Monthly Shots for RSV?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by ChanceKathleen, Sep 3, 2008.

  1. ChanceKathleen

    ChanceKathleen Well-Known Member

    I took the girls to the doctor today. She said she wants to give them monthly shots for RSV. I can't remember what she called it, something with an S! :unsure: Doc. said they need it b/c they are at a higher risk being that they are preemie. Anyone else's doctor talked about this?

    We don't take the girls anywhere really, and i'm at SAHM...what do you think? I'd rather be safe than sorry but would like another opinion
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We had the Synagis shots for the boys for RSV. If they qualify, I would definitely get them!!
  3. alankford

    alankford Well-Known Member

    I think that the RSV shots for preemies is a MUST!!! My ds got RSV and without the shots my pedi said we may have lost them. I would really put faith in your pedi on this one. You will be going places for the holidays (thanksgiving, christmas & new years) thats when people are sick. An adult with a common cold can give a preemie RSV.

    My twins were born in April 07 at 26 weeks. We got RSV shots all last winter and will get them again this year.
  4. ferfischer

    ferfischer Well-Known Member

    If you can get them I would.

    Mine were not preemie, and they got RSV anyway, regardless of the fact that we hadn't left the house in many months, except for the grocery store, maybe (not the twins, just me). We all got it. It sucked. They were 8 weeks old. I swear, we never went anywhere and didn't have a ton of people around, but someone did, and we all got it.

    They had to be hospitalized for 4 days and , on oxygen for a month after that.
  5. Astrid

    Astrid Well-Known Member

    We will be getting them this year since we qualify. I wouldn't have it any other way b/c RSV can kill a preemie very easily & very quickly. It doesn't matter if you don't go out b/c someone can bring it in to your home. I'd rather be safe than sorry!
  6. cat419

    cat419 Well-Known Member

    As the others said, if you can get it for them, do it!

    We didn't qualify last winter for insurance coverage (and surely won't this year either!) but the pedi felt so strongly they needed it, that the office donated doses for them. We're on the donation list again this year, too - our little guy just has too many issues that keep us in and out of doctors offices and hospitals, and not enough physical reserve to fight off a major infection like RSV.

    RSV is just not a risk I'm willing to take - I can only isolate the boys so much, and so many adults forget that what's just the sniffles for them can be really bad for a baby!
  7. ChanceKathleen

    ChanceKathleen Well-Known Member

    Thank you everyone! DH was worried about giving them shots they don't need. They will definitely be getting the shots. We went through enough to begin with.
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