More Worry, Fifths Disease

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by violetcaille, Mar 21, 2007.

  1. violetcaille

    violetcaille Active Member

    Like I didnt have enough to worry about? My friends little boy has Fifths disease and we have been around him several times in the last few weeks. I am so scared. I know its only a small percentage but babies in utero can actually die from it. Ahhhh! I am losing my mind with worry. I will call the doctor in the morning and see what he says. But jeez, why on earth. Like having twins isnt stressful enough!!

    Anyone have any encouraging news regarding fifths disease to help this worry wart feel a bit better?
  2. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I was exposed to it at work around 13 problems!! Dr. said to call if I ran a high fever!!! I was SOOOO worried, and all was well for us!

    Hope they are reassuring for you tomorrow!

  3. Aprilisdisney

    Aprilisdisney Well-Known Member

    There have been quite a few kiddos at school with Fifths disease this year. My doctor had me come in for a blood test to see if I had been exposed to it before. My test came back showing that I was immune to it as I HAD been exposed previously. She did encourage me to still keep my distance from these children, just as a precaution though. HTH

    April [​IMG]
  4. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was exposed to it during both pregnancies. They did a blood test for it at the doctor's office and I was immune. It is scary, though. Call your doctor and see what they say.
  5. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I was also exposed to it during pregnancy - my dr. told me that most people have 5ths as children and that I had more than likely already been exposed. all 3 of my boys came down with it while I was preg w/ the girls and I never got sick so I guess he was right and my twins are fine. it is scary and I hate that you are having to deal with it right now [​IMG]

  6. To help set your mind at ease ( I am a teacher ) most people that went to public school have been exposed and therefore are immune to fifth's disease. It is also known as slapped cheek because one of the symptoms are bright red cheeks like windburn. If you think you have never had it the dr can run a bloodtest, but most likely you wont have a problem...
    Hope this sets your mind at ease with so many things you already have to worry about! [​IMG]
  7. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    I was working at a preschool while pregnate and was told at my ob's office that if anyone thought it was in the school that i should run out the door [​IMG]
  8. Twin-kle Twin-kle little stars

    Twin-kle Twin-kle little stars Well-Known Member

    Thanks for posting this!

    My daughter woke up this morning with a red cheek, and I thought it was just from her hand being on her cheek while she slept. But by this afternoon it hadn't gone away. I took her to preschool to see if anything had been going around there, like mumps, and I was told about slap cheek. I just thought nothing of it until I looked up fifths disease and discovered all the info I was searching for. If you come into contact with this, you should contact your ob right away. It effects babies more in the first half of pregnancy, but none the less it can cause anemia. I just called a cousin who is a nurse, and she called l&d...and they said I would most likely be okay, but to call my ob tomorrow just to see if he would like to take blood etc...

    Thanks for sharing this information, I am sure it will help many others that may experience the same problem.

  9. violetcaille

    violetcaille Active Member

    Thanks so much all these positive replies really helped calm me down!

    Originally posted by KCMichigan:
    I was exposed to it at work around 13 problems!! Dr. said to call if I ran a high fever!!! I was SOOOO worried, and all was well for us!

    Hope they are reassuring for you tomorrow!

  10. violetcaille

    violetcaille Active Member

    I went and got tested yesterday, hopefully I am immune too! Thank you for the support!

    Originally posted by Aprilisdisney:
    There have been quite a few kiddos at school with Fifths disease this year. My doctor had me come in for a blood test to see if I had been exposed to it before. My test came back showing that I was immune to it as I HAD been exposed previously. She did encourage me to still keep my distance from these children, just as a precaution though. HTH

    April [​IMG]
  11. violetcaille

    violetcaille Active Member

    I went and got tested yesterday, hopefully I am immune too, that would be nice!! Thanks for the support!

    Originally posted by moski:
    I was exposed to it during both pregnancies. They did a blood test for it at the doctor's office and I was immune. It is scary, though. Call your doctor and see what they say.
  12. violetcaille

    violetcaille Active Member

    Heather, your post made me feel the best! I know everything will be ok now. Thanks so much!
    Originally posted by Heathermomof5:
    I was also exposed to it during pregnancy - my dr. told me that most people have 5ths as children and that I had more than likely already been exposed. all 3 of my boys came down with it while I was preg w/ the girls and I never got sick so I guess he was right and my twins are fine. it is scary and I hate that you are having to deal with it right now [​IMG]

  13. violetcaille

    violetcaille Active Member

    Thanks so much, I am feeling alot better now. I went and got tested yesterday and hopefully I am immune!

    Originally posted by three_precious_girls:
    To help set your mind at ease ( I am a teacher ) most people that went to public school have been exposed and therefore are immune to fifth's disease. It is also known as slapped cheek because one of the symptoms are bright red cheeks like windburn. If you think you have never had it the dr can run a bloodtest, but most likely you wont have a problem...
    Hope this sets your mind at ease with so many things you already have to worry about! [​IMG]
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