More questions on prevacid and cereal in bottle!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Danibell, May 22, 2009.

  1. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Don't hate me! :D

    I never had all these options with my ds so it's like I'm a whole new "reflux mommy" here!

    Okay we have the prevacid solutabs. I tried putting the tab in her mouth yesterday and had to hold it in her cheek to try to get it to dissolve, the whole time she's screaming cause she doesn't like my finger in her mouth! Don't think that's going to work.

    So today I put it in a syringe, sucked up a little water and swished it around. Squirted it slowly into her cheek while she's busy smiling at me :)wub:), but there was a chunk left in the syringe and even after sucking up water 2 more times and giving it to her, I couldn't get the chunk out and had to dig it out with a pipe cleaner, where upon it proceeded to melt in my fingers <_<

    How did you give the solutabs to your LO's?

    And we're going to try the rice cereal in her bottles. I'm using playtex drop in liners and bought the Y cut nipples today. Do I use 1 tbsp of rice cereal per *one* oz or *two* oz of formula? I have read lots of conflicting info, anywhere from 1tsp per oz or two, to 1 tbsp per oz or two. That's a big difference in cereal?

    Also did you start off gradually with a small amt or jump right in?

    Final question, did you put the cereal in the bottles and refridgerate them? I usually mix all their bottles for the day so I'm not trying to shake them up every 3 hrs, but I don't know how well the cereal will do, whether it'll clump up or not.

    Thanks so much I appreciate the answers!!! :bubble: (<--- love that guy!!)
  2. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    I don't know about the Prevacid, we use Ranitidine liquid.

    I used cereal in dd bottle. I was told to mix it the same as formula, one tbsp for every two ounces. I ended up just doing it to consistency because she wouldn't drink it so thick. I would start with the recommendation and go from there. I don't think I would add the cereal until you are going to give it her. GL.

  3. hsuter

    hsuter Well-Known Member

    How did you give the solutabs to your LO's? We use a syringe, put the tab in, draw up some water and shake. I think the key is to not put the syringe down until you give it...otherwise it all gets stuck in the tip. hold the syringe tip up and shake it, then squirt a little in...reshake, squirt the rest in.

    And we're going to try the rice cereal in her bottles. I'm using playtex drop in liners and bought the Y cut nipples today. Do I use 1 tbsp of rice cereal per *one* oz or *two* oz of formula? I have read lots of conflicting info, anywhere from 1tsp per oz or two, to 1 tbsp per oz or two. That's a big difference in cereal? Personally I started out smaller...we started with 1 teaspoon per oz (1tbsp is quite a bit!); with 1tsp per oz you shouldnt need the Y cut...just the next level nipple maybe-I would start small, you can always work your way up!

    Also did you start off gradually with a small amt or jump right in? started small...its easier to find what works if you start small

    Final question, did you put the cereal in the bottles and refridgerate them? I usually mix all their bottles for the day so I'm not trying to shake them up every 3 hrs, but I don't know how well the cereal will do, whether it'll clump up or not. we did refridgerate them for a time....worked fine for us, just give it a shake before heating it up and after heating it up too...we never had many clumps (but if you are adding a lot of rice remember that it will be milkshake like consistancy and you may have some clumps then).

    Hope this helps!!
  4. hsuter

    hsuter Well-Known Member

    Also forgot to mention-watch out for constipation....rice really constipated my dd and we switched to oatmeal for a while.
  5. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    We did 1tbsp for every 2oz. I made the formula ahead of time in a big jug and then added the cereal when I poured the formula into the bottle. I think you could just as easily prep the bottles and add cereal when it's time to feed. With the 1tbsp we did use Y cut and although they didn't drink as many ozs as w/out the cereal, none was coming back up. It's like the cereal added the extra weight that was needed to keep it down. Neither boy was diagnosed with reflux, they just spit up a lot all of a sudden at 4 months. I agree that you should start with less cereal than we did, maybe 2 tsp to every oz and then increase from there.

    I hope it works out well!
  6. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Solutabs: I think you had the right idea at first, by sticking it in the side of her cheek. I would do that and squirt some water in to help it dissolve.

    Cereal: We did 2.5tsp per oz, and jumped right in. It makes it thick, but it really helps with keeping that formula where it's supposed to be! I wouldn't refrigerate with cereal, it will turn into sludge. If you are concerned about the shaking/bubbles, put a couple of drops of Mylicon in the bottles after shaking to help get rid of the bubbles.

  7. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Thanks ladies!!

    So we did use the Y cut nipple and Rylee couldn't get anything out!! :( We tried "rigging" it by cutting the opening a bit, but managed to cut it too big and nearly drowned her! :lol: It really wasn't funny at 1 am (and again at 8 am this morning), but thinking back her expression really was kinda comical! Poor babe!

    But I also put more cereal in! So I'm going to try again with less cereal and see how it does! Thanks!!
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