More Circumcision Questions

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by cat mommy, Dec 2, 2010.

  1. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    So I tried to google this, but kept coming up with photos, which I didn't want to see ;)

    DS has some foreskin left after his circ. Is that normal, and how much foreskin is typically left? Why would they leave it instead of just taking it all off? How do you clean under it? And how often? How exactly do you pull it back?
  2. Chrijodo

    Chrijodo Well-Known Member

    You don't really need to do anything special for it. If it's a particularly nasty diaper you can clean around the tip as much possible but never force the skin back as you can cause the skin to rip away from the shaft and it's very painful and not necessary. Some doctors take all the foreskin but some will leave some, it all depends on the doctor. As far as cleaning.. soap and water should be just fine or wipes when cleaning during diaper changes.

    My sons are both uncirced but I imagine that the information would be the same for a loose circ as well.
  3. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    My son got circumsised at 2 weeks old before we left nicu.2 weeks after that, we only squeezed water on his penis and applied lot lot of vaseline when changed diapers. Now, I always still apply vaseline and pull his foreskin down wash his penis very well 2x/day (in the morning and at night).if its not well cleaned out, the skin will attached back to his penis.

    If I don't give him bath, I just wash his bottom with soap, then pull back his skin with my fingers then wash the inside with soap as well then raise it off with water very well. If I give him bath, I do the same under the water. Does it make sense? You have to clean it out. Our pedi says its a must.
    Oh about foreskin, I don't know why its still there haha. But the first time when the nurse checked out his penis, she said its good that he still had skin left.' I forgot to ask why lol.
  4. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    We have the same thing with DS#1. He looked circumcised at first, but as he grew, the skin is now down over the tip again. Our pedi said he has a pocket of fat on his lower stomach - as he grows and slims down, it may go away and the skin may pull back (if you push down on that area you can see what she is talking about - the skin pulls back if you push there on his lower stomach). She did say to gently pull the skin back and clean that area daily - it is not the same as being uncircumsized. I don't think the doctor messed up or anything - DS#2 is fine. I think it just has to do with the way DS#1 grew. The pedi said it is nothing to worry about - if we want to, we can have him "re-circumsized" now if we want (after 6 months she said), but we decided not to put him (and us!) through that, especially since it may correct itself later on.
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