Morning (and end of nap) routine/logistics

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Kathaleen, Sep 21, 2009.

  1. Kathaleen

    Kathaleen Member

    Am hoping some of you can share your routines for getting the twins up in the morning (and also when they wake from naps at the same time)....

    This may sound simple, but we just moved the kiddos (7 1/2 months old) into their own room and by switching things around I'm finding myself starting from scratch when before I had a nice routine down! Before last weekend, both cribs and the changing table were crammed in our room. Each morning, I would diaper & dress DD & DS one at a time while the other got to play in our bed with DH (sometimes DH would do the dressing, but usually me...). This worked really well BUT it was time for them to move into their own room so now whoever goes into their room (this will usually be me) is "on their own" to keep 2 babes happy while they take turns getting dressed.

    Do you just put the first one back into their crib after dressing them in order to dress the second?? For some reason that seems mean and also confusing, but my mother (LOL) assures me I'll get over that feeling quickly and will be using the cribs more and more as safe places for them to be while I'm busy.

    Meanwhile, DH showers and then takes one of the twins (or both at once!) downstairs so I can shower before he leaves for work. Usually DD & DS play in bouncy seats while I get myself ready, and DH helps get things going.....everyone's breakfasts, bottles, etc. Yes, he's very helpful!

    As a potential option, today I brought an infant rocker into their room so one could be safe and playing while waiting for the next move, and for me to finish dressing the other twin.....may try this tomorrow...can't hurt to try! Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
  2. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    Our boys don't seem confused by going back into their cribs after getting dressed; by that point they're out of their sleep sacks and I'll often give the waiting baby a toy to play with so it's clear I'm not trying to get him to go back to sleep. ;) (That and I've turned on the lights, opened the shades, etc.) If they do fuss when you set them back in their cribs, then I think a rocker or bouncy seat is a good idea ... or you could put the waiting baby on the floor to play if their room is baby-proofed.
  3. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    When my girls started becoming more mobile we stopped using the changing table in their's not safe anymore. We have a mat on the floor in the living room where we all play the most (they will soon have a playroom and the mat will be there) and do all the changing/feeding there. When they wake from naps I take them out to the living room.
  4. ohjojo

    ohjojo Well-Known Member

    i always just put the one that is not being dressed/changed down on the floor and let them hang out and play. when they were younger and not crawling i would keep a blanket on the floor with toys and dress and change them both down there together. i never had much luck putting them back in their cribs after they had gotten up, they always got MAD!! it sounds like it may be time for you to babyproof their room so they can have free range, but the rocker/bouncy will work well for a while too.

    ps-you are so lucky to have such a helpful DH!!
  5. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I never used a changing table, I just changed them on the floor. So one got done then the other and whoever wasn't being manhandled got to play there on the floor. :pardon:
  6. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    We still use our changing table. The other baby sits on the floor and plays with toys. I am hesitant to put them in their cribs because I want them to associate their cribs with sleeping.
  7. ccbarr77

    ccbarr77 Member

    We also baby proofed the house and let one play in the play yard while the other is being changed. But they are such movers now it is harder to keep them still long enough to change them. We may be moving to the floor for everything soon.

    PS - You are lucky they like the crib. The girls do not like to be placed in the crib unless it is time for bed.
  8. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I always sat on the floor & changed them. So I changed one while the other just hung out on the floor beside me, then I changed the other.
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