Morgan smells like maple syrup

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by i4get, May 29, 2008.

  1. i4get

    i4get Well-Known Member

    I've noticed a couple of nights that Morgan smells like maple syrup. Of course I just googled it and there's tons of info about Maple Syrup Urine Disease (which is very bad news if that's what it is). I don't think it's his urine that smells like syrup but it's definitely in that area and I usually smell it when he's in his PJs. I don't usually notice it during the day. Has anyone else smelled something like this? He has no delays at all and no one in my family or XH's has this disease. My state doesn't test for this one specifically when they are born.

    Of course I just took them to the doctor today so I'll have to wait and ask next time we go. So of course now I'm worried. Any thoughts? Anyone?

  2. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Ummm, when urine or drool sits too long on clothes (or blankets, etc.) it will start to get that funky maple syrup smell. Ben's jammies and blankie get this. One year, we just couldn't get rid of the smell from his jammies, thanks to too many leaky diapers.

    You could try washing all his things in the washing machine, and add a cup of vinegar to the wash in addition to the detergent. That can help.
  3. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    My kids get a funky maple syrup smell when they wear disposables for too long. (Especially if they ate something sugary the day before) The symptoms of maple syrup urine disease are extremely severe. If he had it you would know by now.
  4. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!! :shok: Holy moly I am so printing this thread out and showing my hubby. That's been our joke for the longest time "um Benny smells like the syrup again." I can't believe anyone else has this happening too!!!!

    Both of my babies from time to time smell like "the syrup" and I'm really, really doubtful they both have maple syrup urine disease. We've always just figured it was from the diapers (Huggies) we were using. What kind do you use?
  5. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Believe me, if he had MSUD, you'd totally know, not to be crass, but your child would be dead by now.

    It is an extremely rare but severe metabolic disease that only *one* of the signs is pee that smells like maple syrup. When I worked for a pediatric metabolic/endocrinologist doctor, we had one person in the entire time I worked there *think* that their newborn had MSUD. And it was simply a reaction to the diapers he wore or to the formula he drank at the time.
  6. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I think it's the diapers, we have it too.
  7. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    We use Huggies Overnights. I think their pee smells weird in the morning, too.

    Definitely part of the reason that we only wear jammies for one night these days. I think they still stink after airing out all day long.

    Oh, we don't do juice either in case that's helpful.
  8. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Another vote for it probably being the diapers.
  9. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Are you breastfeeding? If you are and you take fenugreek, that might cause it! I know I smelled like maple syrup when I was on it! Don't remember the kids smelling that way, but it could happen!

    :hug99: Just keep an eye on Morgan and see if anything changes in behavior, amt. of sleeping and eating etc. Note changes and then call the doc if you notice anything!!
  10. i4get

    i4get Well-Known Member

    So last night, I go back in their room and take Morgan's pants off and smell him again. (He slept through the whole thing.) His actual diaper doesn't smell like it. Thanks for suggesting it might be his PJs! They are washed/clean PJs. I may try the vinegar thing too. I'm going to see if it happens again tonight. I know I've smelled it before but don't know if it's these particular PJs or what. Diabetes was the other thing I thought about. My brother has Type I (juvenile) but that's not genetic. Stumped. Thanks for responding. I couldn't sleep last night. Tossed and turned ALL night long.

    I'm glad to know others have noticed this at some point or another too. I didn't think it was MSUD but just reading about it made me sick to my stomach. Morgan is a VERY active toddler and eats EVERYTHING. He's developing normally and all of that. I would never have thought he had something serious but when you google "urine smells like maple syrup", you get the MSUD link.

    I'll let you know if I smell it again. Thank you so much!!!

    Edited to add: We use the Especially For You diapers from BRU.

  11. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    Googling medical things ALWAYS comes back with scary finds :eek:

    BTW, with mine, if you smell the diaper it doesn't smell like it. It's coming out of their pores or something. I'm glad we've been able to ease your mind, but I have to admit I emailed DH one of the links for MSUD at work and he emailed immediately back that we need to mention it to their ped the next time we go. We never knew it was anything to think about!
  12. Ilovemybabies

    Ilovemybabies Well-Known Member

    I have been through the same exact thing you are going through. Like yourself, I googled it as well and then became so scared that something serious was wrong. I informed my son's doctor who ran some urine tests and the results were normal. Hope this helps ease your mind somewhat.
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