more children?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lv2bmommy, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. lv2bmommy

    lv2bmommy Well-Known Member

    Hi! It's been FOREVER since I have posted - life has been soooo busy around here lately! I was just curious if any of you moms with twins plus 1 more have/are considering having more children? Rachel will be 4 in August and Samue and Grace are 2 now. My husband and I are seriously considering having a 4th, but I worry that it will just be an overload for us. I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to have another, but I am a worry wart. Any advice from others who have been there, done that?? Did you worry about having #4 and #5 again? That would really blow my mind, even though having twins and Rachel hasn't been bad at all. I've actually become a better mom because of them I think. Thanks for any input.
  2. nanhancan

    nanhancan Well-Known Member

    I struggle with the same issue. My twin pregnancy was difficult & I worry about being on strict bedrest with 3 kids! It was bad enough with one! My oldest just turned 4 & the babies 2....we'll just have to see.
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have twins plus one, but we are done and are happy with that decision. :) Good luck with whatever you decide, it's not an easy decision that for sure. :hug99:
  4. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I would LOVE to have another child... but alas, I have no where for this child to sleep... maybe a shoe box for a little while. ;) Seriously, though, life is short and so are the birthing years. I say do it if you want to. :)
  5. xianfern

    xianfern Active Member

    I have 4 kids, my twins were the last of them, and they were a surprise! Having 4 is fun.. it's crazy and chaotic and we are definitely done. But I say go for it! That would be insane if you had another set of twins! At least you know you can handle having 2 at once!
  6. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I hope to have another one! A second set of twins is a concern (my mom had 2 sets!). I just think that I'll never regret having more, but I might regret not having more - kwim?
  7. 2monkeez

    2monkeez Well-Known Member

    Hi, I have twins + 1, the boys are 4 and Grace is 22 months...we are having # 4 in July! She was a surprise and I thought I was done after Grace...but I always wanted a big family, it was just space and money that were preventing me...but now I have come to this conclusion: What else do you leave behind in this world but your children...I mean aren't they really what it is all about??

    I say, if you want more, take the plunge!!
  8. leticiasnow

    leticiasnow Well-Known Member

    We have three. DS is four and twins are two. We knew right when we had the twins we were done. I am stretched thin. I am sure some can handle more, but ds has a bowel disease and that was already stressful when the twins were born.
  9. JensBoys

    JensBoys Well-Known Member

    I would like to have another one in maybe 4 or 5 years - when these 3 are nice and independant LOL
  10. lv2bmommy

    lv2bmommy Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for all of the responses!! I feel like a few of you mentioned.....I think that I will look back and regret not having a 4th, but I KNOW that I will never look upon the eyes of my child and wish that I didn't have her/him. I feel God has so richly blessed me and that if it is His will for me to have another than I will. I supposed I just worry about spreading myself too thin, trying to give each child the attention that they need and being able to spend quality time with all of them. I am a little worried about the money involved with more children, but not as much because I just feel that God will provide what we need as far as that goes. Thanks again for all of the advice. We are truly leaning towards having the 4th. I'll keep you all posted! :)
  11. Soon2Bmotherof3

    Soon2Bmotherof3 Well-Known Member

    I have a 2.5 year old and 8 month old twins and am pretty certain we will have one more. Not too worried about getting another set of twins because mine are ID and chances are low. I knew I wasn't done two days after the twins were born - I just thought, I will be doing this one more time. There are concerns about money and my house is tight already, but I just feel like someone is missing from our household so we'll find a way to manage. So unless something major happens I would imagine we will have another one in a couple of years. Thankfully my husband is on board so I don't have to worry about convincing him.
  12. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    GO FOR IT!! Its a blast! Besides, you will have tow little helpers for the baby, not just one! ;)
  13. Cma

    Cma Well-Known Member

    We are done.....My older DD is 5.5 and twins 1.5yo and had I not have my kidney stones issues (which might mean PTL in next pg) I would have liked one more. But even though my two have no issues now...I feel the NICU experience has scarred me. I feel so blessed but know all the things that could have gone wrong. I feel like if we try for another baby I'd be tempting fate :( .
  14. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    As soon as Rebecca was born I was already thinking about the next one. LOL. It's not that my L&D was easy (FAAAAAR from it) but looking at the beautiful little creation I just couldn't imagine being done. We don't have a big house, but one more would work. Even another set of twins would work, as along as it wasn't b/b twins. Two sets of twins in one room may be a little much.
  15. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    I have an 8 yr old and twin boys who are 3. Whilte it gets easier and harder in different ways, we are DONE. I am stretched thin too as one poster mentioned just taking care of the 3 (and usually 2-3 more as they have friends visit!). While I would LOVE to see what another of our babie would look like and be like, I love the individual people all our kids are becoming, my delivery was rough and my OB suggested no more :p

    But like others have said, I would NEVER regret having another one but WOULD regret NOT having one, feeling someone is missing.

    Good luck with your decision!!!!!

    **But if we had and OOPS after the boys are in school, it would be shocking but wonderful *
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