More diarrhea issues....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by jdandson, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. jdandson

    jdandson Well-Known Member

    So i have posted several times about both boys have severe diarrhea and i am now at my wits end. It is going on something like 18 days now, not one textured/solid BM, and the pedi ordered stool tests(18 viles) which can't be contaminated w/urine or rash cream. And did i mention they scream and shake when i attempt to change them, i am fed up w/my pedi, i know diarrhea is just something that happens, but for pete's sake this is insane!!!! :angry:
    I am calling again tomorrow and demanded something be done, and i don't b*tch at all so this is out of sorts for me, but to see my babies go through this for so long is really ticking me off.... i know how an adult would feel in this case after a day or 2!! The only thing she keeps asking is if they are drinking, which they are but the poops haven't subsided at all!!!
    I am sorry i just need to vent alittle, and the main thing that keeps running in my mind is, I am my kids voice, if i don't speak up for them who will.
  2. Tracy623

    Tracy623 Well-Known Member

    Sounds like Roto Virus. Does it really smell foul? Emma and Alex had that when they were 9 months and sfter 2 days of vomiting it was literally 14 days of explosive foul smelling dirahhea.
    I was told to cut out dairy and do the BRAT (bananas, rice, apples and toast) till they had solid stool. Use Pedialite for drinking.
    Oh, for diaper changes I just used baby soap and warm water. Gross but no sreaming that way. Also, we mixed a combo of 1 tube regular Desetin, 1 tube Bacitracin and 1 oz. Mallox and used as a diaper cream. It worked wonders on their butts. Just don't get it on you carpet or clothes.

    I hope that your guys get well soon. I'll keep you all in my prayers.

  3. jdandson

    jdandson Well-Known Member

    It smells very sour, we switched to Lactaid and diluted Gatorade, as per the Pedi.
    I am going to research Roto virus, no vomitting just the Bowel issues. This is horrible, thank you for the help. I just want to see the light at the end of the tunnell!!
  4. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    My girls had some bad diarrhea for about two weeks. In the end we chalked it up to teething, shortly after it stopped they both cute two of their eye teeth. Maybe thats the issue? Good luck I hope the diarrhea stops soon.
  5. jdandson

    jdandson Well-Known Member

    Oddly enough they are teething, both got a set of molars last week. It is just horrible to rash this has created, i am going to the store now to buy the ingrediants to make some cream like PP suggested, thanks for that :D
    I also spoke to a family friend who is a DO, he said we are doing everything right, so that makes me feel alittle better.
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I would even cut the lactaid for a day or two if you can. Really push bananas, applesauce (NOT JUICE!) and crackers/bread. Cheese is also binding. I can't believe that they have to have SO MANY vials for kids so young! GRRRRR!!!! They are just going to end up giving an antibiotic. Seems like they could almost diagnose with antibiotics! I would be PEEVED too!!!
  7. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    carrots are binding too.

    Samantha had diarrhea for almost a month. it was awful. a virus that wouldn't let go. she started w/ a diaper rash and then yeast. so dr prescribed cream. it helped alot. and we swear by the purple Desitin (40% active ingredient).
  8. Melis

    Melis Well-Known Member

    Oh poor babies! My Payton just got over a virus where she had diarhea for a week. she too had a horrible rash. She screamed at ever diaper change. Also my girls seems to have some sort of allergic reaction to desitin. I just put a thick layer of AD and Vaselice. But once the diarhea stopped she developed a yeast infection on the skin. I got a RX for Nystatin. Also when Payton and Taylor had Roto Virus they had it for like 10 days. And it was a smell that I will never forget! Gross!
  9. Jennib9

    Jennib9 Well-Known Member

    oh, I can't imagine, my 15 month old girls had it for about 8 days and it was just the pits, you feel so bad for them. we had to do the stool sample too. my dr. also suggested it might be their molars but it eventually went away. in addition to the Nystatin cream and balmex which helped, we also gave them baking soda baths and aveeno has a great oatmeal bath which is soothing as well. poor things,,,,I hope you get to the bottom of it soon!!
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