Moms who are pregnant after twins...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Lbarsamian, Oct 3, 2011.

  1. Lbarsamian

    Lbarsamian Member

    Okay, I have a question for those who decided to have more kids after their twins. How old were your twins when you became pregnant? Anyone actually pregnant with twins a second time? I currently have almost 22 month old twins and the thought of more kids has entered my mind (although some days I think that is just craziness). People keep joking that I'll have twins again. Just interested to hear other peoples' experience with life with infants after having toddler twins.
  2. carrie-

    carrie- Well-Known Member

    My girls were 8 months old when I got pregnant again... and yes, with twins again. biggest shock of our lives.

    They are 16 months apart and my house is complete chaos and there are some days I'm not sure when it will get better but believe me, deep down I love love love every minute of it. These 4 girls are everything to me and I can't imagine life without all of them.

    Having said that, everyone is accounted for now! We won't be risking a third set of twins!!!
  3. carrie-

    carrie- Well-Known Member

    PS - there is a sub-forum on here under the 'pregnant with twins' forum for 'pregnant after twins' -- it doesn't look like a very active forum but people always replied quickly whenever I visited. That might be a good place for this question too.
  4. weegus

    weegus Well-Known Member

    I became pregnant (surprise) when my twins were 10 months. I was worried about having twins again so close but we had a singleton. Our boys are identical so that does not increase the risk of having multiple multiples. They are 17 month apart and it was a tough transition, but definitely doable!!! (Cheers to you, Carrie!!!!)

    "Pregnant After Twins" is a very active group but is currently under going renovation.
  5. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    We did IVF for the twins so when the twins were 2 years old, I was shocked when I got a positive on a pregnancy test. It was twins again but I lost one early. So, the twins were 3 months shy of 4 years old when my youngest was born. It was an age range that worked for us. I cannot imagine having them any closer, but everyone is different.

    :welcome: to Twinstuff!
  6. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    We had spontaneous ID girls the first time and became happily pregnant with my single DS when the girls were 2yr old. The timing was great for us, the girls love their baby brother!
  7. DblStuffOreo

    DblStuffOreo Well-Known Member

    I also get this! Truth is, it puts my fears in words. My twins (1.5 years) are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I wouldn't change a thing, and we will be trying for a little man in the future... but there is a certain fear factor in this plan. What if God really does have a sense of humor and he thinks we need 2 more??? What will we drive??? Where will we live??? Who will pay my hair dye bill from all of the grey hairs I will sprout if we have 4 under 4???

    I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
  8. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have spontaneous di/di identical boys. When we found out I was pregnant, on a Monday, within 24 hours I was getting an u/s for a 'head count'. :lol: What I tried to keep in mind is that I had no greater chance than anybody else & God knew I wanted to experience 'just one'... so everything would be fine.

    I still have the the problems of getting a bigger vehicle (I will dearly miss our little Toyota car :( ) but it'll be just 3 under 3.
  9. mjwebb05

    mjwebb05 Well-Known Member

    My boys were 8 mos old when we got pregnant (surprise!) and now we are expecting their little sister in a few weeks (November). They will be about 17 mos apart - three under 2 for a while!! :youcandoit:
  10. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    My twins ( IVF) were 3 when I got pregnant (FET) again we transferred 2 embryos. That was the longest wait to find out if both took!! At 5 weeks 5 days was the first ultrasound and let me tell you I was more nervous sitting in that waiting room than I had ever been! I really only wanted one!! then when the scan was done and it WAS just one a part of me was disappointed LOL!!! Easton is 4 years younger than his sisters ( aka his little mommy hens)
  11. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    Two singletons here following twins. My twins are ID so that doesn't increase the chance of twinning. My sister does have a set of frats but these are the only sets of twins in the family that we know of so we think they are just a fluke, too. So, I always ask for a headcount...and secretly now I kind of hope to do the whole twin thing again. There is so much I would do differently now that I know better.
  12. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    We actually started trying when the twins were 14 months old. I did clomid with the twins so I knew there was a risk of twins again and I was ok with that. We started trying when they were that young bc I'm not super young and have had fertility issues si we weren't sure how long it would take. 6 months of clomid and an iui later, they are 27 months old and baby sister is due in 16 days :)
  13. twinmom2dana

    twinmom2dana Well-Known Member

    I have fraternal twins and meet a lot of the other factors for multiples more than once (Over 35, Black, twins in family, fraternals...) I became pregnant twice after the boys, two more sets, one lost set, one lost twin of the second set. We twin... It's safe to say we're done as my doctor basically said "If you get pregnant again, it will be twins" I know there's no guarantee, but the odds are pretty stacked, lol.
  14. SeattleLisa

    SeattleLisa Well-Known Member

    I have two sets. my older twins were about 34 months when the little girls were born, so I guess about 25 months when we got pregnant. We did IVF both times, so we knew what we were getting in to the second time. We were loving life so much with two that we really wanted at least one more, and we knew that two was a possibility. My first two were super easy babies, we were quite spoiled.

    i have to be honest, the first year with the second two was really hard. The first two were great nursers, exclusively breastfed (I had tons of milk), great sleepers (STTN at 4 months), and just very mellow easy babies. The second two, not so much - we had dairy sensitivity, lactose intolerance, reflux, nursing strike at 3 months, not enough milk, I finally gave up pumping at 8 months. They didn't start sleeping through the night until 9 months, and then both were hospitalized, one in PICU, with RSV at 10 months. and all the time feeling guilty that my first two weren't getting enough attention. And in hindsight I think I probably had some PPD. It was a REALLY hard year. I had many moments where I wondered what the heck we had gotten ourselves in to. but we survived, and it is so much easier now. and they are all sooooo much fun - now we are reminded of why we wanted to do this a second time. people say that the first year with twins is hard and I never really believed them because our first year with our first two was so easy. But the first year with 2 + 2 was hard. I guess my advice would be to go into it with realistic expectations that the first year will be rough, I did not have realistic expectations about that first year.
  15. Lbarsamian

    Lbarsamian Member

    Wow!!! Well, I don't even know what to say. I feel like I'm not done yet, but part of me feels super lucky to have my boy/girl twins and they are healthy and adorable. OUrs were spontaneous, but the first 18 months (maybe even more) have really been tough. First with the sleep deprivation (dd had a hard time sleeping through the night due to reflux), tough time with nursing (one latched well, other didnt, didn't have much milk, etc.), and these two are super active (son began walking at 9 months, daughter 10 months) and by the end of the day, I'm completely drained. I know that things will get better as they start communicating better and they start listening more and before I know it, they will be in school (they will be 2 in January). I guess I just sometimes wonder if I have twins again, 1) could I physically take another twin pregnancy particularly running after these two all day, 2) could I take the mental challenge of 4 toddlers (yikes!). Some days, I feel that I can do it because I've been through it and probably would do a few things differently to make the day to day life run more smoothly (like get more help right away instead of doing it all myself). I am 34, so I definitely don't want to wait too long to try again. Such a big decision!
  16. babyhopes09

    babyhopes09 Well-Known Member

    I wanted to chime in too! Our girls were 8 months when we found out we were pg again. Our little man was born this past august. Our kids are 16 months apart and I love it, but it has been a crazy couple of months! Routine makes things easier and I always remind myself that things will get easier as they all get older.. we always wanted 4 or 5 kids, but some days I think 3 is just fine! The really hard part I think is having this many pregnancies so close together (lost the first 2 pg's). My body is just totally out of sync right now and it occurs to me that I have been pregnant for more than 2/3 of the last 3 years!
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