sort of like OD'ing on drugs. I thought it was pretty weird but she was right and I did have twin girl's.
  24. mom23sweetgirlies

    mom23sweetgirlies Well-Known Member

    With my first pregnancy (a girl) I had horrible morning sickness for the first 3 months. With the twins I hardly had any, I felt queasy a little bit but never threw up. I mostly had headaches.
  25. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I didn't get morning sickness at all when I was pregnant with the twins, who are girls. Since I didn't get sick with twins I thought I was home free for this singleton pregnancy. [​IMG] No such luck though because this one boy gave me all day sickness for a few weeks.
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