moms of two year olds

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Lilpark, Jan 25, 2008.

  1. Lilpark

    Lilpark Well-Known Member

    The pediatrician always says that my kids will be completely caught up by the age of two. Do you feel like yours were?
  2. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Hi Maggie, I don't remember how EARLY yours were. But mine were 36 weeks and she said if they are behind, they will be caught up by two. Well, they weren't big on the charts, but developmentally seemingly on par with the rest of the two year old world. So, yeah...I do! We weren't ever really behind per se.....

    (wow, I just re-read and that's not all that helpful! I guess I am the one that needs catching up!!! ) :laughing:
  3. raptwins

    raptwins Well-Known Member

    No way! Ours are closing in on 3 and Jake is pretty much caught up now but Joe is still behind. I think it's different for every kid. Joe is legally blind so I know that is his big obstacle in getting caught up. Our dr always told us that 2 was the "generic" age but he always saw kids catching up fully by 3 so that by preschool you'd never know they were preemies. I have to agree with him on that one :)
  4. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    Mine were almost 32 weekers and No- we were not caught up by 2- but a lot closer than we were at 12 or 18 months!!!

    At 28 months ,one DD is totally on track as of last month with everything except oral motor skills ( she did not chew until she was 20 or so months and had weak mouth/tongue tone and still has trouble frequently).At 2 she was still lagging in gross motor & oral motor skills- but has since taken off. She had PT from 19 months to 26 months. OT from 24 month to currently

    My other DD is still slightly behind on gross motor and has some sensory issues. BUT she also, has made great strides since 24 months- and even greater ones since 18 months. She also had PT from 19-26 months and is in OT for sensory issues....which peaked at 19-26 months and have been steadily improving. She has been gross motor delayed since they started to evaluate her ( 8 months or so )...she always gets things a few months later than even adjusted age...but she gets them!

    BUT both of them are ahead in speech ( 6-12 months ahead of actual age) and one DD is WAY ahead in fine motor. They have been consistantly ahead since 9 month in cognitive areas as well.

    So to make a long story short- I think many preemies catch up to some skills and/or acquire them before preschool. Though, as like everyone, they will have strengths and weaknesses! My girls blend into the 2 yr old play groups beautifully - where at 9,12, & 18 months they seemed younger than thier age.



    BTW: Both my girls have mild CP (lower legs for both and oral/trunk/lower leg for the other) & are light weights for thier age, but tall.
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Depends on what you mean? Height/weight, developmental, speech?

    Mine will be 2 next month. Developmentally they are both caught up. Height and weight, yes Trevor is (meaning he's on the charts) Height, Emilie is, but weight she is not, but that is no big deal.

    Even speech wise they are caught up, at least they don't qualify for anything and wouldn't. They are saying 2-3 word sentences at time and repeating everything.

    So in the grand scheme of things, yes, I feel like mine are caught up!
  6. MichelleVDH

    MichelleVDH Well-Known Member

    Yes, mine have caught up. They were 34 weekers.
    They are both off the charts heavy-wise with weight (they already were at 6 months) and in the middle for height. We did have to do Early Intervention for my son as he was behind at the age of one, but now he has caught up and he is at his appropriate age levels. My daughter is actually closer to a three-year level for development. She has never had a delay.
  7. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think mine are pretty much caught up. Well mitchell is not on the charts for weight but I don't know if you count that. Kenna has never been behind, even being 28 weekers, she has never been behind in anything. She is very tiny but I think thats just genetic. Mitchell has struggled from day 1 and has had to continue to try to play catch up. I am just starting him now in feeding & speech therapy. The drs have said he is fine, maybe a little behind in speech but bc he has a very bossy and controlling twin sister who does most of the talking for him that could be the reason. My mommy instinct is telling me he has a little something going on so I am going to get it checked out. Motor skills they have always been completely caught up.
  8. jakeandpeytonsmommy

    jakeandpeytonsmommy Well-Known Member

    Yes, I was worried about my 30 weekers speech, and I think by 2 it just shot out of the roof! They talk a mile a minute, clearly and are developmentally doing well. In fact, they were just disqualified from EI :)
  9. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    developmentally both were caught up by 2 physically Jessy is still behind in size.
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